major end game design flaw (map drop rates / currency dump)

SiXpAiNs wrote:

chris just saying, your end game really is broken.... a game that is luck based in anyway is a failed system... fix it for the future players

Do you even read what you type? Has there ever been a ARPG that is not rng based?

We need currency sinks, and the highest end players should be sinking the most currency.

If you cant afford it, dont do it.
The game does not adapt to you, you adapt to it.
schisist wrote:
BazzV5 wrote:
SL4Y3R wrote:

The map system should reward difficult maps with the CHANCE to drop more maps. A MUCH MUCH better chance.

We spoke about this briefly at the beginning of the last closed beta ladder.

I personally have no problem with the use of RNG for end game content but be it through personal IIQ or a stronger correlation to map difficulty, players should have additional methods to influence the chance to drop maps.

Can we get this guy an award for biggest GGG fanboy in PoE?

Literally every post ive read by this person they are defending bullshit and bad design/mechanics for no other reason than because hes a total fanboy.

He also comments on balance issues while playing safe characters that play from range.

what does it mean when all you can do to counter a different point of view is name calling and personal attacks? no need to answer, we already know
Last edited by Tombstoned#1173 on Mar 4, 2013, 1:11:29 AM
SiXpAiNs wrote:
chris just saying, your end game really is broken.... a game that is luck based in anyway is a failed system... fix it for the future players

are you serious? do you know anything about the nature of this style of game? it is entirely based on chance, ever since Dungeons and Dragons. hits are now computer generated dice rolls, same with damage, same with loot. everything about it is and always has been luck of the roll. everything. that will never change.
Last edited by Tombstoned#1173 on Mar 4, 2013, 1:19:11 AM
Tombstoned wrote:
SiXpAiNs wrote:
chris just saying, your end game really is broken.... a game that is luck based in anyway is a failed system... fix it for the future players

are you serious? do you know anything about the nature of this style of game? it is entirely based on chance, ever since Dungeons and Dragons. hits are now computer generated dice rolls, same with damage, same with loot. everything about it is and always has been luck of the roll. everything. that will never change.

Access to the playing fields/arena/challenge is rarely RNG dictated though.
Create an open world pk map.

e.g. make docks open world pk

increase map drops in docks.

Problem solved.

More maps for everyone.

PvP players go there to pk.

Everyone is happy. Don't like it? Play on PvE docks.
The rest of the 'end-game' content will be available along with a heap of new stuff when the game launches in a few months time. From what I've seen it's going to be awesome. - Michael_GGG
we got some angry nerds up in here!!!!
Dynamic Environment - Day/Night, Rain/Lightning -

GGG's design philosophy in three words:
Quantity over Quality.
I gotta agree with the OP.

The current map system is why i'm not really playing much and don't have much motivation towards endgame. I stopped playing in CB due to the map system and the way it stands is why i'll loose interest in OB. Having to trade or play inventory tetris just to get enough currency to participate in end game isn't something that interests me.

Having to burn all your currency and more to have a random chance at progress up the levels isn't fun.

The challenge should be in completing a map, not in who has enough currency to burn to roll up every map with the best mods and then get super lucky with drops.
Chrome plugin for inventory/crafting:
reimur wrote:
map drop rates make no sense at all. end game content shouldn't be dependant on rng. probably won't be coming back until this shit gets reworked. was fun while i was delusional though. good game overall, end game just sucks shit.

groups shouldn't be getting fucked on map drops when they chisel, alch, and roll every 72+ map with an obscene amount of chaos orbs, and do the same to 75+ maps, even exalting the good ones. it's the most retarded end game i've ever seen in my life, tbh.

i agree to that...i have run 30 full clear docks merci i have yet to see how a map is look like...for me is like docks is the end game and map is an addon...non sense...
they must add at least lvl66-68 maps in vendors or sthing, keep the high one (70+) to rng..
When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself
tobes111 wrote:
Create an open world pk map.

e.g. make docks open world pk

increase map drops in docks.

Problem solved.

More maps for everyone.

PvP players go there to pk.

Everyone is happy. Don't like it? Play on PvE docks.

This man telling the truth!

And what is "das it mane" mean?? English?
The rest of the 'end-game' content will be available along with a heap of new stuff when the game launches in a few months time. From what I've seen it's going to be awesome. - Michael_GGG

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