[1.0.0] "This witch is crazy" A cold/crit/discharge guide

spider81 wrote:
Thanks a lot Mate for the clarification,but still do not see how i will find items with 100+ ES + a good % of modifier.

Well, most of the good ones are crafter, but not all of them; I found this decent helmet, for example, that I'm still using:

I'd be happier if it had lightning resistance instead of one of the crappy mods, but still, 300 ES is okayish, I think when I'll try to replace it it'll be worth a couple of exalts.

I also found this decent hybrid armor that I used before replacing it with a 5L, pure ES one:

These are both from docks/66-67 maps, so it's not impossible, but it's easier and more beneficial to craft one yourself.
Last edited by luorax on Oct 31, 2013, 10:57:41 AM
luorax wrote:
spider81 wrote:
Thanks a lot Mate for the clarification,but still do not see how i will find items with 100+ ES + a good % of modifier.

Well, most of the good ones are crafter, but not all of them; I found this decent helmet, for example, that I'm still using:

I'd be happier if it had lightning resistance instead of one of the crappy mods, but still, 300 ES is okayish, I think when I'll try to replace it it'll be worth a couple of exalts.

I also found this decent hybrid armor that I used before replacing it with a 5L, pure ES one:

These are both from docks/66-67 maps, so it's not impossible, but it's easier and more beneficial to craft one yourself.

Good thanks a lot!

I am only at the beginnin gof the journey,lvl21 act2 normal,but i will continue.

Do you use the same build?
Update on my experience with the build on Domination League after going more into ES points.

Considering that any decent piece of witch gear with anything over 100+ ES spell dmg/crit/or double resists is selling for 5-15 chaos.
So getting gear with the stats you need to keep your survive-ability up and maintain damage is quite expensive. Unless you find yourself some good drops.

I have hit a gear road block around level 50ish in act 3 cruel on the new content.
I cant find a 5L chest or purchase one so I am having mana issues due to not running mana leach.
My ES Total is around 1.8k with maxed resists for cruel 75/75/75/100 and my freezing pulse showing a dps of 700. FP-LL-FC-LMP, and if I drop Faster Casting I cant keep enough life regen to survive other mobs.

I cant afford a GMP for my ice spear since they are going for around 5 choas for a 0%Quality.

But I am just trucking along with groups farming docks at the moment hoping for some drops or push me to the next gear level range. As well as maybe tonight try and have a friend push me through into merciless.

I am using Frost Bite and Blood Rage
IGN: psyotiks
Last edited by Psyotik on Oct 31, 2013, 11:45:41 AM
This build seems extremly squishy. How do you guys handle bosses (in solo) ? I have low defense since i am not crazy rich - and i can only rely on power charges which just doesnt cut it.

Further more - doesn't she kinda suck in party play? I mean - for me its hard to get the final kill so i can build up frenzy charges. Without it i have poor dps and crappy discarge.

How do you guys do it ?
dellarocco wrote:
Why not go for iron reflexes on this build?

Exactly, I don't understand either. It's only 2 points away. Don't all those dex nodes that we take along the way lose some of their value, without the benefits of evasion?
Last edited by Asshai on Nov 1, 2013, 7:33:39 PM
Hi Im using thid build as respec build after Releaste this is my Gear now:


I have only about 1100 Es and im cant get forward... Im act 1 Merciless now can u help me improve my gear and give me some tipps?

My dps is around 560 Unbuffed its okay but im a glass canon i know i need more resists i used the passive skill tree till lvl 60 without change hope you can help me
Last edited by Bllank92 on Nov 3, 2013, 11:02:37 AM
Hey !

My little contribution here...

I play a similar build, from Ripped Anarchy to Standard now, and I recognize myself in what was said about 1.0 patch and casters...

Casters are definitely very-gear dependant, especially when playing CI. I have a decent but not tremendous gear (no 5L chest :( )and also have difficulties in Sceptre of Gods.

