The amout of vendor trash makes me want to quit this game
GGG wants good items to be rare and expensive and i really support that. I agree that we should put lots of effort in our gear before we can fly trough the most challenging content of this game. The problem is, when i try to enjoy that challenging content, I pretty much feel like a guy who cleans my dumpster every Tuesday.
So I put a lot of effort and currency into a one of the highest level map. I kill the boss finally after dieing couple of times. Massive loot explosion happens due to ridiculous map mods, 100% + quantity in the map and lots of rarity. All i get i worthless vendor junk that no1 would buy for even 1alch. Not to mention 2-3 screens long junkyard of white and blue trash. Why does all that trash even drop?? Who needs that crap? why do i have to ID all that junk just for a slim chance of getting something that was worth my time? For the price of 15 chaos for a map, -30% of exp at lvl 88, 15-20 minutes of my time i get what? Another... 5 minutes of wasting my time running around that junkyard to and ID/vendor all the trash. I really wouldn't mind if nothing dropped instead of having all the junk on my screen. Now imaging if instead of all that junk across the entire map, only 1 DECENT items dropped. Im not saying like something i can sell for an ex or two, but at least something i can put in my shop to at least get a third of what i invested into this map i wouldn't be frustrated like this. I really don't mind good items being rare. What i absolutely HATE about this game is all the junk we have to look trough, ID and vendor in order to have a slim chance of getting an item with few good mods. I want to play this game to kill monsters and challenge bosses, not to feel like i went on a junkyard do dump all my trash. I have almost 400+ hours of /played across all my characters. I really enjoyed leveling different builds, and playing around. But, when it comes to endgame farming, this game is absolute time waster because most of the time, we get nothing in return and that feels extremely demoralizing for some1 who who spends hours and hours of grinding and gets nothing but a full screen of junk. This thread has been automatically archived. Replies are disabled.
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" Actually, more is more. In PoE, as you very well know, everything is recycled. Those "trash" items that we vendor = currency. Give me Kaltenhalt all day, every day. Making these items drop less fixes nothing, as it's already been proven. Remember the insane buffs to unique drops? Now everything other than tier-1 uniques is quite common, and has that stopped people from complaining? Obviously not, as we see from this thread and from countless others. People want every monster in the game to drop a Mjolner, that's just how it is. Still doesn't mean GGG should give in to that nonsense.. 177 Last edited by toyotatundra#0800 on Mar 10, 2015, 9:38:45 AM
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" You've got it backwards, dawg. Imagine you get what you want. Every map you do, you get onea decent item. So, I can do a 100 maps today, I'll get a decent item in every one. Every single map. Every single day. Now imagine how many other players get the same. And the result is, your item is WORTHLESS, because there's six million of items exactly like yours on the market. You won't ever sell it, not even for 1 portal scroll. And the punchline is - you won't even get the currency. No items to vendor means no currency. No alterations. No chaos orb recipe. No regal recipe. No nothing. Just one item no one will ever buy. 177 Last edited by toyotatundra#0800 on Mar 10, 2015, 9:45:11 AM
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so 1 decent item per map feels to rewarding??? lol you are crazy. I never said i wanted mjolner to drop every map i play nor did i say i want 5ex woth of loot per map, By 1 DECENT ITEM i mean something i can sell for at least few chaos. Does that feel to rewearding to you? -15 chaos for map + 5c worth of items??? to rewarding??
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" I think you are mistaken or are missing the value from maps. Lets say you get an item worth 5c each and every map no matter what level the map. Of course there is no way for GGG to make items magically worth this amount drop every map, if they did then they would start at the value of 5c and decrease as more items of similar value become available. Also keep in mind that all the rares you find (and take out) can be sold for alt shards. You can find fuses, trans, augs, jews, chaos, exalts, eternals, ect from a map. You get XP from a map. You get (sometimes) maps from maps, depending on your goals you can sell the higher ones. Tl;dr there is no way GGG can add what you want. You are too focused on one negative to see all the benefits you do get from maps.
FeelsBadMan Remove MF from POE, make juiced map the new MF. |
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There are two ways the game creates currency:
A. Drop directly from monsters B. Given by vendors (in exchange for "trash") Just because someone is saying "let's reduce B" doesn't mean they're saying "let's reduce (A+B)." When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted. Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Mar 10, 2015, 10:10:22 AM
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" You got one decent item per map? Lucky you, stop complaining. High level content and harder maps don't mean better item drops. Nor that you will be rewarded in any way, besides exp gain. Rewards are random and inconsistent. It's by design. I don't know what, and if, gonna change in future, but that's how it has always been. This is a buff © 2016
The Experts ™ 2017 |
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" i feel with u! exactly same situation here |
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"I think you are mistaken or are missing the value from maps"
I just spent 2ex on 77-78 map, I got couple of alchs fuses alts etc (lesst than 5c worth of currency). 0 useful items, (btw i know well what items are valuable/sellable) and of course TONES OF vendor trash that was worth 10-20 alts. What value am i missing?? |
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" First of all what you "spent" on a map is irrelevant as it typically isn't a direct correlation to what you will get out of one. Did you get XP out of the map? Did any maps drop for you? Of course you know the torment league is ending in 2 weeks, so things that would or could have been picked up and sold for higher value aren't worth it (high ilevel items, ambushers, harbinger, jewlery, ect) Each and every map cannot have returns guaranteed otherwise the whole system wouldn't work.
Not that it matters, how exactly did you spend 2ex on a 77-78 map? FeelsBadMan Remove MF from POE, make juiced map the new MF. Last edited by goetzjam#3084 on Mar 10, 2015, 10:11:37 AM
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