[1.0.1b] Summoner Guide / Minion Guide

I considered the leadership aura too, but im always close to my spectres anyway so figured it wont really benefit that much. It comes down to playstyle tho, if you often run ahead leaving the spectres out of range it will help a lot. I would consider playing a few hours and try to pay attention to how often your spectres loose essential auras.

Zombies would prob get some out of it, but only half the time when they charge too far away anyways.

Another story if you run in parties though, then I would deff. get it.
Last edited by crashh#3434 on Jul 9, 2013, 7:49:33 AM
im sorry for the long abseence , i ll come up with some therory crafting again soon in this post and will points out some information as well as update the main thread with some infos i got so far .

thx all for the informations u gathered .

Obbes wrote:
xSJx wrote:
DutchRudder wrote:
Question about making rare (yellow) mobs spectres. Do your minions benefit from their auras? Or is there a list what mods can work on them?

Blue or yellow mobs lose any modifiers they might have, and just become a normal version of their enemy type when you raise them as a spectre

But they do get the level bonus, so a magic/blue npc is +1 level and a rare npc turned into a spectre is +2 lvls higher than the area your in....

thx for this info . was a new one and is very usefull and will be put into the main guide ,

champion flame sentinels in the "champion corner" solaris map lvl 3 ,

jamusmcgamus wrote:
hmmmm, I dont think carrion queens are that great - they sometimes amble about not shooting at all, and since they cast from quite 'high' their fireballs will hit the ground instead of any targets behind where they aimed, quite annoying and leads to alot of wasted damage.

i put nearly ALL usefull or "half usefull" spectre into this guide cuz alot of people alot of play styles . if i missed one u can have ur favourite spectre in this guide too just gimme some infos :)

Crizisrf wrote:
Archie_McFap wrote:

Are you picking up your spectres from maps, or how does that work?

If i get high lvl spectre i never go to lower map bracket unless i absolutly have too, becouse i think they don't upgrade back after being downgraded.

Gem wise i switch only between chain/lmp/gmp. Switching faster casting and faster attack isn't viable becouse of different socket colour.

P.S. Also GMP archers (especially statue once) do fine aoe dmg, often worth to pick them instead of spending time in search for better spectres.

They do Reupgrade , take one from merci - go back to normal fight a bit - and go back to merciless . check urself

after reading the burned miscreation information :)

this was only therory crafting this guide didnt get attention like 2 months so i stopped alot of research. i ll get into it in detail

personal therory crafting pls ignore this if "test" is inside the gems ,

Curse : Warlords Mark
Maybe Dual Curse

Arc / Ice Spear
+Power Charge on Crit
+Culling Strike

Endurancing Cry

+Kripparian Style

Skele Tank Totem , Spectre , Tank Zombie

Auras ???


Witch : HaleJesus LVL 82 Arc Summoner
SpectreGuide: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/292391/page/1
pls forgive my gibberish space orc english - its not my native language
Last edited by HaleBopp#0969 on Jul 12, 2013, 1:06:58 PM
iowercase wrote:
HaleBopp wrote:
to the burning miscreation they are very weak , since they are meelee and die so fast that they are nearly not usefull

Now they patched them to lvl 68 they seem prettty usefull in close maps .

i came up with some therory craft for them for bett survivability

-burned miscr
2 Minion life
3 Life Leech
4 Multi strike

the first 3 are for more life and life leech. they hit hard and get alot hp due to this.
i dont know what to put in in the second 2. they make huge dmg with their "fire aura" but as mentioned die too fast.
thinking of only "tank" support gems like Minion Resi / Minion Dmg / life gain on hit as well as life leech? both inside?

the other question / one time observation - got 2 different LVL burning miscreation and it seems the spell "STACK" !!!! mobs have 2 red fire bubbles over their head. only watched it at fellshrine 2 month ago , and grabbed a fire miscr from lunaris lvl 1 , and lvl 3,

test - decoy totem ,
test - knockback tentacle -faster atks , faster proj , gmp , firepren
3faster atjk

In case this isn't known yet, the only gems that affect BM's obscene burn DOT are +burn damage, +minion life, and +AOE (supported with curses + EE). It doesn't 'hit' so LL, LGOH, all the other +dmg and +pen gems and culling strikes are all worthless, among others. If I were running a miscreation my 6L would look like

1. Spectre
2. Minion Life
3. +AOE
4. +Burn dmg
5. Minion ele resists
6. ?????? (honestly no clue)

And I would be running every possible defensive aura and possibly even necro aegis to give the guy a fighting chance in melee range. I seriously might put a springleaf on him just to keep from having to micro his health totals so much with animation potions, even at the cost of Minion Instability.

