Hardcore and why you should play / try it

Its not like people die most of the time to desync . I died to it 2 times and if i look back , when i calm down I just realize i pulled to much, played to greedy. I have sometimes a lot of desync problems but I stopped dying to it because I play different. Yes more patient, my graphs aree alway up and I look carefully at them for example, I stopped pulling first 50 mobs and then killing them. Its like playing a shooter with a ping of 150+. You move different, you aim different according to you connection. It works for me and I am fine with it

People are complaining in forum most about it. This is how it works. You will not see many threads where people just say "Damn GCC i fucked up, I died to my mistake WHAT THE FUCK". Forums don't work this way. In SC2 people complained the hell out of units and why it is stupid what needs to get fixed and if you see then their replay...yes this unit is strong, maybe to strong but he just played terrible. Didn't respond correctly and died in first place because of his own mistakes. Its like the TÜV test for your car. Yes I blame them in first place for not passing me through and then I blame my fucking service station that did not fix everything and then I calm down and then I realize, well I should maybe not go to a service station that is the cheapest. Maybe I should check first If they repaired everything fine and then pay them and and and...

@ Oshiri, there is more that can happen and you die that is out of your control. Your Monitor just shuts down for no reason - you die. So as you have to play with a monitor and this can happen you should not play. You have a cup of tea - somehow you manage to poor out the tea, its hot you stop looking at you char and try to clean up the mess - you die. Lets say you partner comes from behind. Hugs you and wants to kiss you - you don't see the game you die. And there are more random things that can just happen. And if you consider all this and you are afraid of it, well don't play HC. But don't just use one thing that can kill you as an overall explanation of dying and why it sucks to you and you will not play it. I mean its still a game and nothing really happens. Its not like a car accident that you are so afraid that you will never ever drive or even be close to cars. Its not really such a big thing but people making it big for so no reason. People will die anyway and if this is a big problem, you cant get a new mindset to just live with it that is OK.

And its ok if it feels to you that it is a waste of time. But dont generalize it. And that what one did and you +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ it. And do you really believe that their is any game with a 100% stable internet? Blizzard does not get it done, EA ofc not and all others too. Even on a LAN you can have connection problems. And just saying that because of its nature something is not that save its not worth to be used. This Sir is a strange way in RL and in Gaming too.

At the bottom line, people just overreacting for basically nothing. This is Ok but learn to take a step back and go into it with a clear mind. Did you enjoy the game? Yes so keep playing. You don't then stop playing. You died to desync - shit happens just don't get mad. You know in first place that you can die in a internet only game because of connection problems. I stopped playing Diablo 3 HC because of their Server problems. Maybe they are fixed now but I did not start yelling at them. Its somethin that i knew can happen, my internet is not that stable so I just moved along. I did not go the easy way and blame others for something i should have known.
Why you should try Harcore http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/209310/page/1
tadl wrote:
Its not like people die most of the time to desync . I died to it 2 times and if i look back , when i calm down I just realize i pulled to much, played to greedy. I have sometimes a lot of desync problems but I stopped dying to it because I play different. Yes more patient, my graphs aree alway up and I look carefully at them for example, I stopped pulling first 50 mobs and then killing them. Its like playing a shooter with a ping of 150+. You move different, you aim different according to you connection. It works for me and I am fine with it

People are complaining in forum most about it. This is how it works. You will not see many threads where people just say "Damn GCC i fucked up, I died to my mistake WHAT THE FUCK". Forums don't work this way. In SC2 people complained the hell out of units and why it is stupid what needs to get fixed and if you see then their replay...yes this unit is strong, maybe to strong but he just played terrible. Didn't respond correctly and died in first place because of his own mistakes. Its like the TÜV test for your car. Yes I blame them in first place for not passing me through and then I blame my fucking service station that did not fix everything and then I calm down and then I realize, well I should maybe not go to a service station that is the cheapest. Maybe I should check first If they repaired everything fine and then pay them and and and...

