EXALTED ORB Price Shenanigans [Expedition].170:1 Terrible patch = terrible economy. *shrugs*

SunL4D2 wrote:
We are back!


It is continuation of my long running thread that was "frozen" due to me not taking good care of it - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1815047/page/1


Ritual Exalt:Chaos ratio was awesome. 100:1 throught whole League. Was so convinient.
Heist update. At least in the begining of the League we enjoyed healthiest ex:chaos ration in years. Was absolute roller coaster from 20:1 to 70:1 throught the League.



But back on topic - Delirium is nearing it's end and Exalted orb ratio should resemble ratio from Standard more and more (which is about 198:1), but it just doesn't. Instead it's all time low for that point in recent Leagues.

Did GGG swooped bots with another ban wave? That would be pretty odd timing.

What is even going on?

Exalt was steadily going down since May 8. We actually experienced healthiest exalt:chaos ratio we ever seen in recent memory. Can't say I didn't enjoyed it. Hopefully Exalts will stay at that mark for upcoming Leagues too.

P.S. Good luck in Harvest!

Exalt:Chaos ratio follows supply and demand.
We can't control the price.
its getting harder to exalt slam...
110+ c now. Bots are back? Please, GGG...
They gutted Harvest, so exalts went back up. If you didn't see this coming, you weren't paying attention.
Is mostly about supply and demand, GGG gutted rewards of all mechanics overall. So prices are going to be higher than other leagues sadly. (and there is also bots, but that is not new)
135:1 Economy is ruined already....

How to stop this.

Convert your Chaos into much stable form.
An Alterations, Jeweller or Fusings will do.

This is a law of supply demand.
If people will still buy exalt for 135c, then there is a demand for exalt which means that someone is willing to pay for it.
Or the chaos is so vast that it loose its value as a stable currency.
I won't be surprised if exalts arnt 400:1 this league because the way you have to harvest craft now for anything decent.

e.g. locking two or three good infuenced prefix or suffix's and reforge X many times until you get mods you want. It will cost on avg 20 ex to make a explody/% life and double crits crusader elder chest for example.

That is if you don't brick it on the way there by filling in all three suffix's with junk so you can no longer lock prefix's..then you gotta reroll suffix's (a tier 4 harvest craft) until you get only two and start again.

Anyway prepare...end game will still be harvest for the 5% and they will use a lot of ex.

Git R Dun!
Last edited by Aim_Deep on Apr 22, 2021, 5:12:33 AM
Ecion9022 wrote:
How to stop this.

Convert your Chaos into much stable form.
An Alterations, Jeweller or Fusings will do.

This is a law of supply demand.
If people will still buy exalt for 135c, then there is a demand for exalt which means that someone is willing to pay for it.
Or the chaos is so vast that it loose its value as a stable currency.

Fusings are to unstable. They will go down in value very soon.
Alts on the other hand.. oh these bad boys will continue to get more expensive.
As easy as it is to get currency and you guys are crying?

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