EXALTED ORB Price Shenanigans [Expedition].170:1 Terrible patch = terrible economy. *shrugs*

yes this league so dead lmao its over guys
GGG pls start ban bots! pls!
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dead geam.

cannot exalt slam...
Man what is this league, im actually upset. Good thing i stoped for 2 days now and i think i dont come back. Sadface
best decision to play ssf this league :D

btw. remember Metamorph was 170:1
Next patch notes: "Chaos Orb rewards were reduced in ultimatums".
6_din_49 wrote:
Next patch notes: "Chaos Orb rewards were reduced in ultimatums".

A big contributor to the price is that the only way to craft half decent items is with bench meta crafts.

This league is asscheecks btw.
game + economy = ded
GGG just need to have the balls to create vendor recipe 1ex=120c
Forum pvp
why would they? what exactly is good or bad in a high chaos:exalt ratio from a design perspective?

As long as it fits in the trade window, its perfectly fine.

For example, does anyone care that chaos:alt ratio isnt 1:20 anymore?
Last edited by Sadaukar on Apr 25, 2021, 7:50:46 PM

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