Time Capsule from PoE Closed Beta -- a classic PoE vs D3 thread circa 2012
" Hi and thanks for contributing. Please allow me to address your points. Firstly, by today's standards, most games were horribly made. Some real classics. This stands for any medium, too. I wasn't really referring to the games as by today's standards, but the standards of their day. And both Diablo 1 and Diablo 2 were considered, in their day, top tier games. I'm not sure if I need to argue that point any further. As for 'spamming one skill', that's how you played it, maybe. Not how I played it. Don't blame a game for your decision not to be experimental or creative. Which critics, please? " Hang on, are we even talking about Path of Exile here? I hear there are plenty of boards on which the shortcomings of Diablo 2 are likely more appropriate as a conversation point. I think the key point here is you're talking from a PvP perspective. That wasn't how a lot of people approached Diablo 1 or Diablo 2. I do appreciate your angle, however -- it seems a lot of people on this thread agree with mine, so it's refreshing to encounter someone who sees D1/D2 as less of an 'epic adventure' and more of a 'pvp' set-up. It's alien to me, really, and thus quite fascinating. " Uhm, we'll overlook the hyperbole of 'it's all just +10% damage' because I don't even need to argue that; it's flat-out wrong. Unfortunately, you seem to develop your argument from there, so...uhm...yeah. No. " Just because there's no real innovation in monster design doesn't mean it can't be challenging. Maybe it's not challenging for you, in which case (and I'm fairly sure you will be doing this anyway) I suggest you play something else. I actually thought the fact that crabs had essentially two forms was quite innovative, especially when you combine that with some of the meaner boss attributes. 'Allies cannot die' is not something I've seen any boss in any other game possess as a bonus, while we're talking 'innovation'. You seem to be using a lot of 'absolute' language here. 'The worst' and 'there is no' -- really? Did you REALLY think about this post before hitting 'submit'? As for 'gather and nuke', you've just betrayed the fact that you haven't tried many play-styles at all. Probably because you didn't need to. Which is, again, missing the point of this sort of game, with its multiple characters and multiple ways of playing them. " Better late than never -- or, as the Blizz folk put it, 'no one remembers if it's late, only if it's great.' Well, gee. And yeah, it does go back in time in a way, but it does so with a firm eye on the present. It doesn't have 2002 graphics; it's using ideas gleaned from games both old and quite new. A lot of people like this mix of old and new. Sorry you're not one of them. " And now we come to the crux of it. You really should have started there. You're talking about Diablo III and World of Warcraft in the same context. That right there is why you and I will never see eye-to-eye. Fair enough. Thank you for contributing again. " Nihon Falcom's 'Dragon Slayer' series (which included the poorly-ported to the west Sorcerian; nice try, Sierra, I still loved it) has nothing in common with Diablo. To be frank, Falcom's OTHER series, Ys, lends itself more to Diablo if only because in Ys (at least until Ys SEVEN), you always played only one character; Sorcerian you controlled a party. By the way, I'm a huge, huge fan of Falcom. I even flew to Japan once for a concert of the music from Ys and Legend of Heroes. I'd like to say 'see you in-game sometime' but I don't think that's happening. So...uhm...enjoy whatever it is you do end up playing. :) Account sharing/boosting is a bannable offence. No ifs, ands, or buts. No exceptions. Not even for billionaires.
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In this thread, people are championing passive skill trees that give +10% damage in a certain area.
We say monster innovation can be done well if the monster 2 shots you. We say Diablo 3 is not really Diablo even though it will critically be much better than Path of Exile. In all honesty, this is people asking for a vanilla server. You're going to get it, however, it won't flourish. It's not up to date. It's old. It's archaic. It's a fact. People can defend it all they want. It's true. You know it. Everyone with any knowledge of the game knows it, however, it will be really hard to persuade someone who laid down $1,000 on the game before it even came out of Closed Beta. :/ |
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I find it questionable that all it took to change your mind on Diablo 3 was the change to skill runes, but hey, in the end these are video games and we should all play what we find to be the most fun.
I'll end up playing both games. No reason not to when one's free. |
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" You are severely underestimating the power of nostalgia, possibly because you don't have any yet. Did you really think you could persuade me that easily? After all these pages? You provided me with another angle, which I've taken on board. I am particularly grateful for your very tight meshing of D3 and WoW. Although the graphics of Diablo 3 naturally reminded me of WoW, so did Starcraft 2 (really!) -- on the other hand, WoW to me was always just Warcraft 3 zoomed-in. But you're dead right. In a post-WoW world, Diablo 3 will rule. No one will argue that. ...It's just that some of us don't live in a post-WoW world. It wasn't compulsory; it didn't change everything for everyone. There are some things that really don't need to be said, and you said quite a few of them. But none of them negate the potential success of this game for and as what it is. ...I'm glad beta keys are now much easier to obtain, because I think one was wasted on you. Account sharing/boosting is a bannable offence. No ifs, ands, or buts. No exceptions. Not even for billionaires.
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" Sorry, it really was that simple. To me, it was a massive, massive change that totally altered how I would play the game. Like I said, I overlooked everything else until that point. Be thankful you weren't one of my friends when patch 13 came out. My goodness did they get an ear-bashing. Most will still play it, a few 'I-told-you-so'd at me. None of them were at all surprised at my reaction, however. Account sharing/boosting is a bannable offence. No ifs, ands, or buts. No exceptions. Not even for billionaires.
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Again, this thread is about a person who spent $1,000 on a game in closed beta who won't leave the bubble. I too am attached to my Skyrim on PS3 even though I spent money on that chugging piece of crap.
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" I think I can understand, when people play games for different reasons sometimes a small change to one person might be huge to someone else. |
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" Oh dear. Did you miss the part where I said I spent a very long time on the D3 beta? Not liking where my favourite game series is headed and being very happy to find an alternative that to me feels more in the spirit of that series =/= not leaving 'the bubble.' ...yeah, I got Skyrim on ps3 too. Very stubbornly played that for a very long time despite also have it on PC -- prettier by far, modded beautifully. Go figure. Account sharing/boosting is a bannable offence. No ifs, ands, or buts. No exceptions. Not even for billionaires.
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" Your favorite series is progressing. It's not becoming stale. Diablo 3's beta is by far much more appealing and designed better than Diablo 2 ever was. We haven't even played the whole game and you're judging it. Complete ignorance on your part. |
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" I don't think anyone will dispute that the series is progressing. Many are dissatisfied with how it is progressing, however. |
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