Time Capsule from PoE Closed Beta -- a classic PoE vs D3 thread circa 2012

CharanJaydemyr wrote:
I think I make it very clear why *I* felt I had to choose, and equally clear that I don't believe anyone else has to. But if they do, and if they have a reason either way, I'm extremely eager to hear the details.

The thought of D3 for the Lore, PoE for the Diablo is a good one, but I've already said that I can glean the lore of Sanctuary as it shall evolve in the hands of the current Blizzard through a synopsis and cut-scenes on youtube. I don't think that playing through the game and earnestly disliking it at every step (for reasons given) is going to have me any more invested in the epic story of Diablo than merely reading/watching it.

It's not really a choice then though is it?
I mean, if you apparently hate it so much, you wouldn't have bought it even if POE wasn't here.
''Stand amongst the ashes of a trillion dead souls and ask the ghosts if honor matters.
The silence is your answer.''

IGN: Vaeralyse
If you like diablo 3 buy it. If you like PoE buy it. Simple. The reason you vertan "diablo" fans like PoE so much is because its exactly the same as diablo 2 with a couple tweaks. Of course old school diablo players are gonna like this game. Stop bashing games that aren't released yet. Its annoying.
I am unimpressed by a 15 year old Diablo stalwart. I was playing Diablo before he was born.
if you read properly...holy...it says 15 yr diablo stalwart...which means a dedicated follower. why do they let you post? its unbelievable.
They are both good games and ill be on both :)
I'm 34 years old. I know people can claim any old age on the internet, but it doesn't take a genius to read my original post and at least get some sense that I'm probably somewhere between the 25-35 year old range. Unfortunately, it's the upper part. :)

I made this thread so that people could provide their angle, their feedback, thereby generating conversation. It seems to me you are not here to do that, FlyTheElephant, but I could be wrong. I like to give people the benefit of the doubt.

If not, please stick to that other thread where people seem to be happy to engage your foolish behaviour please.

Thanks in advance.
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Tagek wrote:
CharanJaydemyr wrote:
I think I make it very clear why *I* felt I had to choose, and equally clear that I don't believe anyone else has to. But if they do, and if they have a reason either way, I'm extremely eager to hear the details.

The thought of D3 for the Lore, PoE for the Diablo is a good one, but I've already said that I can glean the lore of Sanctuary as it shall evolve in the hands of the current Blizzard through a synopsis and cut-scenes on youtube. I don't think that playing through the game and earnestly disliking it at every step (for reasons given) is going to have me any more invested in the epic story of Diablo than merely reading/watching it.

It's not really a choice then though is it?
I mean, if you apparently hate it so much, you wouldn't have bought it even if POE wasn't here.

That's a fair point, Tagek. But I'll be completely honest: were PoE not here, had I not discovered it, I would have caved and bought D3 eventually. Diablo 3 is a LOT OF FUN. I poured well over 30 hours into playing and replaying the beta. I can't quite prove this, of course, but I said in another post here that I found myself farming Old Tristram for Griswold's Edges, which only come from the random spawn of the forge...that's some serious replaying right there.

But with PoE suddenly there was a choice. And it wasn't a hard one to make. I've made that clear too. My choice of wording in the initial post was, of course, also designed to make it very clear how highly I hold this game. I invoked the Name of the Devil Himself. If you're going to praise something (and now I'm just repeating myself, sadly), the best way to do it, the most efficient, is to set it against the highest standard and see how it fares. Diablo 3 is that standard right now in almost everyone's eyes.

It was, to be sure, never a choice as to which one I would buy. The choice lay in which one I pick if I had to, and while 'had to' is strong, the allure of the hack-n-slash-n-zap is very hard for any of us to deny. :)
Account sharing/boosting is a bannable offence. No ifs, ands, or buts. No exceptions. Not even for billionaires.

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I was just joking with you Charan :)
well put
this games awesome :) had to edit
Last edited by batmon#0646 on Apr 3, 2012, 10:20:28 PM

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