Hardcore and why you should play / try it
I play default not hardcore cos i hate having to start over again and doing all the content iv allready done, also i dont play multi characters never hav on any games i just play one character and get that good then keep going and going, dont see the appeal of constantly re rolling all the time seems boring to me.
i made a post on page 8 in this thread apparently no one read it.. because every post is continuing to say: i dont play HC because of, limited builds death due to things out of my control etc..
at the end of the day you have the option to play on HC the exact same as you would if playing on default... there are no spec limitations or game play styles. if and when u die you simply re-spawn in default... So there is absolutely no loss what so ever, for those who would prefer to play on default. All of my life i have opted to play on softcore in various games, but with the fact that PoE sends you to default apon death! really i dont understand why more players wont give it a bash! i for one am extremely happy i did. TLDR? POE SENDS YOU TO DEFAULT IF YOU DIE IN HC THUS YOU LOSE NOTHING - you have the opportunity to gain a different experience |
" I agree that there is some merit to this argument, but for someone like me (who sucks at this game and doesn't care to ever get better) default is just the better choice. I play so lazily that it's literally a guarantee that I die at least once before merciless (note to you hArDc0r3 g4m3rz, I'm not complaining about dieing.) Thus starting each character in a different league, isolated from my stash of gear is just annoying for me. I will say, everyone should at least try races, because after they're over you can just suicide back to default. |
You get fixed
like a junkee you try it you don´t know what to think but if you lose it you´ll cry welcome to HC What can never be lent or earned?
Somewhat, that devours everyone and everything: A tree that rush. A bird that sings. It eat bones and smite the hardest stones. Masticate every sword. Shatters every shrine. It defeat mighty kings and carry mountains on lightly wings. What am i? |
Considering I mainly play on the Default league, this is a great post in support of playing Hardcore. While I don't exactly approve of some players of each league blatantly insulting the other for their choice, I just play the game for what it is.
Although, I see the excitement and rush that one could obtain from playing Hardcore, to each their own. I'm normally a solo player too, and just party with my friend if we're close by in level, or if we start another character. I don't think we could be able to constantly maintain the patience to rebuild from scratch if a death had screwed us over in Hardcore (or if one of us had died, and were forced to wait/restart for the other), it could just completely enrage some players, and turn them off the game entirely. I like having constant access to the stash I've been using since the start of my Default league as well, people should at least give it a go for an experience before giving a full out criticism. Though I would show slightly more pride in linking an amazing item that was verified and shown that it was from Hardcore, I think I'll stick to Default to continue getting a feel for the game. I've been at least trying to build a basic rare stash for Hardcore thanks to the current Race events going on. PoE enjoyer since 2011
(I don't use the forums/main subreddit) |
I've never done hardcore on any game, and find no reason to start now.
Fighting the war against the AltF4Core! Hardcore is for whimps.
I play mostly Duelist and prefer to solo. So yeah, that HC isn't going to work out for me.
POE is the first game where i tried HC. I absolutely love it. Started my first HC character in OpenBeta(started playing default in november).It was hard at the begining but i managed to get to merciless without many problems.Then it was a farmfest in Ledge and Fellshire. When i felt confident i can do act3 i did it. I was level 65 in Baracks, looking for the General when the game froze for a few second followed by 6dudes shield charging me.didnt see them, got hit, instakilled.
I wasnt mad or something, i knew it happend, so i rerolled. Second character got to level 63.I was doing lvl 2 crematorium in a group. When I got to Piety servers took a BIGG dump, i was at 1000ping and i just heard the lightning ball soundeffect and i saw my HP go down in a mather of 1-2 seconds.i was dead. i did NOT see the ball.fuck you servers. MY 3rd and last character in HC got to level 65.I was doing Docks and again,server crashes,laptop crashes, everything stoped working properly. i press F1 and i see 1fps and 1000ping. I hear the dogs hitting me but i couldnt move, everything was frozen, so i was dead, again, not because i was bad at this game, but because servers wont work properly. It's painfull to die after i grinded 54hours, only to die cause of the servers. Decided HC is not playable for me anymore. its just as someone said "soontobedead"league. I have yet to die in HC cause of my mistake, geting to lvls 65-63-67. SO yeah, i will go to default, even if i know its wayyyyyyyyy more boring and uninteresting to farm/grind there. I hope that one day the servers will be fixed and huge spiked(1000+latency) wont happen. THen i will be time for me to come back. Peace GG GGG Last edited by Iboga#4297 on Mar 2, 2013, 5:18:15 AM
What i honestly don`t get is why there`s (sometimes) so much agression between HC and SC palyers.
Playing exactly the same game...this looks kinda strange to me. Some guys want the HC-gameplay (they delet their chars after a HC-death), they want to see how far/how much they can achieve without dyin..great. Others want to progress as far as they can with one toon (besides merciless-death-penalty is amazing, too)..wich is also just fine. So why the hate? It`s not like HC was in any way shape or form diffrent than SC, you just have to start over again (but with ur stash) if you die...which can be annoin as f*** for some people. I want to develope my toons, not start over and over again, besides d-sync and lag is still to much of a proplem in my eyes to play HC...Alt-F4 much..no thanks. HC-players may think "why play an ARPG when ur not thrilled by the chance of permadeath" others may think "why the hell should i start over and over and over again". I do understand that some people need the extra "death-penalty"; but why this "elitist-behaviour"..i see absolutly no justification for it, none at all...it just makes people look weird as hell. If HC had more resistance-penalties or life-reduction, or stronger mobs in general -> yeah sure. But the way HC is handeled in most ARPGs, it`s just a question of what you want from a game/how you want play it, not who`s the (lol) "better" player...which wouldn`t matter anyway. So have fun in whatever way you play the game and respect the people who share the same hobby as you. I was told that this "misbehaviour" is kinda normal in F2P-games..dunno PoE is my first one..but perhaps this is one reason why there just so much annyoin people spamming chats and this forums. |
@realzameer thx I appropriate it a lot. And yes its not a thread that forces people to play HC its just a try to explain it in a proper way. This whole HC vs SC bashing is stupid and does not help. It is fun for sure but it can keep people away of a great experience
Why you should try Harcore http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/209310/page/1