Time Capsule from PoE Closed Beta -- a classic PoE vs D3 thread circa 2012

Tagek wrote:
CharanJaydemyr wrote:
...My goodness, you're relentless. I found PoE much more challenging from the get-go than Diablo 3. That's all.

Haha, I'll take that as a compliment.

Perhaps, but do keep in mind that this (the beta) was a small part of the first act of the first difficulty level.

They have also stated that the difficulty will be going up as you progress through an act, not just as you get to higher difficulty levels.

Without knowing the full size of D3a1, we can't really put it beside PoEa1 and say how much of a percentage it might be. Is Leoric the equivalent of, say, Brutus, in terms of progress? Or The Dweller in the Deep? Like I said, we just can't say.

But even if it's just as far the Dweller, I still found PoE until then more challenging than the entirety of the D3 beta. But that's probably because the PoE beta allows for more suboptimal builds. When I faced Leoric for the umpteenth time, it was never as a character I was proud to have made or played. It was their version of the melee wizard (spectral blades are so cheap), or a cobbled-together melee Demon Hunter. Or just a plain, old boring Monk.

That's why when I say 'PoE is harder than D3' of course I am making all sorts of caveats.

Both games get harder within an act as well as within any one given difficulty level AS WELL AS between difficulty levels. There's no denying that. But I don't think PoE is relying on the difficulty of merciless in the same way that Blizzard seems to be banking on the replayability and challenge of Inferno. Then again, Blizzard is dealing with a *legion* of end-gamers.
Account sharing/boosting is a bannable offence. No ifs, ands, or buts. No exceptions. Not even for billionaires.

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word. POE is more diablo than diablo self. i liked also d1 most.
wondering what blizzard think when they make graphics so cartoonish version to version.
CharanJaydemyr wrote:
Tagek wrote:
CharanJaydemyr wrote:
...My goodness, you're relentless. I found PoE much more challenging from the get-go than Diablo 3. That's all.

Haha, I'll take that as a compliment.

Perhaps, but do keep in mind that this (the beta) was a small part of the first act of the first difficulty level.

They have also stated that the difficulty will be going up as you progress through an act, not just as you get to higher difficulty levels.

Without knowing the full size of D3a1, we can't really put it beside PoEa1 and say how much of a percentage it might be. Is Leoric the equivalent of, say, Brutus, in terms of progress? Or The Dweller in the Deep? Like I said, we just can't say.

But even if it's just as far the Dweller, I still found PoE until then more challenging than the entirety of the D3 beta. But that's probably because the PoE beta allows for more suboptimal builds. When I faced Leoric for the umpteenth time, it was never as a character I was proud to have made or played. It was their version of the melee wizard (spectral blades are so cheap), or a cobbled-together melee Demon Hunter. Or just a plain, old boring Monk.

That's why when I say 'PoE is harder than D3' of course I am making all sorts of caveats.

Both games get harder within an act as well as within any one given difficulty level AS WELL AS between difficulty levels. There's no denying that. But I don't think PoE is relying on the difficulty of merciless in the same way that Blizzard seems to be banking on the replayability and challenge of Inferno. Then again, Blizzard is dealing with a *legion* of end-gamers.

We actually kind of can, I believe the devs said it's around 1/4 or 1/3 of the entire act 1.
In the end all online arpgs are mainly balanced and made around an end-game. I'm confident that POE will rely on it in the same way. (I do have to note though, the D3 devs said it already gets very difficult around hell, and you really won't be level 60 by the time you get to hell)

However, given how much you like those quirky builds, the way to it will be more fun for you, as you've said before.

And now I'm gonna go to sleep because clicking refresh so many times in one day has worn me out, have a good night . :)
''Stand amongst the ashes of a trillion dead souls and ask the ghosts if honor matters.
The silence is your answer.''

IGN: Vaeralyse
Last edited by Tagek#6585 on Apr 4, 2012, 6:33:45 PM
i was simply told that this is what diablo 3 should have been, whereas the true diablo 3 is more for casual gamers
What a wonderfully articulated post! For me it is all about the dark, brutal, and gritty atmosphere. D3 seems to have abandoned that completly whereas PoE seems to have perfected it.
I agree with the OP the materia like skill gem system, and the yggdrasil level of a passive skill tree, are extreamly appealing aspects of the game. Wish more games would have this level of customization.
I could have not said it better myself. You Sir deserve the worlds biggest cookie :D
Access to this awesome game is cookie enough for me! :)
Account sharing/boosting is a bannable offence. No ifs, ands, or buts. No exceptions. Not even for billionaires.

