Spectral throw
"Does it support claws? Or are claws still just reave only aoe attacks? Though maybe you could make a puncture build with claws? I dont know enough about the DoT balancing in 1.0.0 though? |
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" Will the blood drinker passive apply to it? |
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" I'm planning using ST with scorned, doing a crit build around it. I'm actually thinking ranger/shadow would be the best starts for it. probably will do something like ST+FA+WED+LL+ML (would swap out ML for Crit Damage if I can get a way to leech mana or have a few passives left for taking EB). Would probably want to use it with Soul Mantle on an evasion-based build. |
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Do we have any info on the colour of the gem?
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"Scorned is 2-handed, bro. |
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Removing the shotgunning property seems like a gigantic nerf to the ability, to the point where it's hard to imagine what kind of buff could possibly save it. It's literally the same as removing shotgun from FP or FB -- it would render those skills entirely worthless. The buff would have to be something along the lines of double damage, but that would be similarly weird and probably impossible to balance. I'd really like to hear what has actually been done to make the skill remain viable after removing basically the thing that made it good in the first place.
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being able to shotgun this seems like it would be grossly overpowered. Other weapon projectiles can not shotgun.
IGN: Arlianth
Check out my LA build: 1782214 |
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The skill looks like it would be absolutely terrible for single-target due to its speed and range, or lack thereof. It seems like it would have been easier to balance the skill around shotgunning.
Last edited by engqvist85#1368 on Oct 19, 2013, 12:46:21 AM
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" its not literally the same. Quit posting this nonsense. One is an attack, the other is a spell. Last edited by SL4Y3R#7487 on Oct 19, 2013, 1:15:24 AM
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" That's an arbitrary mechanical difference that has no influence on how the skill is used in practice. Your argument is completely empty. Without shotgunning, this skill is going to be garbage unless they double the damage or something. It does function literally as if you removed shotgun from FP, it will completely change the way it is used. For instance, the BotW build will be entirely invalid after this change. This skill functions exactly like a spell in every conceivable way except for damage mechanics, and unlike bow and even wand builds, you don't just have other suitable options for single-target. You can't use Frenzy because it'll be a melee attack on an otherwise projectile-based build. What are you going to do, slot a single-projectile Spectral Throw and go around using that? Before shitting up threads with your utter idiocy and then calling reasoned arguments nonsense, you should probably take a moment to think beyond the most basic concept of "herp derp it's an attack therefore no comparison with spells can possibly be valid and is thus automatically incorrect." It's the most unintelligent thing I've heard all day. Your post is completely and utterly worthless. Last edited by engqvist85#1368 on Oct 19, 2013, 1:28:58 AM
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