Zombie´s suck since latest Patch - 135% resists... Endgame Summoner screwed. Help us Pls

i run zombies with minionlife+minionresist+blind only have 4 of them and 0 minion life nodes and no quality gems (aroudn 8-9k hp) and they really hardly dies before my spectres clear the screen. Well even if they somehow dies just resummon them.

And these
helps heaps if you are having so much trouble.

edit: i've been up to lvl70 maps and running purity vitality discipline
Last edited by aikjp#0619 on Jun 28, 2013, 12:00:22 AM
One of the <20 build types that can actually burn its way to endgame in any league even with mediocre gear (even fewer builds can do it with mediocre gear) is apparently nerfed beyond recognition when zombies get put back the way they have been for months. What shit.

I'm sorry, there are a dozen different ways to play a summoner, and most of them are viable to the very end.
Yes mostly what it did was drop the fun factor and slow us down heavily, they werent OP with max resist and now theres almost no difference other than having to blow alot more mana and time on summoning lengthening the whole process/fight... yes its still viable, it just went from being pretty damn fun to being fairly damn tedious, i wouldnt mind spending a few passives to get my minions to max resist as an option but the options we have now are complete crap, minion resist gem would have to max them out atleast by lvl 22 to be worth it imho, then it would be fairly reasonable and possibly manditory which just brings the argument back to, they arent OP at max resist so why not allow the "bug" that hadnt even been noticed in the form of something OP happening to be the new normal. (its not like were walkin around with 20k+ tooltip dps, that stuffs insane imho)

Link builds you're having trouble with and people will help.
KibaArtist wrote:
There's a reason they added Minion and Totem elemental resist support gem, also there's Necromantic Aegis. Please consider using either of these or both if you want to play a "summoner"

I love how you put "summoner" in its place
aikjp wrote:
i run zombies with minionlife+minionresist+blind only have 4 of them and 0 minion life nodes and no quality gems (aroudn 8-9k hp) and they really hardly dies before my spectres clear the screen. Well even if they somehow dies just resummon them.

And these
helps heaps if you are having so much trouble.

edit: i've been up to lvl70 maps and running purity vitality discipline

nm seething lol, didnt see it XD

Recap of thread

- OP is a crybaby, he can utilise flasks like the above, auras, support gems, shield + NA to adapt but wont
- Mark specifically stated this bug has been in existence for only a month and a half max, and summoners now are in the state they were 2 months ago and before. And they were doing fine then too afaik
[quote="DirkAustin"]They can always make a loser league where Monsters do no damage and you one shot everything. Goodness, people, just don't play in the hard parts of the game if you cant handle them.[/quote]

Last edited by JahIthBerTirUmMalLumKoKoMal#2846 on Jun 28, 2013, 2:50:06 AM
I play a level 80 summoner, and I´m soloing 70-72 maps without too much problems. Zombies are fine imo. Sure they are squishier after the fix , but nowhere near as bad as OP claims. I actually like that MI kicks in once in a while now. I´m gimped by IIQ on my zombie helmet (and IIQ + IIR on my spectres) and don´t have any uber gear at all.

I don´t mean to be a smart ass, but if your minions die to monsters 20 levels below you, you´re doing something terribly wrong. Try flasks (of animation), auras, and a +2 helmet.

Kuriosa (lvl 82 Summoner)
Dawnrazor (lvl 80 Cold Crit)
Sisterhood (lvl 77ish Fire Witch on Domination)
tuccos wrote:
bla bla bla

game is deleted.... goodbye

THANK YOU ! The community has done one step in the right direction now.
OP was pretty hard headed and everything but its definitely not a good thing that he is leaving the game. One less person to play and support the game...
Standard Forever
pff its so easy as summoner rly.

no reason to cry or delete game.

or u are just unskilled.

solo 74maze map atm....

vaal is a joke with 30 pets around him

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