But ultimately, he is probably not worth it outside of docks runs. Unbelievable damage, but just a painful amount of maintenance. I really wish his Unrighteous Fire would stay turned on between area transitions, too.

thx for the input , i already know which gems boost the aura of burned miscreation .

Minion dmg , Incr Burning , Conc effect <- try this one .this is only for the burning aura .

my post was clearly a statement after the patch (lvl 64 -> 68 ) and his meelee ability .

did u get one hit from him sometime? he make without armor like 1k to 2k hits thats the reasson this post was ONLY for his meelee survivability. since my post they also included the minion resi . which would be not usefull vs chaos mobs which u have alot in maps.

so mixed with ur 6 link which is a nice idea . but i will leave the burning area at the range is pretty good indoors , and enough . the BM should survive so.

1. spectre
2. Minion life <- for his life ofc we agree with this
3. Burn Dmg .

i stay with 4 Life Leech and 5 multi strike , since they are MORE aggresive than zombies they are always in meelee range

i skiped the ele resi cuz of chaos mobs , i skip the aoe cuz of indoor maps

so far to the burning miscr. as u can read on page one a complete guide , if someone is missing i ll check as someone is "interested" in it . and believe me i test it and write down his HP


i tested some more with my lovely blackguard mages
and had alot of fun with

x raise spectre
x Increased Critical Strikes <---- LOVE THIS ONE WHEN U HAVE 3 MAGES
x life leech <- thinking of put this out
x faster cast <- cuz they cast "buff" on EVERY minion it should be fast as possible
x ele prof <- so far i get my HC char to a usefull lvl again

thinking also of "power charge on crit"

oh guys yeah they crit , ur zombies already know that :)


Golgho wrote:
Hey guys !

Great topic, very useful information on this topic :)

I got a summon/arc build (arc is only used as a debuff, not really as a dmg source), I kinda followed VoidMoon's build

1) I wonder which aura is the best for minion survivability: determination or vitality ? Since I also run purity, I cannot run both, so I have to make a choice.

2) Gear dilemma:

A friend of mine got Queen's decree and Matua Tupana.

I wonder which one I should use (if I should use it at all).

Queen's decree :
pro: +1 spectre !!, +% minion life, +% minion dmg
con : 2h (no shield = no es/armor, res, life bonus, no wand = no +% spell dmg for arc)

Matua Tupana :
pro : 10% increased Effect of Auras on Minions. I plan to run purity + determination(or vitality, not sure yet which one's the best) + discipline + wrath + clarity once I've taken EB
con : +2 minion gem quite useless (3 link max), low es

3) If I take EB, does discipline still gives ES to my minions ?

4) Since I have some spare points and I pass near the leadership (+30% increased radius of aura) nod, I intend to take it. I'm not sure its worth it however.

thx for your help !

to the discipline aura so far i made the "observation" from various statements of GGG

everthing that belongs to "ur char" like (aura , passive %, life bonus, Keypoints like eldritch battery ) will be on ur char
since ur MINIONS DONT have the passive "eldritch battery" cuz it belongs to "UR CHAR" so they get the energy shield from the aura

check "skill discussion forum HATRED aura" for GGG explanation of the plural "your"

GGG is what you READ is what you get . if u dont read "minion" ur minion dont get it.

ITEMS and ur problems :)

the gear dilema isnt a dilema - get the necro shoes with +1 spectre . thats enough.
and lvl 24 wohooo

personal thoughts to some guides :

some builds avoid to get a second spectre first with skill point 75 .

dear Guys i lvl my THIRD necro in HC (74 and 76) and im so happy with my 3 flame sentis in Cruel act 1 guys.with lvl 28 u can manage 3 spectres which lvl EVERTHING for you. i cant tell i thought i were 38 and skipped to 40 without even knowing.

