RG_PankO's Onslaught Cheap Farming Build - Low Life RF Spork without Shavronne's Wrappings

[mod edit: post removed]
"I accept Nujabes as my Savior."
Last edited by Henry_GGG on Jul 2, 2013, 1:39:36 PM
I am just gonna post this link here, for people which still believes this guy Panko came up with this build himself.

IGN: Mahakali
Last edited by Synchro69 on Jul 2, 2013, 1:25:17 PM
I feel sorry for the OP - Sooner we see some moderation and report functions in these forums the better.

Keep up the good work Pank0 no idea why the trolls seem to have targeted you in particular its pretty sad.
I fail to see why the heck my post was removed, whereas all I said pretty much was that this "idea" / "build" call it whatever you want is a blatant copy of at least another build in this very Witch forum.

Credits where they are due, this is not derailing nor trolling, it's a fact.
Natrak 94 Witch | Low Life Crit Arc'er - Standard
Jannee 92 Templar | Low Life Wander - Standard
Ntk 74 Ranger | Low Life TS - Standard (idling)
Jaaneee 72 Ranger | LS Tank (idling)
Joramm 73 Templar | Ele cleaver - Hardcore (idling)
Oh okay, so you guys would recommend that I do not start a new character simply to grab the Power Charge from bandits? Everything else in my build is just fine. There's just that one small thing.

Edit: Also, how much better is a Void Battery compared to other weapons such as Redbeak or a really good rolled wand of similar price to a VBattery?
Last edited by Rinaea on Jul 2, 2013, 7:17:04 PM
Kefkas wrote:
Oh okay, so you guys would recommend that I do not start a new character simply to grab the Power Charge from bandits? Everything else in my build is just fine. There's just that one small thing.

Edit: Also, how much better is a Void Battery compared to other weapons such as Redbeak or a really good rolled wand of similar price to a VBattery?

Do not reroll just because of the power charge. You are not missing that much.

Void batter, with max power charges, is no doubt the best DPS wand. But also it's one of the most expensive wands out there.

A rare, good rolled wand, is waaay better then Redbeak.
Everything wiht 80-90+ Spell dmg and 10+, preferbly 15-20, cast speed is better then redbeak.
+ you can have on the wand mana, crit dmg, spell crit chance, ressitance, projectile speed and what not.
Redbeak is a cheap weapon, that's why it's in the guide for the build.
The idea of the build is to get the 3 one alchemy uniques and rest to be rares, as good as possible.
Redbeak is one of them, but you can always invest more into a better weapon.
ahh panko is always good for entertainment

watched his stream 5 min he had to esc logout in sewers on lvl 70 with his 1:1 krippcopycat

was trading during that time with a guy about some moonstonering asked 6 chaos for it guy offered 5,5

panko responded dude i changed my mind ring isnt for sell anymore i will use it myself

links a bunch of wts rings in chat few seconds after the wisper including the moonstonering

https://poe-ssf.herokuapp.com/. Join the fun.
SSF HC Legacy Witch Lvl 53
Last edited by ventiman on Jul 3, 2013, 6:44:43 AM
Just saw the same comment as above.


People who can't haggle in a "haggle trade environment" need to piss off back to runescape and wow.

It's like when you see an auction of sorts, and buyer doesn't sell untill it hits, or goes above buyout. even if it's 10% less than buyout (and yes, i've seen way to many make an auction with set buyouts, even though it technicaly doesn't work like that...)
Last edited by Luca_GGG on Jul 3, 2013, 9:42:47 PM
RG_PankO wrote:
Kefkas wrote:
Oh okay, so you guys would recommend that I do not start a new character simply to grab the Power Charge from bandits? Everything else in my build is just fine. There's just that one small thing.

Edit: Also, how much better is a Void Battery compared to other weapons such as Redbeak or a really good rolled wand of similar price to a VBattery?

Do not reroll just because of the power charge. You are not missing that much.

Void batter, with max power charges, is no doubt the best DPS wand. But also it's one of the most expensive wands out there.

A rare, good rolled wand, is waaay better then Redbeak.
Everything wiht 80-90+ Spell dmg and 10+, preferbly 15-20, cast speed is better then redbeak.
+ you can have on the wand mana, crit dmg, spell crit chance, ressitance, projectile speed and what not.
Redbeak is a cheap weapon, that's why it's in the guide for the build.
The idea of the build is to get the 3 one alchemy uniques and rest to be rares, as good as possible.
Redbeak is one of them, but you can always invest more into a better weapon.

Okies. Thanks so much for the answer. :) I'm currently CI but would love to go low life. I'm just not sure how good it'll be in my current gear. It's totally self-found at the moment so it must be lacking in many respects. Do you think I'd be able to respec to low life, swap in the items you mentioned and be fine when I currently am capped at 78% all resist with Clarity and have around 4900 ES with CI, (This will obviously go down a bit) along with 550 Spork Totem tooltip dps?
RG_PankO wrote:
That being said I ask you politely - do not post in any of my theads, ever again.


Ripped off thread with much more information and no disgusting arrogance.


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