This policy is a reason why the game will always be rigged with RMT and illegal Crosstrades
" I agree that several players are motivated to RMT because PoE is like an Asia Grinder and casuals don't have got the same gameexperience in terms of content as no lifers. But enforcement is a way to stop it. And PoE got enforcement at all. Everbody gets a "get out of jail" card. Example: Streamer uses Maphack during a race and only receives a warning from a dev. Another streamer uses maphack in several races and still isn't banned. Check reddit for the stream. RMTboard-> /topic.php?t=67080324&f=160&o=0 A caught RMTer got this warning ![]() The later the threads the more fun those users make about RMT enforcement. The 10 month till banned user got shamed for ages and even got some of his tradethreads locked iirc. He even PMed something like "30 exalteds for 300$" on his stream how he bought an item or also taking FG? He even got a partner in crime who still isn't banned. And you can clearly see that GGG pretends they would enforce it: Devpost: My answer: I can also post the mail consversations that post the standard stuff about RMTers "getting banned". I reported a 50k and later 20-30k fluctuating fools gold user. The cases were 100% and they only thing happened is that they did steps to go under the radar Do you really think I will report a high tier 325k fools gold user? When he just receives a warning? And goes under the radar in future? First I want to see that blatant RMTers get banned instead of warned before I report big fish. And the majority of you wants to see normal prices? Back in CB there was barely RMT and most RMT action were sold CB Keys. Vendor receipes were far more powerful and the game faster paced and still you payed 5 chaos at Best for items now selling for 30-40 chaos orbs. |
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" In case you haven't noticed, Scrotie is defending PoE in his own way now, by trolling in his own wordy style. Can't tell by the tone ? Everybody just seems burnt out now. |
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" When the vast majority of your wealth is concentrated on .1% of your population people will be compelled to RMT. Just because you have jobs doesn't mean they are good jobs. |
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"I'm not defending PoE. GGG fails to aggressively pursue RMTers, and thus is allowing malicious economic elements to flourish. If you say "the economy is the most important part of the game to us" then don't come down hard on RMT, you're a liar. Nor am I saying the game is perfect. Just because you don't enjoy playing PoE doesn't mean you're insane, and there are a lot of valid complaints about replayability, especially in endgame. However, at no time does this justify RMT as all the apologists attempt to claim. If you don't enjoy playing a game, the mentally healthy solution is: Stop. Fucking. Playing. If desired, you can leave a post or posts in Feedback explaining why you no longer found the game enjoyable, and that's cool; I'm not saying you need to be an active player to be an active forumer with valid opinions. However, saying "endgame progression sucks, therefore I'm considering RMT" is literally a symptom of mental illness, and that IS on you and not on GGG... but that doesn't mean you need to smile and keep playing a game you think is shit. When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted. Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Jan 4, 2014, 7:44:26 PM
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" I think saying it's a symptom of mental illness naively simplifies the problem. Hell, even a thread like this can be part of the problem. You might end up with people who read this thread and think to themselves; 'Might as well rmt if ggg doesn't give a shit.' I mean even something like GGG moving this thread to feedback can be misinterpreted as them trying to bury it and thus being soft on rmt and producing a few more abusers. Anyway, my point is people who genuinely enjoy PoE and care about getting past the game's difficulties might feel like it's an open secret that it's 'ok' to rmt because ggg seems soft on it which is the crux of the op problem that goes much deeper than most of us that care about the game feel is acceptable. Thus you get numerous threads about how crafting sucks, drop rates sucks, trade sucks, economic prices are jacked all over in a game that's only a few months released ~ all those feelings can lead to rmt. |
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" It becomes a more serious matter then and they have to "give a shit" And imo Chris reddit post on suspension matters is far more harmful than this thread. " I agree but if GGG would use proper enforcement they would receive feedback on a level of "loot allocation" to change it and the game wouldn't die like an Asiagrinder within some months. Several users feel compelled to do RMT to bypass those issues. In fact players feeling affected by those issues have 2 solutions: Stop playing or do RMT. The majority of those players leaves others do RMT. |
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I think this exact problem is more of a situation of confusing rules. I said it in the reddit post but just got downvoted for whatever reason, but it should just be across the board, no interleague trading. Having it ok for standard/HC but not to week races/temp leagues is confusing and anyone caught can obviously play the dumb card.
It shouldn't be allowed period then they can be more aggressive with rule enforcement. Of course, they have to be aggressive with it and no choose to give out suspensions but rather bannings. Finished 17th in Rampage - Peaked at 11th
Finished 18th in Torment/Bloodline 1mo Race - peaked at 9th Null's Inclination Build 2.1.0 - Summon Skeleton 1.3 - |
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I also would like to clarify: just because it's insane to RMT doesn't mean it doesn't happen. That's be like saying people don't get addicted to crack. I believe that GGG has the best of intents here (regardless of results) and is trying to make a quality game and not a Skinner box, that the aim is fun and not addiction, that the addiction of some is a side effect not a primary effect.
For RMT buyers, strong enforcement is more than just hurting RMT sellers by taking away their (repeat) business; it's also shows mercy on the RMT buyer, allowing them to escape their mental illness by no longer enabling them. I'm not saying I justify mental illness because I don't, and I believe those with issues need to be fully accountable for their actions, but given my personal history (I've been insane myself) I'd be a hypocrite if I didn't empathize. If you are no longer enjoying the game, stop torturing yourself and get out. When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
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This rule is pointless, because it cant be enforced. Only streamers can possibly be caught in the act (if they are reckless enough to do it on stream), for everyone else there is plausible deniability, even if GGG has logs showing "suspicious activity".
What seems like a cross-trade, can be just two "bro-deals" among friends or guild members. When night falls
She cloaks the world In impenetrable darkness |
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The only action a sane person can take to whats happening right in front of every-ones eyes to play totaly self-found and ignore trading all together.
Unfortunately we live in the real world and GGG in there wisdom decided to balance the game and drop rates based on how many orbs are in the economy with zero thought as to how they got there. Ive said it a 1000 times UNTRADEABLE ORBS(separate to normal orbs) from races or what-ever they like. so at least people can craft with-out having to buy orbs from questionable sources. But GGG dont respond to critism ever so we dont know if they care or what. "Blue warrior shot the food" Last edited by maxor#5545 on Jan 4, 2014, 10:12:53 PM
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