RG_PankO's Onslaught Cheap Farming Build - Low Life RF Spork without Shavronne's Wrappings

RG_PankO wrote:
On topic - the prices of the uniques are back to near normal price.
You can buy the boots, sword and the shield for around 4 chaos total, which makes this build again doable as cheap farming build.

ATM I am playing as Farming Discharger aaaaand... My friends on Spark are actually faster farming then me :/
Idk if it's the fact that I am not that used to the build but... yeah.

Power discharger is a much faster farmer than dual sparks (in lunaris 3 + Piety).

Maybe you dont have the right gear yet or levels? Power discharger also has much higher gear/level requirements in my opinion.

Edit: Video of a Lunaris run as a power discharger if you are interested http://youtu.be/6NHfejGihqI
Last edited by cloud9xx on Jul 5, 2013, 6:59:25 PM
ryder911 wrote:
im confused..im looking at your gear - you dont have a BM item or a BM gem? How did you get low on life?

I use the Malachai mask to reserve my HP

Go to the first post of this thread and read about the BM reservation.
I explained everything there.
cloud9xx wrote:
RG_PankO wrote:
On topic - the prices of the uniques are back to near normal price.
You can buy the boots, sword and the shield for around 4 chaos total, which makes this build again doable as cheap farming build.

ATM I am playing as Farming Discharger aaaaand... My friends on Spark are actually faster farming then me :/
Idk if it's the fact that I am not that used to the build but... yeah.

Power discharger is a much faster farmer than dual sparks (in lunaris 3 + Piety).

Maybe you dont have the right gear yet or levels? Power discharger also has much higher gear/level requirements in my opinion.

Edit: Video of a Lunaris run as a power discharger if you are interested http://youtu.be/6NHfejGihqI

as much as i dislike rg panko and like your build this is hardcore making a powercharger in hardcore requires alot of work and careful playstyle you cant run in bomb everything and hope you dont die doesnt work that way insane critmultiplier will kill you in a heartbeat and thats where standard player get their insane 50-70k dps multiplier and critnodes in favor over defensive nodes

i bet if you check your /deaths you will see it isnt invicible
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SSF HC Legacy Witch Lvl 53
Last edited by ventiman on Jul 6, 2013, 6:17:01 AM
ventiman wrote:
cloud9xx wrote:
RG_PankO wrote:
On topic - the prices of the uniques are back to near normal price.
You can buy the boots, sword and the shield for around 4 chaos total, which makes this build again doable as cheap farming build.

ATM I am playing as Farming Discharger aaaaand... My friends on Spark are actually faster farming then me :/
Idk if it's the fact that I am not that used to the build but... yeah.

Power discharger is a much faster farmer than dual sparks (in lunaris 3 + Piety).

Maybe you dont have the right gear yet or levels? Power discharger also has much higher gear/level requirements in my opinion.

Edit: Video of a Lunaris run as a power discharger if you are interested http://youtu.be/6NHfejGihqI

as much as i dislike rg panko and like your build this is hardcore making a powercharger in hardcore requires alot of work and careful playstyle you cant run in bomb everything and hope you dont die doesnt work that way insane critmultiplier will kill you in a heartbeat and thats where standard player get their insane 50-70k dps multiplier and critnodes in favor over defensive nodes

i bet if you check your /deaths you will see it isnt invicible

You're right. I didn't realize this was for onslaught. I wouldn't power charge in hardcore. Although if you played carefully enough you wouldn't die, but the build is much more squishy than say endurance charger or dual sparks.
I made this as my first character on Onslaught to get back into the game after a large break and I love it.

I'm lvl 64, with almost 500 tooltip dps on a 4L spark with RF active, 2.9k ES (the only thing I have with ES on it is a 590ES chest, the rest is all leftover hp levelling stuff). I made the switch to low-life at lvl 62 after completing all of the Merc act 3 quests with around 2k life and 100 es - in a group naturally.

I currently do enough DPS to do a complete solo docks run in only a few minutes by marching my totems along in front of me so by the time I get to them everything is dead and i can place the next one. I'm going to try an under-leveled lunaris 3 run without piety later today to see if I can handle that.

To anyone who wants to level this I recommend using 2x fire traps from level 1 since they make a huge difference to your dps, especially during the mid cruel - merc period of your freeze pulse doing next to no damage. At 64 my unlinked fire traps have around 1.8k tooltip dps and help burst down rares and packs of champs quickly on top of the slower spark dps. Also, I wouldn't recommend switching to double totem spark until merc ledge at least (around lvl 55-6)... it still does terrible dps up until that point and at least using a terrible dps freeze pulse will allow you to crit low life mobs and be somewhat useful to a group. Get some crit or + ele damage nodes first instead of rushing straight to the double totem node.
The thing about discharge on Power charge is that 100% of the damage you do will be reflected to you on reflect mobs.
While the burning damage from burning discharger is not reflected.

And yet again... it turned out that burning damage is kinda bugged and the amount of rares that I've recieved from farming Docks is redicolously small :/

Atm I am back to my cheap farming Sporker build :/

Making some changes to the gear, will post later.
dvomayn wrote:

To anyone who wants to level this I recommend using 2x fire traps from level 1 since they make a huge difference to your dps, especially during the mid cruel - merc period of your freeze pulse doing next to no damage. At 64 my unlinked fire traps have around 1.8k tooltip dps and help burst down rares and packs of champs quickly on top of the slower spark dps.

I agree with 2X fire traps as they made a big difference for me leveling in Cruel.
Soo.. can you farm maps with this? if not what's the point.
lsp wrote:
Soo.. can you farm maps with this? if not what's the point.

The idea is to farm Docks then Lunaris where there is no chaos damage to acquire wealth thanks to a high dps with RF and PA you can stack some IIQ/IIR !!

For maps you will obviously need a Shavronne's ...
Bioman1000 wrote:
lsp wrote:
Soo.. can you farm maps with this? if not what's the point.

The idea is to farm Docks then Lunaris where there is no chaos damage to acquire wealth thanks to a high dps with RF and PA you can stack some IIQ/IIR !!

For maps you will obviously need a Shavronne's ...

On docks you can run double andavarius + 6l for item rarity and quantity.

A viewer of mine has 6l shav, with 300 rarity (with double andavarius).

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