[LOOTFILTER] FilterBlade - editor, with lootgeneration & more - optimized for NeverSink's filter
In configure I selected league - Hardcore, maybe now I won't get any updates since that one is a dead league.
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" You still will. The updates happen, because the filter received an update and filterblade is designed to only have 1 single filter version - the latest one. This works well for most players, but in some heavy customization cases (such as SSF with hundreds of changes) this is less than ideal at times. In the future we we'll implement the following solution: Allow users to "lock" tiers. Locked tiers will keep whatever you've put inside them and will not allow any updates. As of right now: If you MOVE an item into a different tier. It'll stay there. Your settings will override the filter update. Example: So if you want to remove a ton of divination cards. Create a new tier, move them there and hide it. Please don't PM me ingame with filter/guide questions, post them on the forum, after reading the FAQ. Last edited by NeverSink#3349 on Oct 8, 2019, 10:56:06 AM
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Huge thx for an answer! Will do that!
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Some things I don't understand about div cards. Like, I try to find the card The Primordial, it just isn't anywhere on any filter strictness. If I enter it in the search thing it shows up in every single card tier but it isn't actually in any of them. It is in the data base, so if you start typing it you can add it to any tier, and if you check in the tier list it says it is tier 1 with a confidence level of 1 yet it is not in the t3 list even at soft strictness. How does that work. The card is clearly not negligible in this patch for example, and even if it was I'd expect it to be in the lowest tier and greyed out (Hide) for example?
How am I supposed to think about this, now I wonder how many other cards that are maybe just not there at all in the filter, should I go through all 200 of them just to make sure? Thanks for the great work in general with the site/filter etc. Regards, |
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" ![]() Most tierlists have a general entry. Any item that is not listed anywhere else, is caught by it and will receive it's appearance. For divination cards, it's around-ish anything between ~1c and ~4c (numbers change based on economy). Please don't PM me ingame with filter/guide questions, post them on the forum, after reading the FAQ. Last edited by NeverSink#3349 on Oct 16, 2019, 7:55:51 PM
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Ah now I get it, thanks and keep up the good work :D
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Quick question:
Is using the software league economy version functionally equivalent to using the stable version and then going to the Customizer section on filterblade and for each sub-section that has a "highlight by color" and "auto-sort" feature clicking those to update? Or is it different? Thanks! |
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" It is different. The customizer houses a rather simple algorithm, that can also be adjusted by the user. The economy-generated filters use, way, way more sophisticated algorithms, have much more game information, handle special cases and are in general way more better - however, they're not customizable and not embedded into the website, due to the complexity. Please don't PM me ingame with filter/guide questions, post them on the forum, after reading the FAQ.
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" Thank you for your reply! I'm very interested in trying your more sophisticated algorithms. Did taking the steps I outlined above mean when I switched to the sc league econ version the manual auto-sort changes I had made just prior take precedence over the econ version or will the econ version changes be implemented regardless? I do recall somewhere seeing you say if any custom tiering changes were detected the econ version would not work for that sub-section of the filter so trying to clarify. I tried to look at the customizer with my filter, fresh stable, and fresh sc econ version to see differences in the currency section and aside from the obvious changes I made in my own filter I couldn't tell a difference. How are the algorithms in the econ version displayed or denoted on filterblade? Apologies if this is a FAQ or wrong forum for this question. I checked your original Reddit release post, your github, and filterblade FAQs and didn't see any information about exactly how/where the econ changes are displayed. I do get the "version 2019.x.x" loaded notice in the bottom right per your video but that's it. Thank you and have a pleasant weekend. Last edited by MochaDragon#7406 on Nov 2, 2019, 12:12:44 AM
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" It's a bit tricky to explain. The filterblade load procedure is: 1) Load selected filter (latest version) - the econ-filter is selected here 2) If you're loading a save, modify the filter based on the operations written in the save. 3) Whatever things you do on filterblade afterwards. Such as move items, show/hide, use the filterblade sorting/economy tools Operations happening in 3 have priority over 2, have priority over 1. So if you move something in 2 or 3, it'll have priority over whatever econ-versions are doing. If you move a single item on filterblade, to a different tier and save, your tiering decision will have priority over the tiering decision of the econ-tiering. This is useful, if you wanna create exceptions for certain items. For instance, if you move bramblejack to T1, every time you load, it'll stay in T1, but you'll be receiving the latest version of the filter and all the econ-decisions, except that one. I generally do not recommend to use the "auto-tier" feature on filterblade with econ-tiering versions, unless you know what you're doing. The econ version come with different tierlists. The following tierlists are currently affected: Uniques Divination Uniquemaps Shaper Elder Generalcrafting Fossil Incubators Prophecy Scarabs Oils. Note currency is NOT currently auto-tiered, due to several concerns. This will likely change in the future, when I'll have enough data to know that this works as intended. I won't go into detail as to how the improved algorithms work exactly, since it'll be a very lengthy and highly technical explanation. I intend to make a post/video about it in the upcoming months. However, the procedure is opensourced. If you're a developer, check out: https://github.com/NeverSinkDev/FilterPolishZ In the future, I also intend to add a way to visualize what exactly the difference between different versions is. However this is a bit of a technical challenge. It requires loading two filters in parallel and comparing and visualizing lots of data. Please don't PM me ingame with filter/guide questions, post them on the forum, after reading the FAQ. Last edited by NeverSink#3349 on Nov 3, 2019, 6:23:07 PM
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