[LOOTFILTER] FilterBlade - editor, with lootgeneration & more - optimized for NeverSink's filter
Я не знаю задумано так или нет, но у вас в фильтре с обновлением перестали отображаться медальоны экспедиции, только на 3 фильтре я их увидел в стаке 20, и они светились достаточно бледно. Я русский поэтому мой английский немного хромает, но надеюсь я понятно объяснил проблему.
I do not know whether it is designed that way or not, but you in the filter with the update stopped displaying expedition medallions, only on the 3rd filter I saw them in a stack of 20, and they glowed quite faintly. I am Russian so my English is a bit lame, but I hope I explained the problem clearly. |
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There might be an issue with the
[4903] Weapon Progression section (also, naming issue : not only weapons) it also throws Quivers in there, but the issue is that a lot of them do not have upgrades ! So for instance : " will not work on an ilvl 44 Penetrating Arrow Quiver (DropLevel 25), despite this being the highest (and only) tier of quivers with this implicit ! |
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