@ Oshiri, there is more that can happen and you die that is out of your control. Your Monitor just shuts down for no reason - you die. So as you have to play with a monitor and this can happen you should not play. You have a cup of tea - somehow you manage to poor out the tea, its hot you stop looking at you char and try to clean up the mess - you die. Lets say you partner comes from behind. Hugs you and wants to kiss you - you don't see the game you die. And there are more random things that can just happen. And if you consider all this and you are afraid of it, well don't play HC. But don't just use one thing that can kill you as an overall explanation of dying and why it sucks to you and you will not play it. I mean its still a game and nothing really happens. Its not like a car accident that you are so afraid that you will never ever drive or even be close to cars. Its not really such a big thing but people making it big for so no reason. People will die anyway and if this is a big problem, you cant get a new mindset to just live with it that is OK.

And its ok if it feels to you that it is a waste of time. But dont generalize it. And that what one did and you +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ it. And do you really believe that their is any game with a 100% stable internet? Blizzard does not get it done, EA ofc not and all others too. Even on a LAN you can have connection problems. And just saying that because of its nature something is not that save its not worth to be used. This Sir is a strange way in RL and in Gaming too.

At the bottom line, people just overreacting for basically nothing. This is Ok but learn to take a step back and go into it with a clear mind. Did you enjoy the game? Yes so keep playing. You don't then stop playing. You died to desync - shit happens just don't get mad. You know in first place that you can die in a internet only game because of connection problems. I stopped playing Diablo 3 HC because of their Server problems. Maybe they are fixed now but I did not start yelling at them. Its somethin that i knew can happen, my internet is not that stable so I just moved along. I did not go the easy way and blame others for something i should have known.

Ok i think you have missunderstood what im saying. Let me rephrase it all. I LOVE hardcore, however, in this games current state I am not willing to play all the way to 72 just to die to a desync and then reroll. So what im going to do is stick to "softcore" as the hardcore players like to call it until they fix the desync issue. If I die to my own mistake then that is awesome I will have something to learn from in the future. But if I am spending so many hours leveling to 70+ only to die to something that is completely out of my ability to avoid such as a desync I consider it a waste of time. Btw I did not pull 50 mobs and I was not playing solo, I was standing behind 2 melee shooting from range, next thing i know im dead. From full hp to 0 and my body was in the middle of the pack of monsters. After making NO mistakes leveling to 72 I am frustrated as I never died to something that was MY FAULT.
Do you understand my point now?
IGN - Osheri
Osheri1 wrote:

Ok i think you have missunderstood what im saying. Let me rephrase it all. I LOVE hardcore, however, in this games current state I am not willing to play all the way to 72 just to die to a desync and then reroll. So what im going to do is stick to "softcore" as the hardcore players like to call it until they fix the desync issue. If I die to my own mistake then that is awesome I will have something to learn from in the future. But if I am spending so many hours leveling to 70+ only to die to something that is completely out of my ability to avoid such as a desync I consider it a waste of time. Btw I did not pull 50 mobs and I was not playing solo, I was standing behind 2 melee shooting from range, next thing i know im dead. From full hp to 0 and my body was in the middle of the pack of monsters. After making NO mistakes leveling to 72 I am frustrated as I never died to something that was MY FAULT.
Do you understand my point now?

sorry to burst your bubble but playing games is in fact a "waste of time" hell even watching TV is a waste of time
IGN: DirtyWorX
Comon I wrote it, I understand you but just keep in mind. There is more then desync that can kill you and are out of your control. I gave just a couple of examples. And I understand that you are pissed cause your char died. And if its your first high level char i get it even more. But again, you die to desync or just a power failure does not matter. You will die to things that are out of your control even in a single player game. Live can be a bitch, right?

