major end game design flaw (map drop rates / currency dump)
map drop rates make no sense at all. end game content shouldn't be dependant on rng. probably won't be coming back until this shit gets reworked. edit: probably be back just based on the fact that i have no life outside work. was fun while i was delusional though. good game overall, end game just sucks shit.
groups shouldn't be getting fucked on map drops when they chisel, alch, and roll every 72+ map with an obscene amount of chaos orbs, and do the same to 75+ maps, even exalting the good ones. it's the most retarded end game i've ever seen in my life, tbh. Last edited by reimur#0746 on Mar 4, 2013, 7:40:33 PM
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Last edited by peachii#3920 on Mar 3, 2013, 1:03:46 AM
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" Agree 100%. People that say otherwise just are not high enough to actually be trolled by the map system yet. You actually lose currency for playing maps since you have to spend so much currency rolling them and even then you don't get drops. The fact that you actually degress by putting time into the game is beyond stupid. Down around 7-10 chaos, ~15-20 alch, and ~20 chisels after playing 5 or 6 hours today - how awesome! Guess tomorrow will be spent trying to peddle my junk to noobs by spamming trade for 3-4 hours so I can get more currency - I love spamming trade, it's so fun, so efficient, so rewarding. | |
100% agree, the way this end is now is just insane.
IGN: Jakugaro
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Yeah... not sure how many times I can re roll. Already have 3 characters at the end of Merc and I have yet to even find a map myself. I don't find farming the Docks or Lunaris for hours on end fun.
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The word is regress, not degress.
Anyway, wonder why there are thousands of people doing maps that aren't posting about horrible end game? IGN Paint_it_gold
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" I say otherwise, since he's talking about map drops, while you're complaining about spending currency. I would be willing to bet, that the majority, if not all, high lvl players wouldn't feel so bad about spending the currency to run maps, if they KNEW their odds were SUBSTANTIALLY higher to get = level or higher lvl maps. This is currently not the case. The problem, at least to me, is that the current system doesn't necessarily reward difficulty in the way it should. This was a problem in CB as well. A map that has -25% resists + Elemental Weakness + Monsters do xx% more elemental damage SHOULD give a higher IIQ than simply 1+1+1. This is common sense. Now, I dont want more screen clutter, but in all honesty, the current system does not work from the difficulty-> reward principle. Hell, I have no problem with people getting lucky with a 0% Maze + pack size, but that should be wear it stops. Like, getting a 6L in one fusing kind of luck. The map system should reward difficult maps with the CHANCE to drop more maps. A MUCH MUCH better chance. The only other suggestion I've had, which damnit I still think was a good one. Was to have let's say a 80% IIQ map have a -3 map lvl floor. 90% = -2 100% =-1 110%+ = 0 This way, players are rewarded for "proving" to the game that they can handle tough shit on level 70 maps, and wish to move on. GGG, you've ALWAYS stated you WANT people to run hard maps and be rewarded. Make it happen. Last edited by SL4Y3R#7487 on Mar 3, 2013, 12:10:16 AM
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" who are these thousands of people that you're talking about? are you referring to the level 60-85s that still get decent xp from any fucking map they do? this game is fucking retarded as you level higher. you already need a shit ton of high level maps to actually level at level 90, and it's a fucking pain to deal with this rng while pumping at least 100 combined chaos orbs and equivalent alchs and chisels into these shit maps while getting nothing out of them every day. Last edited by reimur#0746 on Mar 3, 2013, 12:14:09 AM
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I found that doing daily sacrifices(offering people dying ingame) and rituals(praising even for low level map-drops) in the name of the Map God helps you sustain high-level mapping. Can't really guarantee this, but works for me.
#6 Default Ladder |
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Rng is rng
Witnessed the death of Kerkrom by Vaal smash R.I.P Last edited by Ithinkthisisnice#6818 on Mar 3, 2013, 12:51:39 AM
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