+1 minion helm for zombies at lvl 20-60
+2 minion helm at lvl 60 +

spectre shoes ASAP to 100

if someone is interested in my build in this guide there is a small diary from my last char

Gibberish Space Orc 74 R.I.P (nasty desync)
HaleMinions 76 R.I.P (brain afk gear change )
HaleJesus TO GO lvl 40 so far

which i tend to upgrade with some active dmg spells

hope i could help so far and pls give more input for the blackguard mages and BM :) esp their melee atk with life leech and multi :)

Witch : HaleJesus LVL 82 Arc Summoner
SpectreGuide: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/292391/page/1
pls forgive my gibberish space orc english - its not my native language
Last edited by HaleBopp#0969 on Jul 12, 2013, 1:18:34 PM
Do you use minion life on burning miscreation just for more survivability? Cause if not, from my understanding they deal damage as a percentage of the enemy's life - not the spectre. It is "unrighteous fire" afterall - opposite of righteous fire.
ritualzz wrote:
Do you use minion life on burning miscreation just for more survivability? Cause if not, from my understanding they deal damage as a percentage of the enemy's life - not the spectre. It is "unrighteous fire" afterall - opposite of righteous fire.

Since , some pages were overlooked and a big patch came there are 2 diff kinds now for my opinion :
Tank version , DD Version ,

Tank Version
1. Spectre
x. Minion Life
x. Life Leech
x Multi Strike -> for the meelee attack that the life leech work.
x. Minion Resi
x. Minion Speed -> if someone runs from their melee range

i checked the "Movement speed at meelee attack " at my melee char it works preetty good with quicksilvers so they enemys cant run away

DD version
1 spextre
x. Minion dmg -> WORKS ALWAYS with minions
x. Remote mine -> pls some input it "should" work cuz it buffs the "base spectre cast"
x. Incr Burning
x. Conc Effect
x. Incr area -> to counter the conc effect without dmg loose

so that would be the new setup discuss pls :)
Witch : HaleJesus LVL 82 Arc Summoner
SpectreGuide: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/292391/page/1
pls forgive my gibberish space orc english - its not my native language
Last edited by HaleBopp#0969 on Jul 12, 2013, 1:48:59 PM
Personally I've been running Burning Miscreation - Increased AoE (not entirely sure this works, not leveled it up yet) - Increased burning - Fire penetration. I hope the aoe gem works for the aura since I only have the spectre node on passive tree - so my minions are fairly squishy, they need babysitting with instant flasks
ye ye :)

gimme some time to respond hehe

someone mentioned fire pen / and culling strike doesnt work , i ll test further with culling , with fire pen . i cant help u with fire pen since there are no numbers where u can see if it works or not .

i hope the one who mentioned he will tell us more

since minions are used in my opionion like spells or attacks skill gems


first is burning miscr,
second is lighting skeli acher
third is undying alchemist .

there is NO reason WHY culling strike /fire pen WONT work on BM

forgive my english not native thx
Witch : HaleJesus LVL 82 Arc Summoner
SpectreGuide: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/292391/page/1
pls forgive my gibberish space orc english - its not my native language
I doubt culling works for same reason life leech doesn't work - at least it wont trigger from the aura, also I read minion damage nodes/gem don't affect the degen aura - which seems likely considering mine melts monsters in seconds while I have 0 minion damage nodes
Last edited by ritualzz#3303 on Jul 13, 2013, 6:25:01 AM
so far the life leech considert only for the meelee atk from the BM

the culling strike i rly dont know if it works with the aura but its easy to find out
just test it :) im busy with lvling again and again :)

for the minion dmg , im not too sure if it pushes the unrighteous fire since for spectre there is little to none confirmations i ll believe u in this for the matter of a future

"spectre only" char

so far thx for the input again and have a nice spectre :)

Witch : HaleJesus LVL 82 Arc Summoner
SpectreGuide: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/292391/page/1
pls forgive my gibberish space orc english - its not my native language
jamusmcgamus wrote:
hmmmm, I dont think carrion queens are that great - they sometimes amble about not shooting at all, and since they cast from quite 'high' their fireballs will hit the ground instead of any targets behind where they aimed, quite annoying and leads to alot of wasted damage.

And this is only in outdoor areas. Most time they are completely useless in maps like sewers.

I think spectre ai needs a lot of rework.
IGN: Dreador

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