Spectral throw

Dreggon wrote:
Mark_GGG wrote:
Uvne wrote:
But what about "Increased Damage with One-Handed Melee Weapons"? This will still work because it references the weapon base and not the skill, right?
Correct. An Axe is still classified as a melee weapon, even if you're biffing it at someone's head from a distance, rather than using it in melee.

Make sure you add a new node that says "Increased Melee Damage with One-Handed Weapons".

Heh, that would be one heck of a troll :)
Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.

If this makes it easier, when using supports try to think of it as a bow skill. Excluding RaT
wenhao232 wrote:
If this makes it easier, when using supports try to think of it as a bow skill. Excluding RaT

Okay here we go..

Spectral Throw
Ranged Attack Totem
The Russell Wilson Era
pneuma wrote:
Ranged Attack Totem specifically says "Supported Attack Skills cannot be used with Melee Weapons".

Iron Grip is legit, though.

Yes, but now there is Spectral Throw which uses a melee weapon but it is not a melee attack. To me, that statement was intended for skills such as Lightning Strike.
spec throw + reduced projectile speed + faster attacks + added fire dmg + LMP + life leech!

point blank + iron grip passives.
ign = ultrahiangle
Last edited by ultrahiangle#4938 on Oct 9, 2013, 4:03:59 PM
Spectral Throw
Lesser Multiple Projectile
Faster Attacks
Added Fire Damage
Iron Grip
Weapon Elemental

+ Point Blank keystone
+ Hatred Aura

Ug, could try a crit build too I guess.
Yeah, I was thinking it might be badass for dagger shadows and crit claw builds.
Will fork and chain work with this skill considering that it has a built-in pierce?
xNoobslayer wrote:
Will fork and chain work with this skill considering that it has a built-in pierce?

Popular speak is that neither will work due to the fact that it pierces.
So what uniques are people thinking would work good with ST? I was thinking either Soul taker or The Goddess Scorned.
Last edited by Zikkar#2701 on Oct 12, 2013, 12:04:15 PM

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