Hojirozame wrote:
Sexcalibure wrote:
Ok guys its not hard to understand.... its a non-melee projctile attack
buffs are
-projectile damage
-specific type of weapon ( axe,sword,mace... dont work when the deffinition say melee in it, like: Increase 2 handed melee weapon damage)
I may have misunderstood you here, but Mark confirmed on page 4 that "Increased Physical Damage with One/Two Handed Melee Weapons" nodes will work with Spectral Throw.
Mark_GGG wrote:
Uvne wrote:
But what about "Increased Damage with One-Handed Melee Weapons"? This will still work because it references the weapon base and not the skill, right?
Correct. An Axe is still classified as a melee weapon, even if you're biffing it at someone's head from a distance, rather than using it in melee.
Maybe we have to ask to Mark about if there is a difference between
-"Increased Damage with One-Handed Melee Weapons"( understand why it wont work here)
-"Increased physical damage with axe" ( but here you still throw that axe, you sure dont melee but its still a axe)
its like the difference between projectile and bow mod in my mind
ZiggyD is the Labyrinth of streamers, some like it, some dont, but GGG will make sure to push it down ur throat to make you like it Last edited by Sexcalibure#7575 on Oct 19, 2013, 10:48:40 PM
Posted bySexcalibure#7575on Oct 19, 2013, 10:46:37 PMOn Probation
ok atm i would assume its like lightning strike... if this is the case the damage is split up into 2 different parts the initial attack and the reduced damage projectiles.
despite any of that if it dont shotgun i wont use it...
[quote="Mark_GGG"]damage modifiers don't can currently can't apply to degen.[/quote]
"Getting all life nods on passive tree should give additional survival, not the mandatory basic survival."
Posted byleighferon#0786on Oct 19, 2013, 11:15:26 PM
Sexcalibure wrote:
Maybe we have to ask to Mark about if there is a difference between
-"Increased Damage with One-Handed Melee Weapons"( understand why it wont work here)
-"Increased physical damage with axe" ( but here you still throw that axe, you sure dont melee but its still a axe)
its like the difference between projectile and bow mod in my mind
I see no difference in either, as "One Handed Melee Weapons" is just a very general node to encompass every one handed melee weapon. You would be able to pick up these nodes instead of focusing solely on axe passives or whatever - it gives you a bit of flexibility. As Mark said, the axe is still technically considered a "melee" weapon even though you are throwing it.
My understanding is any node that just says "Increased Melee Physical Damage" won't work, so you would have to replace these with "Increased Projectile Damage" nodes instead.
Last edited by Hojirozame#7390 on Oct 19, 2013, 11:42:32 PM
Posted byHojirozame#7390on Oct 19, 2013, 11:20:44 PM
Hojirozame wrote:
Sexcalibure wrote:
Maybe we have to ask to Mark about if there is a difference between
-"Increased Damage with One-Handed Melee Weapons"( understand why it wont work here)
-"Increased physical damage with axe" ( but here you still throw that axe, you sure dont melee but its still a axe)
its like the difference between projectile and bow mod in my mind
I see no difference in either, as "One Handed Melee Weapons" is just a very general node to encompass every one handed melee weapon. You would be able to pick up these nodes instead of focusing solely on axe passives or whatever - it gives you a bit of flexibility. As Mark said, the axe is still technically considering a "melee" weapon even though you are throwing it.
My understanding is any node that just says "Increased Melee Physical Damage" won't work, so you would have to replace these with "Increased Projectile Damage" nodes instead.
i spot the difference that one say melee and the other dont...
ZiggyD is the Labyrinth of streamers, some like it, some dont, but GGG will make sure to push it down ur throat to make you like it
Posted bySexcalibure#7575on Oct 19, 2013, 11:27:40 PMOn Probation
ultrahiangle wrote:
JunKx wrote:
so its a projectile attack that is based on melee weapons.
so it basically just has build in pierce, and even more-so because it can damage on its way back too. thats pretty sweet.
that also means it works with chain and fork etc...now that would be interesting to see, with chain.
chain and fork can't work when an attack pierces. 100% pierce = no chance/fork.
this is true, but i was merely just comparing how the skill acts to pierce, because it goes through enemies then it comes back, once again going through enemies.
do we know if the attack specifically states and acts on the mechanic of piercing, and thus cannot work with chain/fork?
Posted byiRace82#5088on Oct 19, 2013, 11:29:42 PM
Sexcalibure wrote:
Hojirozame wrote:
Sexcalibure wrote:
Maybe we have to ask to Mark about if there is a difference between
-"Increased Damage with One-Handed Melee Weapons"( understand why it wont work here)
-"Increased physical damage with axe" ( but here you still throw that axe, you sure dont melee but its still a axe)
its like the difference between projectile and bow mod in my mind
I see no difference in either, as "One Handed Melee Weapons" is just a very general node to encompass every one handed melee weapon. You would be able to pick up these nodes instead of focusing solely on axe passives or whatever - it gives you a bit of flexibility. As Mark said, the axe is still technically considering a "melee" weapon even though you are throwing it.
My understanding is any node that just says "Increased Melee Physical Damage" won't work, so you would have to replace these with "Increased Projectile Damage" nodes instead.
i spot the difference that one say melee and the other dont...
however one is just saying that you increase the damage of a melee weapon(means the weapon it self) and one says you increase melee damage(means the damage you do in a melee attk and not the damage of just the weapon). and you are using the melee weapon and not doing melee damage taking 1/2 handed melee weapon damage nodes will work, but taking just melee damage nodes wont cause your not doing a melee attk. but you are doing an attk with a melee weapon and using whatever damage it has.
its confusing a bit but thats how it works once you rap you head around it
Posted bybanezilla#2919on Oct 19, 2013, 11:41:20 PM
So Is it safe to assume that a 2hnd would be the better wel to use since ST is based of base wep DMg and the have higher?
And if I were using say quecholli mace anything that the spectral hammers kill would then still explode ? That would make it like an infernal bow spectral throw right?
Posted byChongo666#6827on Oct 20, 2013, 3:37:59 AM
Maybe if we sacrifice a goat to the RNG gods Mark will drop by and triple clarify for us. So who has a goat we can offer up?
Posted byZikkar#2701on Oct 20, 2013, 11:51:09 AM
Three PMs for the same thread, you guys nearly broke the record. As I said earlier in the thread
Mark_GGG wrote:
Uvne wrote:
But what about "Increased Damage with One-Handed Melee Weapons"? This will still work because it references the weapon base and not the skill, right?
Correct. An Axe is still classified as a melee weapon, even if you're biffing it at someone's head from a distance, rather than using it in melee.
"increased melee damage" will not apply, because no melee damage is dealt - damage is not being dealt in melee, but by a projectile.
"increased damage with melee weapons" will apply, because a melee weapon is being used to deal the damage. It's just not being used in melee.
This is exactly the same as lightning strike projectiles in terms of which modifiers apply.
Last edited by Mark_GGG#0000 on Oct 20, 2013, 6:02:21 PM
Posted byMark_GGGon Oct 20, 2013, 6:01:52 PMGrinding Gear Games
I think it would save some work and frustration if this tread was stickied in the Scion forum. With the new skill, the new players and all the chaos these facts will need repeating.
Posted byChiliconkarma#3790on Oct 23, 2013, 12:38:07 PM