RG_PankO's Onslaught Cheap Farming Build - Low Life RF Spork without Shavronne's Wrappings

Spysong192 wrote:
Can you show us a video where you pull that icespear - power charge idea off? I just don´t believe this works.

it just works, it can crit even dealing no dmg, a lot of us can do it i believe it wouldn't be not working on you
Master 8: All
CyclERa 93 TS/Puncture, CyclEWS 89 LL-ST
thread /463641 GMT+8
I think i expressed myself not good enough so that you guys don´t get what i wanted to know.

I tried this with my sporker and i´m barly in a state where i can spam icespear while recasting totems and curses while progressing trough a map.

There is just no time for this filler actions. The problem is i do get "some" charges but the crits, even with the 600% increase, are just not enough to sustain a basic amount of power charges all the time. Therefor a) the passive nodes for power charges b) the slots for IS+gmp+PoC are not paying off.

Because of my experience with this i wanted that someone could "show" me how it works for them. I didn´t want to discredit the idea but i don´t see this working with no dagger and crit supports either item wise or passive nodes.
What can never be lent or earned?
Somewhat, that devours everyone and everything:
A tree that rush. A bird that sings. It eat bones and smite the hardest stones.
Masticate every sword. Shatters every shrine. It defeat mighty kings and carry mountains on lightly wings.
What am i?
if your clear speed is really good and just constantly replacing spark totems - then yea I guess no point doing the spear thing since there no time to cast them. Otherwise I don't see why you wouldn't have time to cast it - 2 totems a curse take like 2seconds to cast and last like 15
Spysong192 wrote:
I think i expressed myself not good enough so that you guys don´t get what i wanted to know.

I tried this with my sporker and i´m barly in a state where i can spam icespear while recasting totems and curses while progressing trough a map.

There is just no time for this filler actions. The problem is i do get "some" charges but the crits, even with the 600% increase, are just not enough to sustain a basic amount of power charges all the time. Therefor a) the passive nodes for power charges b) the slots for IS+gmp+PoC are not paying off.

Because of my experience with this i wanted that someone could "show" me how it works for them. I didn´t want to discredit the idea but i don´t see this working with no dagger and crit supports either item wise or passive nodes.

My experience is basically the same. It just doesn't seem worth it in docks and lunaris.
IGN: Abovethelaw_
hey, my version of this is only getting totem dps at around 364ish

heres my gear and skill tree. what am i doing wrong?

(waiting on a trade to go through for the other ring) also goto get 1 more lvl for the helm i linked. heres my current helm

heres my build
Hi! I watched you stream lastly and I noticed that you're using a Shadow now. Would you recommend me to use shadow or witch for this build? Thank you!
@Lordzero2 you just need levels ;)
You are low level.
Untill 70ish level you dont take many dps nodes, after that your dps from the nodes + gem levels is going to skyrock.

@AntagonistOfHell on one of my videos I explain why Witch is better then Shadow.
Use Witch.
I don't see how you avoid chaos damage without Shavronne. I'm in act 2 merciless atm, camping Fellshrine. I'm scared to progress, because I have -60% chaos resist and around 250 life. I'll be pretty much one-shotted by any mob that deals chaos damage.

P.S. I should also note that my ES regen(with RF on) is about 5-6/sec. Meaning I'm not really protected against other damage types either.
Last edited by baiumbg on Aug 2, 2013, 6:57:00 AM
baiumbg wrote:
I don't see how you avoid chaos damage without Shavronne. I'm in act 2 merciless atm, camping Fellshrine. I'm scared to progress, because I have -60% chaos resist and around 250 life. I'll be pretty much one-shotted by any mob that deals chaos damage.

P.S. I should also note that my ES regen(with RF on) is about 5-6/sec. Meaning I'm not really protected against other damage types either.

Spec CI for act 2 and 3. Problem solved. ;)
RG_PankO wrote:
@Lordzero2 you just need levels ;)
You are low level.
Untill 70ish level you dont take many dps nodes, after that your dps from the nodes + gem levels is going to skyrock.

@AntagonistOfHell on one of my videos I explain why Witch is better then Shadow.
Use Witch.

Im level 68. will 2 levels really make that big of a difference? (i admit my spark is only lvl 12 but i didnt think itd make that huge of a difference.)

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