Spectral throw


Stream is up again for some more 2H Spectral Throw low level MF maps farming.
adghar wrote:
Spysong192 wrote:
If i get a crit with lmp/ST... Every projetile will crit(?).. will also every following(returning projectile) hit crit? :>

I haven't tested this empirically, but since it's how it works for literally every other skill in the game:

Your critical strike chance roll is made once per use of skill (or twice with the Lucky status effect :D). Thus, ignoring the possibility that some monsters are cursed with Critical Weakness and some aren't, the answer to both your questions is yes. Every projectile will crit, and they will also crit upon returning.

Wouldn´t be a build with cast on crit be like a doom machine with ST then because of the multiple times it will crit in just one throw?
edit: ah well will sure be only triggered once for the initial crit roll then not how many times something will be hit. :P ok
What can never be lent or earned?
Somewhat, that devours everyone and everything:
A tree that rush. A bird that sings. It eat bones and smite the hardest stones.
Masticate every sword. Shatters every shrine. It defeat mighty kings and carry mountains on lightly wings.
What am i?
Last edited by Spysong192#7559 on Oct 25, 2013, 5:41:18 PM
does attack speed increase the spin-rate of the thrown weapon? what i mean is, does one spectral throw attack hit more often, when my attack speed is higher?
does attack speed increase the spin-rate of the thrown weapon? what i mean is, does one spectral throw attack hit more often, when my attack speed is higher?
Why does your game have such a deep and dynamic passive skill tree, but 8/10+ people are using spectral throw due to how much better it is then anything else in the game now, post aura nerf? Something needs to be changed.
Juri wrote:
Why does your game have such a deep and dynamic passive skill tree, but 8/10+ people are using spectral throw due to how much better it is then anything else in the game now, post aura nerf? Something needs to be changed.

Nope this skill sux for late game, very little damage. 8/10 of people use that coz it's new and looks cool, same as new class Scion. Wait 1-2 months and nobody will use it (unless they buff it).

^^^ what that guy said , now in merc and I basically moved back to heavy strike and multi with splash . But I've linked good supports like blind , loh to ST and use it as a utility now.
Agreed with the above. Spectral Throw loses a lot of steam late in the game.
If only people could Read!!!
Revolutionary wrote:
does attack speed increase the spin-rate of the thrown weapon? what i mean is, does one spectral throw attack hit more often, when my attack speed is higher?

No, only make you dish out more projectiles in the same time length
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