You have to accept that this can happen and will happen if you are as unlucky as I was. And again ist Ok if you dont want to play. No one is attacking you because of it...hell it sucks if you have to write 3 times the same damn thing...just calm down. Take a break and maybe you can laugh at it. Dying to a desync is much better then dying because your hardware crashed and you have to buy a fucking 25 bugs graphic card and wait ... well I am waiting now for 5 weeks and for sure longer...till your new card arrives. I mean I will never ever buy a gainward and I will always keep back in my head a little voice "if you pull this your card could just crash again and you will die, you really want to pull it?" But you know what, I will fucking dont let this shit dictate my fun of a Game at all! I hope we finally are OK with each other?

Do you need something for your new toon? Check out my happy mushu palace dude. Or let me know if I should watch out on my farming sessions...well the whole game is just farming so this is kind of stupid, isnt it?
Why you should try Harcore http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/209310/page/1
I agree with most things except the economy being better. HC people are so invested into their items that they want the maximum possible profit for something in high demand(which is pretty much everything). You can't get anything cheap compared to SC where someone will be willing to let an item go for half price.

It's really annoying at times since +- 1gcp may be the difference between death and survival thanks to a pushy seller.
Last edited by pimpadelic#7226 on Mar 1, 2013, 10:19:07 AM
It depends, I have to say a lot of people are fucking greedy in tradechat. But not all, i searched for a mana Aura and first three people "4chos" "6chaos" "2gcp" and I was like WoW! Wtf no way and then the 4. came and I told him I have / cant pay high prizes sry and he was just "dont worry we are all dieing, what you have". And in the end we traded for a greay 4link helmet (y I just keep such things) and a leap slam that I didn't need So I was happy and he maybe too.
Why you should try Harcore http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/209310/page/1
Last edited by tadl#0113 on Mar 1, 2013, 10:25:39 AM
I like hardcore actually.

But... dying due to Desynch or one-shot-dmg-spikes (even with a tanky-build) is just stupid.

I know, a real hardcore-gamer should be able to deal with that Issues, but i insist that i die because of my own stupidity, not because of technical difficulties.
Kuduku, you majestic, magnificent, pulsating, wooden shaft of a man. - ZiggyD
Dude we all are just pissed if we die. When i got one shooted first time I was so freaking angry I did not touch the game for 2 days. Till I start lauphing at it and Friends joking about it

"haha got oneshooted and stopped playing" and stuff
Why you should try Harcore http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/209310/page/1
tadl wrote:
Comon I wrote it, I understand you but just keep in mind. There is more then desync that can kill you and are out of your control. I gave just a couple of examples. And I understand that you are pissed cause your char died. And if its your first high level char i get it even more. But again, you die to desync or just a power failure does not matter. You will die to things that are out of your control even in a single player game. Live can be a bitch, right?

You have to accept that this can happen and will happen if you are as unlucky as I was. And again ist Ok if you dont want to play. No one is attacking you because of it...hell it sucks if you have to write 3 times the same damn thing...just calm down. Take a break and maybe you can laugh at it. Dying to a desync is much better then dying because your hardware crashed and you have to buy a fucking 25 bugs graphic card and wait ... well I am waiting now for 5 weeks and for sure longer...till your new card arrives. I mean I will never ever buy a gainward and I will always keep back in my head a little voice "if you pull this your card could just crash again and you will die, you really want to pull it?" But you know what, I will fucking dont let this shit dictate my fun of a Game at all! I hope we finally are OK with each other?

Do you need something for your new toon? Check out my happy mushu palace dude. Or let me know if I should watch out on my farming sessions...well the whole game is just farming so this is kind of stupid, isnt it?

Nah I got a stash full of stuff, thanks though! It wasnt my first character, I just would of liked it if I died to something that challenged me rather than a bug. I finally got to the point where the game becomes more fun with maps and all and dying to a desync just put me off hc. Im not mad by any means and I wasnt mad when I died. I just hope GGG are working on a possible fix for the desyncs.
IGN - Osheri
I bet they do. It just makes no sense to not work on it if this can be a reason people stop playing. In the end they also want to make money with it so that they can keep up servers, invest in structure and ofc, and i hope hey will achieve it, big houses, awsome cars and girls that just never pass the 25 mark :)
Why you should try Harcore http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/209310/page/1

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