Northern_Ronin wrote:
'I don't use the default layout, I download extra software to mod the layout, then further modify that layout!' is not a sterling endorsement of either layout.
Is this the type of thing that will be impossible if the Reddit policy changes go through? I did catch a note on there some days ago about the blackout.
Posted byPangaearocks#9280on Jun 14, 2023, 12:07:51 PM
I wont lie its absolutely fucking infuriating that a small number of [Removed by Support] have decided to lock down the entire reddit for the entirety of the playerbase. Especially at the same time as the 2nd trailer reveal, [Removed by Support].
Last edited by Vinky_GGG#0000 on Jun 15, 2023, 5:50:27 PM
Posted bypolicecar#7449on Jun 14, 2023, 12:16:28 PM
policecar wrote:
I wont lie its absolutely fucking infuriating that a small number of pathetic janitor mods have decided to lock down the entire reddit for the entirety of the playerbase. Especially at the same time as the 2nd trailer reveal, how fucking dare they.
they probably thought the trailer was lacking x'D
"Now all that's left is for you getting on your knees."
if you know thank me:) i'm dying to find out x'D
Posted bysatanttin#4601on Jun 14, 2023, 12:28:36 PM
policecar wrote:
I wont lie its absolutely fucking infuriating that a small number of pathetic janitor mods have decided to lock down the entire reddit for the entirety of the playerbase. Especially at the same time as the 2nd trailer reveal, how fucking dare they.
... they don't care about POE or the community at all. It's all about the needs and wants and greed of the poe sub mods. That's why.
POE sub mods need to step down and handover the sub reddit to GGG. Either that or everyone actively promotes this forum and we all come here.
Picture this:
You manage a sub reddit. You have no affiliation what so ever to the owner of the IP you are managing / moderating for. A third party comes in and starts to pay you and all you have to do is censor content that goes against the bests interest of that third party.
New league comes out. Crucible. A crafting league. One of the biggest power creep leagues ever.
So you launch your campaign of disinformation. Use bots and alt accounts to spam the sub reddit giving bad advice and saying that you are quitting the league. Meanwhile, you are pretty much doubling the amount of mirror worthy items you are making. All the while, telling the user base this league sucks and that you are quitting the league. League is done. Mirror mafia moves to standard. Profit.
Posted byStinkStink#2847on Jun 14, 2023, 1:39:26 PM
policecar wrote:
I wont lie its absolutely fucking infuriating that a small number of pathetic janitor mods have decided to lock down the entire reddit for the entirety of the playerbase. Especially at the same time as the 2nd trailer reveal, how fucking dare they.
They made the sub, they have ran it, they can do whatever they want with it. That GGG isn't running its own subreddit is GGG's decision, not anyone else's.
Posted byXyel#0284on Jun 14, 2023, 3:42:36 PM
FreeHappyness wrote:
I really hope the black out ends soon. Reddit is where I source a lot of information in games and I'm a new player in POE. I really like the game but could use some help and that resource being gone just really sucks.
The wiki is there if you need it, and for what it's worth if you've got a particular question, message me, I'll answer it if the forums are otherwise unhelpful.
Curtsie wrote:
Chris gave up subreddit control ages ago, it seems like a lot of people in this thread have no idea that GGG has no actual control over the PoE subreddit anymore, it hasn't been an extension of the PoE forums in almost ten years now.
Chris gave up control of GGG years ago, when tencent took over they appointed mods to remove negative comments.
Tencent doesnt mess around with speech, if they dont like it they remove.
Hasnt been an extension in 10 years? Im not sure you know what your talking about :(
Posted byChadwixx#5277on Jun 14, 2023, 4:02:09 PM
Xyel wrote:
policecar wrote:
I wont lie its absolutely fucking infuriating that a small number of pathetic janitor mods have decided to lock down the entire reddit for the entirety of the playerbase. Especially at the same time as the 2nd trailer reveal, how fucking dare they.
They made the sub, they have ran it, they can do whatever they want with it. That GGG isn't running its own subreddit is GGG's decision, not anyone else's.
Chris Wilson created poe reddit
All the mods are doing is pushing players further to D4
Last edited by coops00#3007 on Jun 14, 2023, 5:05:19 PM
Posted bycoops00#3007on Jun 14, 2023, 5:04:06 PM
coops00 wrote:
Xyel wrote:
policecar wrote:
I wont lie its absolutely fucking infuriating that a small number of pathetic janitor mods have decided to lock down the entire reddit for the entirety of the playerbase. Especially at the same time as the 2nd trailer reveal, how fucking dare they.
They made the sub, they have ran it, they can do whatever they want with it. That GGG isn't running its own subreddit is GGG's decision, not anyone else's.
Chris Wilson created poe reddit
All the mods are doing is pushing players further to D4
If that is true... if Christ Wilson created the poe sub reddit... he should ask for it back. Them clowns 🤡 are hurting more than they are helping
Posted byStinkStink#2847on Jun 14, 2023, 8:24:57 PM
Northern_Ronin wrote:
'I don't use the default layout, I download extra software to mod the layout, then further modify that layout!' is not a sterling endorsement of either layout.
Also that follow up statement from the person who had to post a paragraph to ask why your posts here keep getting deleted by moderators for being "Needlessly Negative" in your words is also not a great position to start from that (in a way that was, at least in my opinion, clearly needlessly negative).
But, if you prefer Reddit, go for it, I sure as heck won't stop you.
old.reddit isn't some addon it's just how the website looked before the awful design changes they made reddit enchancement suite is not needed to not make old.reddit an eyesore it's just enhances the experience also the quoting in these old ass forums sucks so much
Posted byCAPSLOCK_ON#7907on Jun 14, 2023, 10:33:14 PMOn Probation