[LOOTFILTER] FilterBlade - editor, with lootgeneration & more - optimized for NeverSink's filter

Я не знаю задумано так или нет, но у вас в фильтре с обновлением перестали отображаться медальоны экспедиции, только на 3 фильтре я их увидел в стаке 20, и они светились достаточно бледно. Я русский поэтому мой английский немного хромает, но надеюсь я понятно объяснил проблему.

I do not know whether it is designed that way or not, but you in the filter with the update stopped displaying expedition medallions, only on the 3rd filter I saw them in a stack of 20, and they glowed quite faintly. I am Russian so my English is a bit lame, but I hope I explained the problem clearly.
There might be an issue with the
[4903] Weapon Progression
(also, naming issue : not only weapons)

it also throws Quivers in there, but the issue is that a lot of them do not have upgrades !

So for instance :

Show # %H2 $type->leveling->weaponprogression $tier->r09
ItemLevel <= 44
DropLevel >= 40
Rarity Normal
Class == "Bows" "Claws" "Daggers" "One Hand Axes" "One Hand Maces" "One Hand Swords" "Quivers" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "Two Hand Axes" "Two Hand Maces" "Two Hand Swords" "Warstaves" "Rune Daggers" "Sceptres" "Staves" "Wands" "Body Armours" "Boots" "Gloves" "Helmets" "Shields"
SetBorderColor 67 67 67 255
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255

will not work on an ilvl 44 Penetrating Arrow Quiver (DropLevel 25), despite this being the highest (and only) tier of quivers with this implicit !

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