[LOOTFILTER] FilterBlade - editor, with lootgeneration & more - optimized for NeverSink's filter

LINK TO FILTERBLADE: www.FilterBlade.xyz


FilterBlade (version 0.93)
by NeverSink, Haggis & Tobnac


FilterBlade is a highly customizable and in-depth editor for Path of Exile lootfilters. It’s designed to make small, simple changes in no-time but also to help finetune filters for maximum efficiency in endgame, leveling and racing environments. It’s built upon the following principles:


  • Ambience - The interface has vibrant PoE theme.
  • Simplicity - Nothing requires coding knowledge
  • Preservation - User-made changes can be saved, shared and loaded into new versions
  • In-Depth - Descriptions and on-hover information provide new players with knowledge. Veterans get a plethora of tools to finetune their gameplay.
  • Fairness - No special treatments, no premium-exclusive features, no ad-spam, no personal data collection. The project was done for and with the community here. Not against it. We hope to cover the server costs with 1-2 non-flashy/annoying ad-banners and a donation button.


You can use FilterBlade by going to the following URL:


  • Overview: - subversion selection, broad overview over the filter features and colors.
  • Customizer: The core. Structured, filter-specific, customization interface. It’s based on (literary) thousands of requests, feedback ideas and extra wishes I’ve received over the 2+ years since I’ve created my filter and allows changing pretty much any aspect of the filter and more.
  • Loot-Generator: Simulate in-game loot generation to get a proper preview on how the filter behaves ingame. You can switch between different modules any time. Bonus: You can click on any item you see there and instantly change its appearance!
  • Style-Editing: Customize the colors used in the filter and create your own style themes. Enjoy the advantages of live editing.
  • Preservation: Save, load and share your changes. You can save changes and load them into new filter versions.
  • Advanced Functions: Provides features for experienced users and filter-makers. The structure screen allows reviewing and changing anything in the filter. It's also compatible with any filter (not just mine). Global operations and commands allow advanced editing.


Q: Can I already host my own filter there?
A: No. We need to test the other website features first. (no ETA - I want to enjoy some 3.0 and racing too first). You can however, upload your own custom filter and play around with the features already. Note that the customizer is filter-specific. Some features might not work correctly for other filters. You can already download and upload your own option-files in the advanced screen if you want. We will release a guide on the customizer syntax later on.

Q: Is this free? Do I need to register or anything?
A: Yes, it’s 100% free and won’t require any kind of registration.

Q: Will there be a 3.0 NeverSink filter? What about beta?
A: Yes. I’ll adjust the filter for the beta as soon as I have more information about the economy and changes there. You’ll find it on my GitHub or on FilterBlade.

Q: What do I do with the filter-files after I download them?
A: Open your download folder. Copy the file. Paste it into the following folder: %userprofile%/Documents/My Games/Path of Exile . Restart your Path of Exile (if open). INGAME: Escape -> Options -> UI -> Scroll down -> Select the filter-file.

Q: What’s the difference between hide and disable.
A: Sometimes you have the choice between the two. A hidden item is “hidden ingame” and can be seen if you hold alt! You can still customize it’s appearance on FilterBlade (how it’d look like when you hold alt). Disabled completely removes the responsable lines from the filter. That means either another rule in the filter will catch it - or it’ll get the default ingame appearance. It’s equivalent in a lot of cases. However, sometimes it can cause damage it used incorrectly. We did our best to provide the user with the correct “mode” in the customizer. If you see all 3 modes (Show, Hide and Disable) - read the descriptions, there’s a reason for that.

Q: Why can’t I edit the style of SOME items in the customizer.
A: Because the rule groups several entries, where some sounds/colors are different. Use the styleditor to customize those.

Q: What’s your motivation for all this work?
A: I actually enjoy programming and I have larger scale projects in mind. Ideas - most unrelated to PoE - that take a lot of experience and a team. This project offered me a lot of opportunities to learn javascript and writing my own parsers/programming languages, polish my architecture, pattern and management skills and a chance to confirm that further cooperation with Haggis and /u/Tobnac is great idea. I’m very pleased with how everything worked out. At the same time it’s an opportunity to contribute towards the game and hobby I love. Also I will hopefully get less whispers/pms/requests. Win-win.

Q: Will it support other filters?
A: That’s the plan! But: and here’s the catch: we need the permission of the individual filter authors, we require the filter authors to create their own customizer (we’ll assist in the process) and keep the filter up-to-date. I want to keep the filter quality high. Still: this is all reserved for post-beta.

Q: I have feedback! How can I share my (QoL-)Love?
A: You can find several ways to contact us in the about / download screen. The prefered one is: come and chat with in discord or write it in the forums. Please don’t whisper me ingame, I need a vacation from coding for weeks.

Q: Can I support you guys somehow?
A: Yes. Provide us with feedback and spread the word! There are also donation buttons on the website - in the download screen. Monetary support is appreciated (helps us cover the server costs), but by no means required.

