PoE Performance Issues still present. Need a word harsher than abysmal.

DexterousGecko wrote:
I've had no issues with POE so far. I just got to Act 3 however, and the sewers are killing my experience. This one monster in particular does this lightning like tornado skill (dont know the name ^^) and I go from 70 fps to 0, then back up until he casts it again. I'm not running a powerhouse of a laptop, but it plays most other games fine. I'll take a screenshot of the monster and my fps in a bit.

That monster is called "Grapler" and it killed my friend's HC character two times so far (not him, but the silly FPS spike it causes)

GGG - at least fix performance of such particularly widespread occurrences
After going fairly hard in Onslaught I've hit a wall where I can't level any further due to FPS issues when I'm partied. Just want to a decent experience playing the game without dropping to 1 fps.
maybe the performance issue (i have too low FPS, especially if i compare POE to some other games) will never be fixed ^^
for the few i can remember few months ago i did not had such issues btw, this is weird.
I think they plan to close the beta phase and enter "Release" phase by the end of the year (I remember seeing such statement somewhere on-site)

Current resource engine / game state clearly does not have a release quality (As a matter of fact, I am a software developer, most of the time I optimize code to be of release quality - so my two cents, anyway).

In a perfect universe, that would mean we should see influx of performance fixes pretty soon for them to catch the end of the year timeframe.

In our universe, though - we just have to hold our breath and hope.
logokas wrote:
The fixes above will certainly help some people, but does not deal with the underlying problem itself.

Naturally, the downclocking that occurs will affect PoE performance as it slows down so much that the card believes it to be at an idle power state, fooling it into slowing down, and affecting overall performance. So, it is helpful to use custom profiles to force the card to stay at it's maximum performance during Path of Exile running.

The bug that needs to be solved remains at the core of the rendering engine and the way it behaves.

I will emphasize this. The bug is not about the user, or their graphics setup, and cannot be faulted to them. This will need to be fixed by GGG, as it is an issue on their end, and has existed for a very long time, far too long to be excused simply by lack of resources or time.

They've had more than year to fix this, yet are no closer to solving the issue, and have provided no explanation as to why this solution has eluded them for this long. There has also been no communication regarding this issue to the base of players having this problem. No massive acquirement of hardware information, setups, configuration, driver settings, literally no info has even been requested by GGG in relation to the issue other than what make of cards this has occured on.

That fact, perhaps, is what is most disappointing of all about all this.

Dear logokas,

The spike you are refering to could be related to the network connection in the game.
Take a look at the "F1", if u notice this==> when the FPS spike appears so is the latency.

This generally appears in:-
a) gameplay when there is loads of skills used (some skills are also prone to it)
b) when you are in town, if player just login, the spike appears too.
c) when you are in any map, if new party member join the map instance, spike appears too.
d) sometimes when there is a huge chunk of items shown in chat (when a player is selling), the spike can occurs. But it gonna better, since CBT.

There is some stuff i wish i can tested on:-
1. turning off the in-game UI completely.
2. a non-party member joining the same map instance.
3. joining different realm instances.

[not related to your post]
Finally, i notice something too to the RAM usage (i am on winxp), the game will crash after it hits around 2.0gb~2.2gb usage. I wish there is a way to manually "release" the RAM.

Perm. Retired from this unforgiving land of the Exiles.
Self-impost EXILED.
starsg wrote:

[not related to your post]
Finally, i notice something too to the RAM usage (i am on winxp), the game will crash after it hits around 2.0gb~2.2gb usage. I wish there is a way to manually "release" the RAM.

I have this issue; i fixed it (not completely) with a 4go fixed size swap and by restarting the client every time i make 3 differents areas (when questing/leveling) and for every end game map. Also made a script with hotkey to restart the computer in case of others crashes (video).
I feel these problems have increased since the 11.* patch(s), although - with the new leagues - it might simply be a case of more people playing and not enough resources. However, I'll have to shelve my cold witch, as she is unplayable in Act 3, cruel.
Last edited by Kellog#5737 on Jun 14, 2013, 6:22:30 AM
Still no new info from Devs.
Universalis wrote:
starsg wrote:

[not related to your post]
Finally, i notice something too to the RAM usage (i am on winxp), the game will crash after it hits around 2.0gb~2.2gb usage. I wish there is a way to manually "release" the RAM.

I have this issue; i fixed it (not completely) with a 4go fixed size swap and by restarting the client every time i make 3 differents areas (when questing/leveling) and for every end game map. Also made a script with hotkey to restart the computer in case of others crashes (video).

u dont have to reboot the pc, just restart the client is good enough. I have yet to test by relogin. Anyway when the client crash, it closed down and the RAM usage is released.

Perm. Retired from this unforgiving land of the Exiles.
Self-impost EXILED.
starsg wrote:
Universalis wrote:
starsg wrote:

[not related to your post]
Finally, i notice something too to the RAM usage (i am on winxp), the game will crash after it hits around 2.0gb~2.2gb usage. I wish there is a way to manually "release" the RAM.

I have this issue; i fixed it (not completely) with a 4go fixed size swap and by restarting the client every time i make 3 differents areas (when questing/leveling) and for every end game map. Also made a script with hotkey to restart the computer in case of others crashes (video).

u dont have to reboot the pc, just restart the client is good enough. I have yet to test by relogin. Anyway when the client crash, it closed down and the RAM usage is released.

Quite a lot of information remains in your RAM for some time, and even more within your pagefile. This can be a severe issue if the information within 'memory' is bugged in some fashion.

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