All builds I've seen there are nice, but I think you all miss a point : considering the game in merciless act 3 and maps (i'm running 66-67 for now, yeah not truly end game), i have to say that in my opinion, the double-curse is absolutely mandatory when playing a Witch, not talking about the huge boost to Discharge (I play frostbite+Elemental Weakness).

Of course, curse-immune monsters are tiring to kill, especially with life regen ;), far more than elem reflect.

Here's my actual build :

The Aura nerf hurts me I must say..I still run Discipline+Clarity+Purity, but I 've lost my beloved Grace :( I made the choice of playing with a ES/Eva shield, as my nodes in the shadow tree with only this
jumps me to 21%Evasion at lvl 74 (was a 32% with lvl 13 Grace before). I'll test with Eva/ES gloves to see if the gain worths it.

I m aiming for completing the Void Barrier node on my way to lvl 80, but I wonder if the Inner Force still worths the 8pts by now, and will probably respec soon to :

My spells are :
Blood rage, Frosbite, Elemental weakness, Enduring Cry
Ice Spear+LMP+Power charge on crit+IIR
Discharge+IIR+IIQ+Life leech
Cold Snap+Elem proliferation+cold pénétration
Lightning warp+fastcast+Add lightning dom(Q gem, +5%shock chance)

Gameplay is mandatory : aggro enemies while running and casting the 2 curses to have them all doomed, then cold snap to freeze the entire screen, bloodrage, a few Ice spears, then warp in the crowd (hopefully a shock debuff :) ), enduring and big BOOM.

To have an idea, this build with lvl 17-18 nonQ gems and my poor gear (only 300%crit mult), i have 880dps on Ice Spear and 18 000 Discharge with full bubbles (3red,4green,5blue), 1500dps Cold snap and Lightning warp. I know, it s not great but the tooltip doesn t count the double curse...moreover, replace IIR gems with dps ones and do the maths ;)
Defenses: 77% elem res, chaos immune, 21%Eva 31%block, 4300ES

I m giving my variation about original poster cold/discharge build, but main point is : DOUBLE CURSE IS FUNDAMENTAL AS A WITCH IMO. Moreover, it makes this build group-friendly.

I play without stun/freeze immunity...I find them too costly to have: you play frost so aim to control the monsters, have a 77%frost resist, and while having ES, you have 50%chance to avoid stuns

Last edited by KingKhaan on Nov 4, 2013, 4:26:20 AM
luorax wrote:
spider81 wrote:
Thanks a lot Mate for the clarification,but still do not see how i will find items with 100+ ES + a good % of modifier.

Well, most of the good ones are crafter, but not all of them; I found this decent helmet, for example, that I'm still using:

I'd be happier if it had lightning resistance instead of one of the crappy mods, but still, 300 ES is okayish, I think when I'll try to replace it it'll be worth a couple of exalts.

I also found this decent hybrid armor that I used before replacing it with a 5L, pure ES one:

These are both from docks/66-67 maps, so it's not impossible, but it's easier and more beneficial to craft one yourself.

Can you share with em your build?

Update on my progress

I am now level 61 and I have picked up some decent gear
With Ice Spear/LMP/powercharge on crit/crit chance
and Freezing pulse/cast speed/life leech/ LMP
and Blood Rage/ Inc duration/ faster casting

I am now sitting at over 2.2k ES and I am having a few issues with mana since I still cant afford a decent 5l. Only running Clarity Aura.

However I can clear most of ACT2 Merc with only certain mobs destroying me.
I keep up 5 stacks of power charge and keep Blood Rage up at all times- faster casting helps

So far so good, but there was a major lull in the build between 48 and 60 and new gear really helped out.

Only problem so far has been that gear is just downright over priced in domination. And this build is gear dependent. But from what I can tell any CI witch build is.
IGN: psyotiks
what about Pain Attunement Keynode? with CI are you not always concidered low on life?

its 30% extra dmg all the time?

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