Season One, Race Event 2: One Hour Solo
" THIS^ I also feel like I wasted my time and should at least get 1 point for trying. If anything you can't "win" much of anything at this rate unless you play shadow, or maybe add one more "point" mark for getting to level 9? I just want to play and feel like I am still slowly progressing. I also DON'T want to play Shadow seeing as they are the winners all-round. I will try again and hope to not get barely to 11. I wish we just got a little something ya'know? Perhaps party races will be more fruitful :/ ... |
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" Then these competitions aren't for you quite yet. Practice a bit more, come back and get level 12. There is your, "points for trying." I think what you are asking for is a, "point for being a human being that managed to log in and play" and I don't think you should get points for that. IGN: Sormac
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I agree, 1 point for getting to a certain level then dieing
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1 point at lvl 10 even if you die, sounds fair enough tbh.
I mean Nugiyen got 20 points, yes he won, but put it in perspective; A scrub would have to participate in 20 races just to get those points. |
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" It's a race not a handout. You win you're rewarded you lose oh well hope you had fun. Just like life there's no prize for last place. You can't fix stupid, but you can ignore it. Mandray's Shop Maintained Daily - IGN=CreativePlay |
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" Do I jsut create my character in HC mode? or will there be a special option for the race? IGNS: RasGhul, BillSPreston (i's for the L's)
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" There's a special ladder you can chose to create it on, will appear when its time. |
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" Are You kidding? Its a HC race - You want any price for die!? LOL |
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" But, but, in skool they give ribbons for just participating and that is what I want here! This attitude is the downfall society. No initiative, no effort, just give me something for free cuz I am special. Moms tells me so all the time. Hate that this is my first post here but JHC, between this and the time isn't perfect for me rants it's too FN much. Gotta learn to avoid forums, can't take it. |
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" Okay, I see your point, but in perspective I worked hard on racing my Witch and got to level 9 1/2 and I wasn't "sitting around" I feel like I really put the effort to make time for the event, arrive early, work hard, and in the end get nothing. I am not asking for points for death or "just logging in", it isn't a handout to get to level 9 or 10. And like someone just stated, 1 point doesn't even get you far. I would have to participate 15 games to get the first prize. For some rough numbers; People over lvl 11: 2304 People at lvl 10: 519 People at lvl 9: 366 Almost 5000 people participated. Also, remember this is HC so rushing into stuff isn't in a lot of people's blood. Life is precious to some. and if you died and remade a character and were unlucky but still had time then YAY because you could try and scape a point by becoming level 9-10. Don't hate on my points because "play harder noob" or "you don't get anything" "this isn't the event for you then". Tell me what even would NOT be a race then? I would love to know about this wide array of choice I am offered. Besides the critics, this was a plea to the Game-masters and Developers, not to the players. I can see I am not alone on this thought. |
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