Season One, Race Event 2: One Hour Solo
dont hate my rng guys! - im amazed, that i actually got to act 2 with this shit [HC] IGN: BowzerBro
[NEM] IGN: Bwzer |
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Okay, prizes have been awarded. The rewards are visible on your profile (and the Season page) and the Demigods/Redbeaks are on new characters on your accounts if you won those. This was 125 minutes faster than last time with regard to prize awarding :P
Four notes: - As mentioned in the thread for the first race, we're tidying up the rules about multiple characters on one account. - The Demigod's Triumph is currently untradable/undroppable due to a bug. This will be fixed - it's meant to be tradable and droppable. - The rewards bar on the profile/seasons page is meant to fill up with animated green to show your points. This doesn't seem to be working. You can still see the number of points underneath. - I got four points this time. Seven total now. Yay. | |
" The green bar works fine once you hit 15+. |
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Are you able to continue playing your characters after the race? because mine hasnt defaulted back to regular hardcore.
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^ That guy is right, it moves to 15, managed to get exactly 15 because my first race was lovely, reached lvl 14 with 0 portal scroll and 1 blue item equipped, it was horrendous
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Ugh, depressing, got 6th ranger. Should have done way better, I was doing EXTREMELY WELL.
Level 17.72. Was streamed live at Gear:
Was on track for 37 min merveil and my browser crashed. My browser reloads pages when it crashes and thus caused huge lag and I was forced out of the game. After that, hit merveil cave at 11.97 or so. Had to tp out so I could have a faster kill, but I skipped a pretty big pack earlier that would have saved me about a minute. Basically, around 3 minutes lost in caves. In A2 I did well, but I could not find a 2 link for the life of me. No estimate on how much time this lost - probably not much honestly. I also lost some time with mana flasks and having to waste a couple portals going back to town because I was still on small mana flasks. Finally got 1 large flask at 15 and thats it. Lost a bit of time in dark forest after realizing what I should be doing, but thankfully I did realize it - things could have been really bad. |
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Died about three minutes from the end... but it was still probably the funniest experience video game experience I had in a long while. Way to go, GGG.
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A character killed in Hardcore is moved to its parent league.
That says to me if you die in a Hardcore race you get sent to regular Hardcore as Hardcore is the parent league for a Hardcore race. But that isnt the case...I think it should be reworded. Ascension tied to Lab is the worst thing GGG has done...apart from GGG's philosophy on Trading. Oh and Gambling Loot boxes. And selling out to tencent.
I used to love GGG. I supported to ensure GGG remained independent, now I just wish I could get my money back. -_- |
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As another note, ranger should again, not be only hitting 18. There should be at least 1 ranger level 19. I just don't even lmao.
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Gotta say, this game is starting to become my favourite. The races, the genre and the whole system and gear/end game maps and such. All together just a great game! Really enjoyed these two first races, gz to Bzmode on first!. As for placing on top 10 im quite pleased and yeah as Bzmode said, go watch streamers like Nugiyen and Devmoon, really good gamers with a lot of insight and tips about the game and races! As for my luck: i think the only good thing was a chaos and 10 percent movementspeed boots, got like 4 short bows, and enough transmutes and alts to try and roll +bow gem 5 times, but no such luck. going merveil with 20 cold resist was also fun :D!
Last edited by JensenJ#3048 on Feb 22, 2013, 11:32:33 PM
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