RG_PankO's Onslaught Cheap Farming Build - Low Life RF Spork without Shavronne's Wrappings

Qraparta wrote:
So many have been asking for leveling build so here comes

23 Points: http://tinyurl.com/k34vdaf

50 Points: http://tinyurl.com/l6h7ph3

Transistion to Ancestral Bond: http://tinyurl.com/nxmznhp

At this point you are around 45-50lvl. You can now start taking damage nodes or ES nodes, which ever you like more. My advice would be to not go low-life until you have completed A3 Merciless, like PankO have said in this thread. This isn't supposed to be a guide or anything, just some tips for leveling easier.

I approve of this ;)
thanks for the thread , will use it
Hi Panko !

I need some advice on what I should really get first for the next lvls.

I'm lvl 71. Here is my template:

And here is my stuff:

The story is that I tried to chance a spidersilk robe to get The Convenant but instead I got Soul Mantle. As I'm very poor right now, I won"t try to get a shavronne, that's why I try to 5-6L the soul mantle to support with item qty/rarity. I'm not confortable in lunaris 3 and maps, I take too much damage, so I stick with dock for now.

Your thought ? As I play with soul mantle now, I won't use Hellbringer, I may go with Aurseize.

I plan to respect the left part of the witch tree begenning when I'll get lvl 73 to takes eva/es % and 8%all res.

Do you use Shavronne's Revelation ?

Thanks :D !
Last edited by Fuzznimp on Jun 23, 2013, 5:55:22 AM
Here is what I would do with your current gear and your passive tree.
1. First thing is to regret 1 point, doesnt matter which one, and put the int pot on top, between zealot's ouath and static blows and then respect/remove the two on the bottom - you get 1 point free!
2. Take the ES nodes under the shadow tree in the way that Iam showing - taking the Assasination and the insane 40% Crit Multiplier node - Spell power. One of the ES Nodes there is 10% ES
3. Then Take the Cast Speed nodes that lead to Elemental Domination

Passive tree - Skill Tree in a few levels

I am not sure my self after the nerf of the base crit chance of Spark if it's bad idea or not to take the Static Blows, so I wont advice you to spec out of it.

My current passive tree looks like this: My Current passive tree at lvl 83
Last edited by RG_PankO__ on Jun 23, 2013, 6:19:21 AM
RG_PankO wrote:
Here is what I would do with your current gear and your passive tree.
1. First thing is to regret 1 point, doesnt matter which one, and put the int pot on top, between zealot's ouath and static blows and then respect/remove the two on the bottom - you get 1 point free!
2. Take the ES nodes under the shadow tree in the way that Iam showing - taking the Assasination and the insane 40% Crit Multiplier node - Spell power. One of the ES Nodes there is 10% ES
3. Then Take the Cast Speed nodes that lead to Elemental Domination

Passive tree - Skill Tree in a few levels

I am not sure my self after the nerf of the base crit chance of Spark if it's bad idea or not to take the Static Blows, so I wont advice you to spec out of it.

My current passive tree looks like this: My Current passive tree at lvl 83

Wow, fast reply Panko, thanks a lot dude !
And thanks for the free point :D.

In your video you mentioned the chaos recipe briefly, and something about alching moonstone rings but still making a profit. Assuming 2 alchs=1 chaos how are you still making currency doing this? can you elaborate on this at all? I understand how the recipe works im just trying to be efficient about it.
Your question has nothing to do with this thread, which is about my Low Life Cheap Farming Build.

You are welcome on the stream to ask me question about my mthods to make ingame wealth.
How does it not having anything to do with this thread? This thread is about your farming build yes, but part of farming is where and how you farm, not just character build specifics. i asked you here because i figured asking you on your stream i would get lost among other viewers. I don't mind asking on the stream but it was something you mentioned in your video guide that i was looking for clarification on.

edit: nevermind, i saw you explain it in a different video.
Last edited by rbharrington90 on Jun 23, 2013, 1:34:01 PM
Hi Panko,

I'm planning to do a variation of this build--a close combat version more specifically. I'm just wondering if I'll get owned by stuns if I don't get unwavering stance.
I'm 75. I tried some 66 maps, but sometime i get oneshot by mob doing chaos damage, so should i stay on dock until i get enough currency to buy shavronne & start maps ?

Ps : i have 3.5K ES & 80 all resist with 100iiq & 200iir so my stats are not the problem, only chaos is :<
IGN @Gutssss
Last edited by Guts75 on Jun 24, 2013, 1:30:37 AM

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