RG_PankO's Onslaught Cheap Farming Build - Low Life RF Spork without Shavronne's Wrappings

Any suggestions how to make RF sustainable without shavronnes? I'm close, I can last for about a minute, but I dunno what else to do.



I can afford relatively cheap stuff, but I'm a long ways from Shavronnes, is there something else like the Eye of Chayula perhaps? The build has a few oddities, that was my attempt to use regrets to add ES and whatnot, but I think I've hit a wall. Thanks in advance for suggestions.
Also, I forgot to add, I run clarity and purity, I don't have the mana to add vitality yet, but I still can't sustain even with vitality and purity. I can however with rejuvenation totems, but I need totems for offense, lol.
I got to page 11 and couldnt find anything on it so will ask, with ice spear/lmp to get power charges is there any point to levelling them?
bruce755 wrote:
Any suggestions how to make RF sustainable without shavronnes? I'm close, I can last for about a minute, but I dunno what else to do.



I can afford relatively cheap stuff, but I'm a long ways from Shavronnes, is there something else like the Eye of Chayula perhaps? The build has a few oddities, that was my attempt to use regrets to add ES and whatnot, but I think I've hit a wall. Thanks in advance for suggestions.

try to use springleaf
RIP _Patata lvl 91 HC Nemesis
bruce755 wrote:
Any suggestions how to make RF sustainable without shavronnes? I'm close, I can last for about a minute, but I dunno what else to do.



I can afford relatively cheap stuff, but I'm a long ways from Shavronnes, is there something else like the Eye of Chayula perhaps? The build has a few oddities, that was my attempt to use regrets to add ES and whatnot, but I think I've hit a wall. Thanks in advance for suggestions.

Get a higher ES chest 500+ and a springleaf, you can't fail with that combo.

Also you really do need the 1% life regen in the Templar tree. It's so powerful for Zealot's Oath.
So maybe remove 11/12 dps points and get that.


If you respecc'd you wouldn't need the springleaf, provided that you have atleast a level 10 Vitality and 4500 ES.

The numbers depend on your HP and you ES.
Last edited by Comfyasabadger on Jul 29, 2013, 11:09:17 AM
I'm gonna give it a shot, already got myself a Q10% Spark :) I have to somehow funnel some gear / currency to my main char, who's running at a pitiful 9/20 IIQ/IIR.

And who knows, if I like it, it might even replace my main.

Thanks for the time and effort Panko!
Shavronne wrapped Kaom's waist,
with her gilded purple boots.
"You want my sockets?"
Jadran wrote:
And who knows, if I like it, it might even replace my main.
haha, this is a farming build, it's not suposed to replace your main mapping character.
Unless you farm up or you find yourself a Shavronne's Wrappings chest. But then you are gonna change your build/passive tree to a different one, for more survivability. At least this is what I did and recomment people to do.

Once you get your gems to 20 lvl don't forget to make them 20 quality - your RF, your Fork, if you level up two Spark gems in the same time you can reset one of them and leave the other one while the reset one with 20 quality is still leveling.
cr8 wrote:
I got to page 11 and couldnt find anything on it so will ask, with ice spear/lmp to get power charges is there any point to levelling them?

No. You want to avoid leveling them to keep the cost low, at least Ice Spear. LMP/GMP doesn't really matter if you level them or not. Quality on LMP/GMP is nice however, 10% Faster Cast Speed.
Can you show us a video where you pull that icespear - power charge idea off? I just don´t believe this works.
What can never be lent or earned?
Somewhat, that devours everyone and everything:
A tree that rush. A bird that sings. It eat bones and smite the hardest stones.
Masticate every sword. Shatters every shrine. It defeat mighty kings and carry mountains on lightly wings.
What am i?
Spysong192 wrote:
Can you show us a video where you pull that icespear - power charge idea off? I just don´t believe this works.

Eh? Link Ice spear to power charge on crit and gain charges? Why a vid?

It does work, I do it.

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