[1.0.1b] Summoner Guide / Minion Guide

iowercase wrote:
HaleBopp wrote:
to the burning miscreation they are very weak , since they are meelee and die so fast that they are nearly not usefull

Now they patched them to lvl 68 they seem prettty usefull in close maps .

i came up with some therory craft for them for bett survivability

-burned miscr
2 Minion life
3 Life Leech
4 Multi strike

the first 3 are for more life and life leech. they hit hard and get alot hp due to this.
i dont know what to put in in the second 2. they make huge dmg with their "fire aura" but as mentioned die too fast.
thinking of only "tank" support gems like Minion Resi / Minion Dmg / life gain on hit as well as life leech? both inside?

the other question / one time observation - got 2 different LVL burning miscreation and it seems the spell "STACK" !!!! mobs have 2 red fire bubbles over their head. only watched it at fellshrine 2 month ago , and grabbed a fire miscr from lunaris lvl 1 , and lvl 3,

test - decoy totem ,
test - knockback tentacle -faster atks , faster proj , gmp , firepren
3faster atjk

In case this isn't known yet, the only gems that affect BM's obscene burn DOT are +burn damage, +minion life, and +AOE (supported with curses + EE). It doesn't 'hit' so LL, LGOH, all the other +dmg and +pen gems and culling strikes are all worthless, among others. If I were running a miscreation my 6L would look like

1. Spectre
2. Minion Life
3. +AOE
4. +Burn dmg
5. Minion ele resists
6. ?????? (honestly no clue)

And I would be running every possible defensive aura and possibly even necro aegis to give the guy a fighting chance in melee range. I seriously might put a springleaf on him just to keep from having to micro his health totals so much with animation potions, even at the cost of Minion Instability.

But ultimately, he is probably not worth it outside of docks runs. Unbelievable damage, but just a painful amount of maintenance. I really wish his Unrighteous Fire would stay turned on between area transitions, too.

What about Minion Damage and Remote Mine? Firepen?
Is it worth to take more than 1 of them since the dot aura doesn't stack?
IGN: Scordalia_
Last edited by Caliginosus#5444 on Jul 20, 2013, 8:48:07 AM
Anyone else like using raise zombie with multistrike, melee splash, and faster attacks? Still not sure if faster attacks is best for the last slot but melee splash + multistrike is pretty awesome
xSJx wrote:
Anyone else like using raise zombie with multistrike, melee splash, and faster attacks? Still not sure if faster attacks is best for the last slot but melee splash + multistrike is pretty awesome

LGoH prolly nice instead - though different colour.
using currently : raise zombie + remote mine + increase melee damage + multistrike + melee splash + faster attack
IGN TylordRampage
Can we move back to talking about Burned Miscreations?

I feel like they have so much potential.

I was wondering exactly what support gems work with them since some people have been giving conflicting answers?

Specific gems I want to know about are Increased Area, Concentrated Effect, Increased Burning, Chance to Ignite, Remote Mine, and Fire Penetration.
mini update on map section ,

and to BM Its a Melee Caster , which only cast 1 , so faster cast u dont need

the support gems whcih fits the aura from the BM
Fire pen, Incr Burning Dmg Concentrated effect , minion dmg (i believe in minion dmg since there are no true feedback from GGG)
and because its a melee u need minion life ,

the discussion about
Life leech + Multistrike is ONLY for survability and wasnt tested so far ,

im lacking on multi strike gem , HC league ,
if someone have a spare one :)
Witch : HaleJesus LVL 82 Arc Summoner
SpectreGuide: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/292391/page/1
pls forgive my gibberish space orc english - its not my native language
Last edited by HaleBopp#0969 on Jul 25, 2013, 11:24:57 AM
HaleBopp wrote:
and to BM Its a Melee Caster , which only cast 1 , so faster cast u dont need

the support gems whcih fits the aura from the BM
Fire pen, Incr Burning Dmg Concentrated effect , minion dmg (i believe in minion dmg since there are no true feedback from GGG)
and because its a melee u need minion life ,

Remote Mine won't work?

Do you think something like
Spectre - Life Leech - Minion Life - Minion Damage - Remote Mine
could work with a Burning Miscreation, a Degen Bear and 2 lightning Mobs (for Shock). With Vulnerability, Ele Weakness and (cold) Ele Equilibrium? (there are enough alternatives if Remote Mine and Minion Damage won't work)

Maybe Necro Aegis with something like Saffel's Frame for survivability, or Lioneye's Remorse?
IGN: Scordalia_
Last edited by Caliginosus#5444 on Aug 1, 2013, 6:19:12 AM
Currently using a lvl 79 burning miscreation summoner (2 specters only, damage not cumulative)

6 link burning misc with:
- summon specter
- increase burning damage
- minion life (survavibility only)
- fire penetration
- increase area of effect
- minion elemental resistance

I am not sure at all that concentrated area of effect is working. The radius is lowered but i did not noticed that the damage was increased!

On the helm, zombies (6 zombies) with 4L :
- melee splash
- faster attack
- multistrike
- raise zombie

One curse at a time : vulnerability (both usefull for physical dammage and DoT)

Two curses : vulnerability + elemental weakness because several auras are running (wrath, hatred).

I really love the burning misc as specter because of his ability to damage at 360° and without any interruption a quite large area of mobs. I can only use one curse at the moment but went recently for EE.
Last edited by maxric2#0341 on Jul 29, 2013, 6:37:07 AM
Has anyone tried the burning miscreation along with the degen bear from waterfall cave 2? Im fairly sure thy're degen effects should stack and they are both based on the target's life.
Confirmed that the degen from the bear and the burning miscreation stack, on a high es rare mob. The degen from the bear is chaos damage.

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