EXALTED ORB Price Shenanigans [Expedition].170:1 Terrible patch = terrible economy. *shrugs*

We Venezuela now boys! Pog
Moridin79 wrote:
We Venezuela now boys! Pog

yup exalts are worthless. literally no reason to have them.

only reason to have had them is because ppl sold "high" items in exalts. why? because there was this common idea that exalts were worth it.
welp, that illusion has just been exposed. exalts aren't worth, and haven't been for awhile now. probably since the multimod nerf.

unless they add some sink for exalts i'd be surprised if they ever went above 100c again (even in future leagues)
atm it will stop at 25:1
PoE nowadays looks more and more like a fork server with tons of custom weird experimental stuff rather than original game with carefully thought out balance brough live to players.
xMustard wrote:
Moridin79 wrote:
We Venezuela now boys! Pog

yup exalts are worthless. literally no reason to have them.

only reason to have had them is because ppl sold "high" items in exalts. why? because there was this common idea that exalts were worth it.
welp, that illusion has just been exposed. exalts aren't worth, and haven't been for awhile now. probably since the multimod nerf.

unless they add some sink for exalts i'd be surprised if they ever went above 100c again (even in future leagues)

I don't know about that. Heist may not even be implemented right away ala Synthesis and Harvest. Even if it does go core immediately the amount of currency being shit out will obviously be gutted.

Future patch notes:

"Smugglers caches have a 10% chance to appear in maps."

"Contracts can no longer drop from monsters."

The question becomes will some other currency take the exalt's place for the sake of trades greater than 600c? If so when and which?

teknik1200 wrote:
The question becomes will some other currency take the exalt's place for the sake of trades greater than 600c? If so when and which?

Chaos. But I'm curious if the Delirium mod from Zana was removed if chaos would be as valuable as it is now.

Problem: exalt prices low, people inflated chaos prices. An item someone was selling for 2 ex wich was like 160 chaos at the begining is now for 350c :(
"There's no thing like random one-shots in this game. You only die because you take 353,456,237 hits in 0.2 seconds."

"The best items in the game should not be crafted, they should be TRADED." - Cent, GGG
frostzor27 wrote:
teknik1200 wrote:
The question becomes will some other currency take the exalt's place for the sake of trades greater than 600c? If so when and which?

Chaos. But I'm curious if the Delirium mod from Zana was removed if chaos would be as valuable as it is now.

Problem: exalt prices low, people inflated chaos prices. An item someone was selling for 2 ex wich was like 160 chaos at the begining is now for 350c :(

Zana should charge alts instead of chaos.

Alts for msps
Alts for mods
Last edited by DarkJen on Oct 22, 2020, 3:49:02 PM
DarkJen wrote:

Zana should charge alts instead of chaos.

Alts for msps
Alts for mods

I'm not against Zana charging chaos, I'm just against Delirium or Legion as mods. Legion/Blight are not that bad, but Delirium break the game since it was released, and it's still breaking the game, being the most profitable thing in the game for be it exp or loot or currency *inserts CuteDog HH video*

I think only Heist blueprint dupe can surpass Delirium farm, but I doubt it will we this way next leagues.

IMHO GGG is trying to guess what to do with currency in the future of PoE. Harvest you had little need for currency, just to buy some expensive uniques because rarity of items is tied to rarity of exalts. Heist you have tons of currency, but the value of them is very low and this was never exposed as before.

They are trying to find a way to addres something that wonders me since I started playing: how to value things? Why a Shavrs cost 1 ex? Is it because the rarity of getting one is the same? Don't think so. Usefulness? Maybe. But how's so things more usefull are 10c? What makes an item valuable and how to measure its value?

BTW before you throw that only the ones who can afford the dupe are benefiting: I am a casual and I already dropped 10 ex from Heists this league. No other league content gave me as much as this. A 6L Shavrs for 6 ex is just 180C, so things are accessible indeed.
"There's no thing like random one-shots in this game. You only die because you take 353,456,237 hits in 0.2 seconds."

"The best items in the game should not be crafted, they should be TRADED." - Cent, GGG
frostzor27 wrote:
DarkJen wrote:

Zana should charge alts instead of chaos.

Alts for msps
Alts for mods

I'm not against Zana charging chaos, I'm just against Delirium or Legion as mods. Legion/Blight are not that bad, but Delirium break the game since it was released, and it's still breaking the game, being the most profitable thing in the game for be it exp or loot or currency *inserts CuteDog HH video*

I think only Heist blueprint dupe can surpass Delirium farm, but I doubt it will we this way next leagues.

IMHO GGG is trying to guess what to do with currency in the future of PoE. Harvest you had little need for currency, just to buy some expensive uniques because rarity of items is tied to rarity of exalts. Heist you have tons of currency, but the value of them is very low and this was never exposed as before.

They are trying to find a way to addres something that wonders me since I started playing: how to value things? Why a Shavrs cost 1 ex? Is it because the rarity of getting one is the same? Don't think so. Usefulness? Maybe. But how's so things more usefull are 10c? What makes an item valuable and how to measure its value?

BTW before you throw that only the ones who can afford the dupe are benefiting: I am a casual and I already dropped 10 ex from Heists this league. No other league content gave me as much as this. A 6L Shavrs for 6 ex is just 180C, so things are accessible indeed.
Since we are swimming in currency, I think it's a good time to start crafting stuff.

For example, at this moment, can't find a single pair of gloves with T1 life, T1 chaos resist, a T1/T2 ele res and an open suffix.
Last edited by 6_din_49 on Oct 22, 2020, 5:04:51 PM
6_din_49 wrote:
Since we are swimming in currency, I think it's a good time to start crafting stuff.

For example, at this moment, can't find a single pair of gloves with T1 life, T1 chaos resist, a T1/T2 ele res and an open suffix.

Current craft is not craft, it's gambling. I had my fair share of gambles this league.
"There's no thing like random one-shots in this game. You only die because you take 353,456,237 hits in 0.2 seconds."

"The best items in the game should not be crafted, they should be TRADED." - Cent, GGG

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