RG_PankO's Onslaught Cheap Farming Build - Low Life RF Spork without Shavronne's Wrappings

xodrul wrote:
CMPN wrote:

I really like this song.


this is the only opera song in my playlist ;)
The song is really beautiful

I will definetly start up the stream with that youtube vid next few days ;)

hahahha, oh man, even the song is called time to say goodbie, SIRIOSLI maj god SIRIOSLI
Last edited by RG_PankO__ on Jul 12, 2013, 2:11:28 AM
Ty for posting that build, Panko.
Even with my mediocre gear, i destroy everything in 6-party and players often PM me to know my dps :-)


I hope to get enough wealth to buy Shav' soon
Don't you need unwavering stance for onslaught?
Ty for your nice build.
I also watched several other videos of yours, very helpful: )
Though its a bit tough understanding your accent as an ESL: )
Btw, GJ on 5L that shav, I saw you 6L it at 2: 57, so much fun
IGN: MidNightess
RG_PankO wrote:
BTW Got Full Docks Farming gear for sale on SC: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/460557

"Cannot be ignited when on low life" will this negate the burning dmg from RF?

If not is the only choices to regen springleaf + life regen 1.0% and Shavvrone's Right ring slot: 4.0% of Energy Shield Regenerated per second

Strength and Honor,
"Cannot be ignited when on low life" will this negate the burning dmg from RF?

Nop, but this shield give huge fire resist, so you can sustain the burning damage if you have enough ES and regen.
xstylenx wrote:
RG_PankO wrote:
BTW Got Full Docks Farming gear for sale on SC: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/460557

"Cannot be ignited when on low life" will this negate the burning dmg from RF?

If not is the only choices to regen springleaf + life regen 1.0% and Shavvrone's Right ring slot: 4.0% of Energy Shield Regenerated per second

The Can not be Ignited on Low Life doesn't do anything for Righteous fire, sadly.

The shield helps you because it gives you +max fire resistance. Therefore when you are with higher cap you burn for less damage per second -> you can sustain RF easier. Look at the formulas from post one.

I am using Phoenix instead of Springlead atm because of the need of resistance, duo to the -20 resistance on the Andvarius rings.
Probably this question is already answered somewhere before but I couldn't find it.

What are the chaos-damage-free zones in act 3 where I can safely farm with low life build.

Docks is obvious.

Is there chaos damage in Lunaris 2/3 and catacombs. Thanks!
No Chaos damage in Lunaris !
About to give this a run on Anarchy, thanks for posting.

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