The amout of vendor trash makes me want to quit this game
" The difference is im over here at a 2-3 and your already at a 10 on actions\words against GGG. TBH it doesn't matter what you or I think IIQ should have been, its already in the game and reducing it further on unique items would just prove pointless in most cases. Again the most important aspect that I don't think anyone can dispute: This issue won't ever be resolved until the option to filter item drops is added.
FeelsBadMan Remove MF from POE, make juiced map the new MF. |
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Right now, running 0 gear MF and, say, 70% quantity from map affixes, still way too many items. Compounded in party play.
We can, and should, get rid of gear IIQ completely for those two sources. Going straight IIR would be better in many ways. Loot filters are a confession of making a bad ARPG. "Hello there, player, I'm the game. Like others in my genre, I'm item-centric. You'l love the cool loot you can find. Press this button to make some of it invisible." A filter means they fucked up and can't, or won't, fix it. Not what I'm ever looking for in an ARPG. Legacy items shouldn't be used as an excuse to hold up progress elsewhere. Yes, they'll probably still be fucked up. Oh well. When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted. Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Mar 10, 2015, 12:44:29 PM
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I don't think loot filter exhibits any kind of a game weakness.
It's supposed to bring convenience. There are plenty of games with much better itemization and MF systems, than PoE, and they still have the filter as an option. It's up to the player to use it, or not. This is a buff © 2016
The Experts ™ 2017 |
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" No what loot filters do is allow for players to customize what they want to see drop on the screen, see whats best with such a system is it empowers the player to decide what they want\should see without sacrificing anything for players that enjoy white bases or whatever the hell drops currently. For some reason you are against what would be the best solution to the problem, but instead it has to by your way or stop supporting PoE. You've had some good comments in the past, but your obsession to remove IIQ instead of seeing what would be the more neutral change is astounding.
FeelsBadMan Remove MF from POE, make juiced map the new MF. |
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" or i can just look at your supporter packs and know that you have been here since the beta by the fact that you have a beta pack. you seem to like making things harder than they need to be. " that was 75% iiq on a 30% map, last time i checked 150% with zero item quanity on gear has the same damn result. Still a problem. plus i have 200 rarity so.. yeah " you don't need to tell me it has always been like that , i know what the hell the 6 portal limit was for. It was never a good idea. NEVER. it discourages team play by needlessly providing loot tension. Which many people HATE , hence the addition of perm loot allocation. " required? apart from the presence of a culler and 5 of his best buds group play sucks ass. sure you technically get better drops , but you get less time to vendor them, less chances to vendor them and you have to worry about 5 other pricks taking yo shit when you aren't around. Stop with the foolish assumption that team play was EVER required. apart from running bosses most people dont party. Last edited by Saltychipmunk#1430 on Mar 10, 2015, 1:03:34 PM
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" I really think that's a stretch, Scrotie. But even if it's true, and giving in to a filter is bad design, I just do not give a shit at all. I want to not have to strain myself to play the game. Given the choice between waiting indefinitely for an elegant solution or just giving us the option to hide clutter immediately… The appeal to good design philosophies falls flat. A comprehensive, easy on the eyes loot filter: Need a chill group exiles to hang with? Join us: |
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" That "strain" you experience is something many of us have already adapted too and now enjoy a small advantage from. More loot clutter = advantage to people who can look and find things others don't... Not that it matters here but, almost every high rune I ever found in d2 was left behind with white items others passed up. (for those that didn't know, the most valuable items in D2 had the same color on the ground as trash) Not that I even care that much about this topic, but there should be some consideration for the other side - if there were a 'perfect' loot filter where it only shows you exactly what want you want to pick up, then it would completely eliminate any advantages some players have that spent time learning whats worth while and scanning the ground quickly while fighting... To a degree, this is the last tiny bit of loot competition left in the game, but by all means, bad game design ahoy! someone got a headache. |
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" Do you honestly think the average person runs 150 quantity maps all the time?
" " "loot tension" Please describe how playing in a party, especially after the changes to perma allocation causes "loot tension" Being limited on the amount of items that can be taken out of maps isn't the issue, especially if your complaining you have too much shit on the screen. " Sounds like you have some serious issues with people, perhaps you should see a doctor or something about it. " Did I say team play was ever required? No, I said if GGG made it so team play was required i'd stop supporting the game. This is an ARPG not WoW.
FeelsBadMan Remove MF from POE, make juiced map the new MF. |
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" you know what else people hate? dead-ends. why are the even in the game at all? who likes them? how do they ever 'help' the pace of the game? WHO HERE Would make an argument that the game needs to keep dead-ends in maps? (I would, but I bet anything I would be in the extreme minority - the game does not just need to be difficult, but difficult in many different ways) what else? how about 1-hit kills, who here likes to be one-shot with good defenses an HP, anyone? How could it be there are so many things people hate about this game (many more examples on the forums), but still enjoy it? obstacles that are there on purpose are to be overcome, not QQ'ed about till the game designer removes them. The game needs things that players dislike, so long as there is a way around or to avoid them - and for loot tension the way to avoid it was MAKE FRIENDS and share loot - or get good at looting fast. The ONLY reason there is no loot tension in this game is because of D3 - WAY too many people tried it first, got used to not having to deal with this 'problem' and basically complained to high hell till GGG took it out. (I will add, that GGG didn't help the situation by changing the names and timers constantly either, they were probably fed-up with the complaints and just axe'ed an intended part of the game instead of sticking to there guns) |
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Lets not get bogged down in the whole loot tension fight. Making the connection between loot tension and overwhelming screen clutter is spurious at best.
Is that what you want on your side? A comprehensive, easy on the eyes loot filter: Need a chill group exiles to hang with? Join us: |
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