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While the OP is entitled to his opinion, implying this is a successor to Diablo kind of odd. First of all, Diablo 1 and 2 we're by today's standards horribly made. Just because you had the initial challenge and over came it by finding gear doesn't mean Diablo 2 was all great. It was pretty terrible. You essentially spammed 1 skill the entire game. It was fine the first bit but even the critics say the charm faded objectively.

Diablo 2 had you pump points into other skills then for 20 levels you put all your points into one skill.

The stat design was terribly done. Unless you went for max block you went standard strength to charm + item to bug and wear your items. Rest was all life. If you didn't do that you couldn't compete in Players versus Player (which is the reason it has such longevity).

The game was not balanced and so leveling was crippled. Diablo 2 LoD was supposed to be the first of 2 expansions. A second expansion was planned with higher monster level so you could reach level 99 in a timely manner. However, it was cancelled.

What I see in Path of Exile is a lot of ambition and terrible execution. That passive skill tree you're glorifying is probably the worst thing I've seen ever. It's all just +10% damage. As much fun as that is for min-maxers, it just leads to cookie cutter builds... something your OP really hates.

The game isn't challenging. As much as you want it to be it isn't. Monsters require the same strategy. There's no innovation in monster design so it really is gather and nuke.

Path of Exile doesn't raise the bar at all. It actually goes back in time and stays with the Diablo 2 bar. There's nothing new here. This is just an out dated beta that should have happened 10 years ago.

Diablo 3 -- to a lot of posters dismay -- is promising. Sure, it has it's controversy IE runes unlocked at certain levels, but that's just a strategy to get people to stay until Inferno. Which is reasonable. And from World of Warcraft you can tell they've learned if people are given their skills they won't try them all.

The combat's much better. More fluid and looks more fun.

This entire thread is really about comparing an outdated beta to a AAA title that is clearly better. There's no discussion here. Objectively, Diablo 3 raises the bar and is leaps and bounds better than Path of Exile. It's probably not want to hear but coming May 15, 2012, it will be the truth.

By the way, Diablo was a copy of Dragon Slayer series.
Sketchbag111 wrote:
While the OP is entitled to his opinion, implying this is a successor to Diablo kind of odd. First of all, Diablo 1 and 2 we're by today's standards horribly made. Just because you had the initial challenge and over came it by finding gear doesn't mean Diablo 2 was all great. It was pretty terrible. You essentially spammed 1 skill the entire game. It was fine the first bit but even the critics say the charm faded objectively.

Diablo 2 had you pump points into other skills then for 20 levels you put all your points into one skill.

The stat design was terribly done. Unless you went for max block you went standard strength to charm + item to bug and wear your items. Rest was all life. If you didn't do that you couldn't compete in Players versus Player (which is the reason it has such longevity).

The game was not balanced and so leveling was crippled. Diablo 2 LoD was supposed to be the first of 2 expansions. A second expansion was planned with higher monster level so you could reach level 99 in a timely manner. However, it was cancelled.

What I see in Path of Exile is a lot of ambition and terrible execution. That passive skill tree you're glorifying is probably the worst thing I've seen ever. It's all just +10% damage. As much fun as that is for min-maxers, it just leads to cookie cutter builds... something your OP really hates.

The game isn't challenging. As much as you want it to be it isn't. Monsters require the same strategy. There's no innovation in monster design so it really is gather and nuke.

Path of Exile doesn't raise the bar at all. It actually goes back in time and stays with the Diablo 2 bar. There's nothing new here. This is just an out dated beta that should have happened 10 years ago.

Diablo 3 -- to a lot of posters dismay -- is promising. Sure, it has it's controversy IE runes unlocked at certain levels, but that's just a strategy to get people to stay until Inferno. Which is reasonable. And from World of Warcraft you can tell they've learned if people are given their skills they won't try them all.

The combat's much better. More fluid and looks more fun.

This entire thread is really about comparing an outdated beta to a AAA title that is clearly better. There's no discussion here. Objectively, Diablo 3 raises the bar and is leaps and bounds better than Path of Exile. It's probably not want to hear but coming May 15, 2012, it will be the truth.

By the way, Diablo was a copy of Dragon Slayer series.

Lets be honest, what you are offering is as much an "opinion" as that offered by the OP and by my estimate not as well argued and certainly not "objective." I doubt you will find any support either here or in the D3 community for your opening claim that Diablo 1 and 2 were horribly made "by today's standards". I'm engrossed in a game of D1 atm and find the game play to be just as compelling as it was 15 years ago.

For me what D3 is missing is atmosphere, style, and mood, something that the first two installments (especially the first) excelled at. PoE has taken that gritty, brutal, horrific atmosphere and taken it up a notch while D3 has opted to take a different and disappointing approach.

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