The amout of vendor trash makes me want to quit this game
Here is the problem.
In PoE everyone wants the same stats => there's very little variation on what godly gear means. Take a chest armor for example: it's tri-resistance, life and increased defenses: this is an extremely good chest for everyone except a very very small amount of players. With such a system, OF COURSE TRASH WILL DROP. because everything except that one thing is trash. Now, if there were other stats in the game that were attractive to players, like say if Stun Avoidance or Thorns were valid stats used in more than 0.00001% of builds then there would be a better variety in what is situationally useful gear. So until GGG adds new mods that will become situationally useful, or bumps the current useless filler stats to usefulness, trash will keep on dropping everywhere. My 2c. |
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Real_Wolf: I think those concepts are understood by most. Perhaps some who are asking for a change are looking from a trading perspective hoping for more cash, which I agree isn't going to happen, but some are just hoping for a reasonable chance of an upgrade.
I've said in other threads that a good item distribution should present a classic bell curve. Currently the curve attenuates significantly just to the right of the middle; i.e. after 450 pdps your chance of finding a 2hander upgrade is... miniscule. You may never find anything better in thousands of hours of gameplay. That is why people say 'path of trade'. Of course if you increase the chances of mid-high damage weapons dropping (350 pdps daggers/bows, 600-650 pdps 2handers) you may need to dial back power in other areas. That's understood as well. And mirrors? Bad, bad, bad decisioning. Tacit statement that crafting has been made so difficult as to concentrate all 'wealth' in terms of gear in a very few players' hands, so let's at least try and get those items to more players by allowing copying. Not addressing the problem. More on-topic - walking 2 rooms away and still seeing (and having to navigate around) the loot explosion... Very poor. |
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" That's not true. There are indeed items that would be valuable for a typical, let's say "archetype" of character, but that archetype doesn't exist, many other items can be useful too. And once you're starting to get into details, your statement begins to be less and less correct. Taking your chest example, some people will go CI, others will want a Cloak of Flame, Cloak of Defiance, Lightning Coil, maybe even a Troll Mantle, etc. The itemization in PoE is way more complex than what you think it is if I understand your "life and triple res for everyone" statement correctly. Just compare it with an other game's itemization where every class and every build want the same stats with no exception, it's like day and night. I think there's a lot of variation on what godly gear means in Path of Exile. IGN : @Morgoth Last edited by Morgoth2356#3009 on Mar 12, 2015, 8:04:51 AM
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Here is one of the problems. There is no quality control on the game experience with such wide variations on progression with the heavy reliance on layering RNG. D2 did item generation so much better, simply by removing obsolete tiers of affixes as they related to the ilvl. This narrows the progression curve for bad RNG to still have a decent play experience, while still allowing for the greater gear to appear. No. Calm down. Learn to enjoy losing. Last edited by b15h09#7812 on Mar 12, 2015, 10:08:02 AM
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" D2 also allowed you to find almost everything in nightmare that you could find in hell. D2 also lacked crafting options (of course aside from runewords) D2 lacked links, colored sockets, the skill gem system, ect. You can't really compare the 2 directly because D2 is more balanced around solo play then PoE has and probably ever will be, especially considering PoE is an online ARPG game. Also +1 morgoth anyone who says all items in PoE must have the same stats has never, ever compared the stats of other games. There is no "primary stat" that scales weapon damage. For the most part life + 3 res is always nice, but some builds rather have es, some rather have 2 res and mana\mana regen, whatever it maybe, it isn't as set in stone as other games, primary stat+vit+cc+cd+cdr, ect.
FeelsBadMan Remove MF from POE, make juiced map the new MF. |
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d2 is also oooooold , can you imagine what the team behind that game could have done in 15 years had blizzard not fired them?
and most rare items do have a desired set of stats , that is how mirror items tend to all look the same . you have some minor stats that change for different global mechanics. like instead of armor get es or evasion instead of life get a second es mod but really it all boils down to the same damn things. get all the offense mods on weapons get all the defense rolls on armor. and it generally boils down to crit , crit multi, damage 1 damage 2 damage 3 attack speed or fix defense 1 , % defense 2, life or defense 2/3 resist 1 resist 2 resist 3 the itemization system is quite restrictive for rares , just like it was in release d3 the only places that have a little variation are the jewelry slots , in which people might get mana rolls or more crit or stats but the winners for those categories are pretty clear too Last edited by Saltychipmunk#1430 on Mar 12, 2015, 11:41:18 AM
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" Meh, I actually liked individual loot tables for different bosses/difficulties. I also think links/sockets were implemented poorly. Neat concept, bad execution. I do grow tired of the whole dev mentality of watering down the individual play experience for the sake of... what? Economy? Fuck that. Let the economy work around the uber rare chase items, and keep the mid-grade stuff a part of gameplay. Close the disparity gap. No. Calm down. Learn to enjoy losing.
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" I tend to agree, but maybe not as harshly as you do. Masters DEFINITELY closed the gap a lot for self found or people that didn't need OMG BiS rares (aka league players) I think Chris has admitted that players rarely invest currency into lower level items (to 6 link or even 5 link) because that progress can't be transferred onto another item. I think this is a place where GGG can focus some effort into, however I don't really have any ideas on how it should really be done. Maybe 5 link item (or 6 link), plus 20 fuses (50? for 6 link), plus id scroll or something gives you an orb (or this orb could technically drop) and you can apply that orb (similar to eternal) to transfer the links\sockets\colors onto another item. Make it restricted on type (so, bow>bow, chest>chest, 2hander>2hander) The only real issue I see is what could stop people from transferring or using 5 links that people never use, like shitty bow bases, 2 handed low level axes\chest, ect.
FeelsBadMan Remove MF from POE, make juiced map the new MF. |
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Item system in PoE is overall bad.
There are types that just better than others. There are mirriors and eternal orbs that simply repeal criteria "normal" or "healthy" from economy. There is no connection with mod tiers and Ilvl... They will never come back from damage already done. I think, the only way for players to expirience godlike ARPG is to wait someone to copy-paste everything good there is in PoE and just not make that ammount of mistakes. |
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Can agree, Masters did much to close the gap. However, to me, it feels like a band-aid solution to a deeper loot generation problem. It really doesn't do much to make the loot hunt not suck, which is where the problem really lies.
No. Calm down. Learn to enjoy losing.
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