RG_PankO's Onslaught Cheap Farming Build - Low Life RF Spork without Shavronne's Wrappings

Hi Panko, thank you for the build, videos, and write-up. I've had success with it on hardcore and am now about to start running docks on my onslaught witch.

I am currently using a redbeak but would like to increase my DPS. What weapon should I aim for and around how much will it cost? Is moonsorrow unique wand worth upgrading to, or should I save up for a rare with good stats?
Its funny how most people say Panko did copy this and copy that , ya in a game diffrent people may come up with the same or similar ideas. But before Panko did this thread i could buy redbeak + springleaf for 1 alch each now its much more ;)
Hi Panko, thank you for the build
ING Sporker_os_witch
Thank you verry much for build, using it for a while and working perfectly!
ING: amb_rf
ING: ragutiz
ING: Ragutiz_mf_sc
Skelly19 wrote:
Hi Panko, thank you for the build, videos, and write-up. I've had success with it on hardcore and am now about to start running docks on my onslaught witch.

I am currently using a redbeak but would like to increase my DPS. What weapon should I aim for and around how much will it cost? Is moonsorrow unique wand worth upgrading to, or should I save up for a rare with good stats?

Redbeak is mediocer weapon. The idea is to buy a useless, in general, unique, that you can buy for 1 alchemy, following the whole idea of the build - cheap farming build.
It's equal to 100% Spell dmg wand.
Every wand with 80ish Spell dmg and 15ish Cast Speed is better.
Meaning - good rolled Moonsorrow will give you more dmg.

Don't upgrade to moon sorrow for several chaos, save up and buy good wand.
BTW Got Full Docks Farming gear for sale on SC: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/460557
Last edited by RG_PankO__ on Jul 11, 2013, 6:03:03 PM
Selling a whole set for this build that I farmed Lunaris for 2 weeks in Onslaught. (10 min / run with Piety)

Can anybody tell me how safe farming lunaris is with this build and if so how much ES would you recommend before trying?
IGN: Fourist
CMPN wrote:

I really like this song.

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