Spectral throw

engqvist85 wrote:
SL4Y3R wrote:

its not literally the same. Quit posting this nonsense. One is an attack, the other is a spell.

That's an arbitrary mechanical difference that has no influence on how the skill is used in practice. Your argument is completely empty. Without shotgunning, this skill is going to be garbage unless they double the damage or something. It does function literally as if you removed shotgun from FP, it will completely change the way it is used. For instance, the BotW build will be entirely invalid after this change. This skill functions exactly like a spell in every conceivable way except for damage mechanics, and unlike bow and even wand builds, you don't just have other suitable options for single-target. You can't use Frenzy because it'll be a melee attack on an otherwise projectile-based build. What are you going to do, slot a single-projectile Spectral Throw and go around using that? Before shitting up threads with your utter idiocy and then calling reasoned arguments nonsense, you should probably take a moment to think beyond the most basic concept of "herp derp it's an attack therefore no comparison with spells can possibly be valid and is thus automatically incorrect." It's the most unintelligent thing I've heard all day. Your post is completely and utterly worthless.

you waste your time with your wall of text when you know nothing. melee have plenty of single target options. spectral throw is not like any other skill at all, as it is the only projectile attack based on a melee weapon. if anything, it is more like a bow attack than a spell, and no bow attack can shotgun.
ign = ultrahiangle
The point is that now melee can play as if they were ranged while still using ultra heavy 2 handed weapons.

its a little bit of a cop out but i dont think most people will mind as their lmp-ing ST while leapslamming around. i havent seen anything that fun in a long time.
IGN: Arlianth
Check out my LA build: 1782214
As much as I saddened that the shotgunning got removed, it was technically
"OP" and against the very basic skill design in POE. As it stands, no other projectile attack in the game is capable of shotgunning, be it LA, LS or power siphon.

It would be strange if Spectral Throw was an exception, especially considering that it already has a pretty unique function for an attack (hitting targets multiple times/continuously while it passes through them).

That right there provides you with the ability to augment slower projectiles to the skill to increase the number of hits that you get from each throw, but of course it comes with the drawback of shortening the distance that the projectile travels (think FP/EK and projectile speed).

Hopefully the damage effectiveness got raised from 70% (shown in the gamespot video) to 100% at least. If should still be pretty OP as long as they don't limit the amount of throws you can release at once (BOTW video seems to only show the scion cast ST 3-4 time a row and stopping).
Ok guys its not hard to understand.... its a non-melee projctile attack
buffs are
-projectile damage
-specific type of weapon ( axe,sword,mace... dont work when the deffinition say melee in it, like: Increase 2 handed melee weapon damage)

this is the overall look of my spectral thrower build... im waiting for the scion it will save me allot of points
Gonna make it around

My only question now is....
Slower projectile will make
-the weapon move slower(if so go for slower proj gem and get allot of movement speed to walk to make the proj follow you)
-the weapon turn slower(if so, go for faster proj gem)
-or both?
ZiggyD is the Labyrinth of streamers, some like it, some dont, but GGG will make sure to push it down ur throat to make you like it
It seems like shotgunning is the entire point of the skill and the build. Getting 20+ weapons trailing behind and leaping over mobs to have all the weapons fly through and one shot them will not be possible if only one can hit at a time.

As for single target DPS with this skill, is there anything better than linking slower projectiles with point blank and faster attacks? It seems like having your two-hander and your armor both with different Spectral Throw setups, one for AOE and one for Single Target would be ideal if shotgun doesn't work.

Also, since you can hit multiple times, is the 70% weapon DPS per hit or GGG's estimate for damage applied over an average number of hits (4-5)? If it's the former, one throw could reasonably do 280% to 350% weapon DPS which seems way out of line with other skills.
Last edited by Ravenous0001#7687 on Oct 19, 2013, 10:35:48 AM
Zealflare wrote:
Z3roSh0t wrote:
Zikkar wrote:
So what uniques are people thinking would work good with ST? I was thinking either Soul taker or The Goddess Scorned.

I'm planning using ST with scorned, doing a crit build around it. I'm actually thinking ranger/shadow would be the best starts for it. probably will do something like ST+FA+WED+LL+ML (would swap out ML for Crit Damage if I can get a way to leech mana or have a few passives left for taking EB). Would probably want to use it with Soul Mantle on an evasion-based build.
Scorned is 2-handed, bro.

So 2H mace or 2H axe do you all think will be better for this. I have access to Kaom's Primacy and Marohi Erqi and wonder which would be the better pick.
Sexcalibure wrote:
Ok guys its not hard to understand.... its a non-melee projctile attack
buffs are
-projectile damage
-specific type of weapon ( axe,sword,mace... dont work when the deffinition say melee in it, like: Increase 2 handed melee weapon damage)

I may have misunderstood you here, but Mark confirmed on page 4 that "Increased Physical Damage with One/Two Handed Melee Weapons" nodes will work with Spectral Throw.

Mark_GGG wrote:

Uvne wrote:
But what about "Increased Damage with One-Handed Melee Weapons"? This will still work because it references the weapon base and not the skill, right?
Correct. An Axe is still classified as a melee weapon, even if you're biffing it at someone's head from a distance, rather than using it in melee.
Last edited by Hojirozame#7390 on Oct 19, 2013, 9:35:48 PM
ultrahiangle wrote:
you waste your time with your wall of text when you know nothing. melee have plenty of single target options. spectral throw is not like any other skill at all, as it is the only projectile attack based on a melee weapon. if anything, it is more like a bow attack than a spell, and no bow attack can shotgun.

How the fuck are you going to use a melee attack for single-target damage on a ranged build based around a skill that uses projectile damage? What makes you arrive at the conclusion that this would be any good?

The fact that it's the only projectile attack based on a melee weapon is the thing that prevents a sensible build that pairs it with another attack. If you want to use a melee skill for single-target, you rule out the use of projectile and melee passives, plus you add the burden of having to make the build's survivability melee-viable.

How many other current ranged builds would be viable if they had to use a melee attack against bosses? I mean, can you see LA or FP or EK builds going melee against bosses? Having to pair Spectral Throw with a melee attack completely defeats the purpose of the skill and makes the build in the Build of the Week video invalid.

Due to making this a projectile skill that requires a melee weapon, they've ruled out synergy with other skills and made it even more important for it to serve both AoE and single-target purposes. If any skill in the entire game needed to have a shotgun effect, it's this one.

Last edited by Jakabov#1183 on Oct 19, 2013, 9:58:52 PM
so its a projectile attack that is based on melee weapons.

so it basically just has build in pierce, and even more-so because it can damage on its way back too. thats pretty sweet.

that also means it works with chain and fork etc...now that would be interesting to see, with chain.
JunKx wrote:
so its a projectile attack that is based on melee weapons.

so it basically just has build in pierce, and even more-so because it can damage on its way back too. thats pretty sweet.

that also means it works with chain and fork etc...now that would be interesting to see, with chain.

chain and fork can't work when an attack pierces. 100% pierce = no chance/fork.
ign = ultrahiangle

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