EXALTED ORB Price Shenanigans [Expedition].170:1 Terrible patch = terrible economy. *shrugs*

I don't think you can put all the blame on exalts.

Collecting and selling alts now are like committing fraud:

The issue is the league mechanic dumping too many chaos orbs. Even the builds that can't handle the mechanic on maps are just farming them from A9 Quarry.
feral_nature wrote:

Current League just throws Chaos at the Ground.

I usually get 3-4 per map - had one give me 16 in total last night...
167:1 pls do something about bots GGG...

SPYDER680 wrote:
Current League just throws Chaos at the Ground.

I usually get 3-4 per map - had one give me 16 in total last night...

Ultimatum is rich on chaos orbs.

But true reason is, as always, bots. They figured out how to bypass something GGG implemented before Heist.
Last edited by SunL4D2 on Apr 27, 2021, 6:59:29 AM
so u don't think it might be just the fact that ppl printed Exalts in Heist?
In Ritual Exalts weren't worth as much, bcz everyone was crafting stuff with Harvest anyway, so there was no sink for Ex on the market.

Now we're back to pre-Heist economy with Exalts being heavily used for metacrafting, add to the fact that Chaos drop like candy > boom u have an inflated Chaos Orb again.

Imo GGG didn't change a thing and Bots didn't get less or more over the last leagues... it's just the economy that shifted.
Last edited by Sadaukar on Apr 27, 2021, 9:21:34 AM
What happen? Did i miss something in week end ? (Start to losing the feeling of time due to lockdown) 167:1 instead of 100:1?
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It's almost like supply & demand is a thing.
RandallPOE wrote:
It's almost like supply & demand is a thing.

And it will only get worse.

As more and more average players abandon the league, all you will have left is the sweatiest of sweats who have zero need for Chaos.

I think it will easily get to 200 or more sooner rather than later.
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
Guess i made a mistake not doing chao recipe to buy 1ex first......
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