Q: Can I help you with the code/content somehow:
A:We’re terrible designers - because we’re developers. The site UI is “designed” by me and implemented by /u/Tobnac . Help us with the UI/assets! We also intend to open-source the code on GitHub in the future. Feel free to help us with pull requests and issue tracking! Also: bonus point to anyone who manages to crop and finish drawing the Lunaris picture from the Pantheon picture.

Q: Update Tornado-Shot Guide finally?:
A: Yes, playing it in 3.0 beta. Streaming it in the beta. Adjusting it in the beta. Updating it in the beta. Pinky swear.


  • MrPing did so much! Helped us with organization, provided feedback, tested and is just an awesome guildie and friend (also gz on level 100!)
  • Bex & GGG for creating the awesome game (this one is more on Chris though) and providing us with some feedback!
  • Necron681, Caboose1984, cacacaio, Turinqui, DasAtom, Greengroove, idk man, Midwick, PopacTheJackal, Smooshfaced, Tripwyr, WhiteSammy and all other beta testers!

Best Regards, enjoy and give us your feedback,

The FilterBlade Team - NeverSink, Haggis50 & Tobnac
Please don't PM me ingame with filter/guide questions, post them on the forum, after reading the FAQ.
Last edited by NeverSink#3349 on Apr 9, 2019, 6:38:12 PM
Last bumped on Mar 5, 2025, 3:11:58 AM
Please don't PM me ingame with filter/guide questions, post them on the forum, after reading the FAQ.
Please don't PM me ingame with filter/guide questions, post them on the forum, after reading the FAQ.
Good luck with your deployement and thanks for the development time!
Last edited by Kaillu#7983 on Jun 6, 2017, 7:05:20 PM
Was super happy when you announced this, and stoked it's finally live. Just spent a good 20+mins just messing around with all the options and the amount of work you guys have put it shows.

Last edited by Auxcil#2030 on Jun 6, 2017, 9:00:23 PM
I was one of the closed beta testers and I thought what a better way to test than to completely overhaul NeverSink's filter. To give you an idea of just how deeply you can customise in FilterBlade, here's some screenshots of my 'Pretty in Pink' version of NeverSink's strict filter:


A few tips and tricks I picked up along the way:

- Use the loot simulator liberally - you can click on an item to bring it up in the quick editor section:
It also feels nice to press 'Generate Valuable Loot' over and over again

- You can enter Hex Colour codes in the colour picker:

- I started off with the Style Editor screen to make widespread changes, then refined it in the Customise screen.

- Some of the sections may take a little bit of playing around with to get exactly what you want (maps is an example of this). The beauty is you can play as much as you like, and just check it out in the loot simulator. No need to load it in game and start dropping things on the floor.

If you want to do something as simple as hiding chromatic items, or something as big as a brand new colour scheme style, you can do it in FilterBlade.
Good luck and thanks for your work!
Turinqui wrote:
I was one of the closed beta testers and I thought what a better way to test than to completely overhaul NeverSink's filter. To give you an idea of just how deeply you can customise in FilterBlade, here's some screenshots of my 'Pretty in Pink' version of NeverSink's strict filter:


A few tips and tricks I picked up along the way:

- Use the loot simulator liberally - you can click on an item to bring it up in the quick editor section:
It also feels nice to press 'Generate Valuable Loot' over and over again

- You can enter Hex Colour codes in the colour picker:

- I started off with the Style Editor screen to make widespread changes, then refined it in the Customise screen.

- Some of the sections may take a little bit of playing around with to get exactly what you want (maps is an example of this). The beauty is you can play as much as you like, and just check it out in the loot simulator. No need to load it in game and start dropping things on the floor.

If you want to do something as simple as hiding chromatic items, or something as big as a brand new colour scheme style, you can do it in FilterBlade.

Thank you for the awesome writeup and your help! I'm going to attach it to the first post later.
Please don't PM me ingame with filter/guide questions, post them on the forum, after reading the FAQ.
Thanks for the effort and the sustained support of this great game! Will check out the filter for sure!
Second-class poe gamer
Your work blew me away neversink, totally love the new filterblade, coming from someone who makes his own filters, it is extremely useful!

However, while playing around with the customization i realize that some items specifically in the t1, t1.5, t2, t3 and t4 categories, not all of it are customizable. I have went through every category in customize section and changed accordingly, however there are still some items which did not appear the way i had customized it to be. Of course i did try to use the loot simulator but there seems to be a lot more sections than i expect. So i just begin to change and change in the loot simulator. But since there are so many categories, it become unclear to me which item is which tier.

What i suggest is that the customize section shows every category there is in the T1, T2 and so on. So that if i change it, all of the items would change and not leave out some other category.

Once again great work on the filterblade, would be be happy to hear from you soon.
Forgotten time, be reborn!

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