RG_PankO's Onslaught Cheap Farming Build - Low Life RF Spork without Shavronne's Wrappings

MaSterX_BG wrote:
Probably this question is already answered somewhere before but I couldn't find it.

What are the chaos-damage-free zones in act 3 where I can safely farm with low life build.

Docks is obvious.

Is there chaos damage in Lunaris 2/3 and catacombs. Thanks!

Docks, Lunaris 2-3 for sure, not sure for 1 but most probably.
99% Sure about Sarn City is chaos free.
Also Sarn city and Fellshrine - you can go low life at 40-50lvl, just need to get rushed through merc before that so you can farm just the ledge/fellshrine/sarn/docks without encountering chaos dmg

Just doing the build atm, I'am being carried in party with 2 or 3 friends because my build is very bad atm, I'am using Power Siphon+lmp+Item Rarity to culling strike with all my rarity (260% atm).

I'am going lowlife all the time because I'am in a party and it's been rly fun already drop tons of unique, we farmed Normal Merveil and Cruel Merveil for fun.

Will link my gear and talent tree at lvl 40 right now :


And my gear :

I'am doing terrible dmg but hey I'll wait till I've got some decent amount of ES, to sustain RF, atm using Blood Magic+Purity to get lowlife (I have Malachai, but it's on my friend account).

The Robe is cool create consecrated ground for awesome ES regen with Zealoth Oath.

Well just wanted to say thanks for the build :D
Oh, well, I am happy that you are having fun with the build ;)
The main purpose of the build is to farm Docks/Lunaris veri efficiently though.
It's supposed to start to work around 60-65 lvl.
Heyy I'am having a blast !

I've taken the crit route in the witch starting area (left side) is what is the main stat I should be focused on ? Is Critical less valuabel than Cast speed for a sporker ?

Like this : Cast speed>Spell damage>Crit chance>Crit Multiplier ?
Hi, I used my full respec to try your build. Was Lightning Strike at ~1000 dps before that and struggling to progress in Act2 Merc. Then they nerfed all the resist nodes I needed so badly and I gave up on Lightning Strike.

In theory, your build was what I'm looking for as a Standard player: Low requirements and a chance to finally finish the game and do some maps. However, now that I spend every passive and acquired some of the gear you posted, I'm stuck.

1) I speced Crit rather than Static Blows cause I was hoping for more damage -> Crit chance is still pathetically low, so shock stacks not fast enough and thus, no damage

2) Tooltip says I'm at 111 dps in camp and 172 dps on low life. Yes, I know I can't trust the TT on that, cause Spark bounces from walls and Fork etc blabla. Some people mentioned they were able to make progress but I can't even farm or progress anywhere in Merc now

3) I chose this build because people say it is "save", but when I'm not tanking all the damage for my totems, they just get killed (instantly) before they can deal any damage and I have to recast non stop

3b) Dark interiors are a pain in the ass, since while on low life you "CANT SEE SH*T, CAPTAIN!"

Here is my build and gear. Will post stats later, so people with less don't get their hopes up and their chars stuck until they payed for better gear.

Low life Spork Templar, 71 points



IGN Riddericke ▪ UTC+1 ▪ SHOP 498896
Last edited by riddie on Jul 16, 2013, 6:28:13 AM
Riddle you should switch elemental proliferation to faster casting, that'd be a huge bump
The totem life depends on lv of skill totem gem. If they got destroyed too quick, avoid putting them on face of a group, make some distance.
+ the totem isn't casting spark instantly after you cast the totem, there is a slight delay, so avoid frequent re-cast do increase dmg.
For your tree, I believe the 8%hp+str node is only for temporary str requirement
Steady Hands is not necessary imo, because i'll cast totem when i'm in a save place
crit multiplier shines only when it crit, i'd not suggest putting too much on multiplier before having decent crit chance

You can farm ledge(act 1) or fallshine(act 2) for more es equipments as you are not having much es

RF would be another bump but you'd need decent es
Master 8: All
CyclERa 93 TS/Puncture, CyclEWS 89 LL-ST
thread /463641 GMT+8
Thanks for your reply Cycl3, I will try what you suggested and post the results later.

**update** Faster casting was what did it. I'm at 232 dps now. Farming, already got my first unique. Life is good ;)

**update 2** after getting pain Attunement I'm at 390 dps. Elemental Dominion next...
IGN Riddericke ▪ UTC+1 ▪ SHOP 498896
Last edited by riddie on Jul 17, 2013, 5:13:52 PM
Sirnizz wrote:
Heyy I'am having a blast !

I've taken the crit route in the witch starting area (left side) is what is the main stat I should be focused on ? Is Critical less valuabel than Cast speed for a sporker ?

Like this : Cast speed>Spell damage>Crit chance>Crit Multiplier ?

The offensive stats Cast Speed / Spell damage / Crit chance / Crit Multiplier are just like Item Quantity VS Item Rarity - they are dependent on each other.
If you have alot of the one, you badly need more of the other.

I highly recommend you to check my clip about how Critical strike works in PoE and how Critical Strike Multiplier works in PoE -> Critical strike chance and damage multiplier in Path of Exile
Using this build is making me lots of currency, thank you, but was wondering running a 5link would it be better to run item rarity or quanity? At the moment im using item rarity, as my character was a CI Sporker and I currently just switch between lightning pen and rarity. Would it be better to chromatic my chest to use quanity instead, or does it just depend on the rest of your gear.
is rise of the phoenix supposed to be an upgrade for this build? i try to use it but somehow i ended up not being able to sustain my RF, even with 88% fire resist.

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