Did you remove /oos or fix desync?
I don't know what you guys are complaining about de-synch seems like a pretty rare thing for me. I see it maybe once every like 6+ hours of gameplay. And I dont use ground slam I use skills like Double Strike and Flicker Strike. There is only one instance in all the time I have been playing this game where I remember dying to de-synch and that was when I was on cruel on the ledge spamming flicker strike and all of a sudden all of the monsters froze and I was using flicker strike on a single monster over and over until all of a sudden a massive burst of damage came my way and insta killed me.
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" I pretty much scrapped that exact build... With the desyncs it's unplayable later on. Went to Cleave Marauder... Realized that was a mistake since that's just as bad desync wise. Tried numerous other builds... All just hampered nonstop with horrid desycns and frustration. Literally I'm left with ONE choice... My boring as hell dual totem, summoner. It's the only build that won't be constantly screwed up by desyncs. |
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" Hope you will still read the post even if it's a late rely to the topic. But how are we suppose to dodge attacks like roll, whirling blades or even fireballs and stuff if the game is always a little out of sync. We as players have to predict the system in anticipation of the system already anticipating the actual position of the actions before sync. A side from that. It's good to force sync higher on the list... As it's making you lose players every day at thus point. Though it's been an issue for way longer and I doubt it was ever a good decision to program the game the way it works now. Since it's a core problem I have my doubts in the time it will take to fix vs other games will come out and ppl will leave. Don't get me wrong I love the game, played the early closed beta a lot. I came back hearing how much it improved from there with new skills, new passives and act3 and stuff. Fantastic but after a week I'm forced to quit. I died more than 5 times due to sync and I'm just not willing to play any more at this point and state. I can log in play for 5min and the game is already out of sync so much at some points that it's not playable any more at some points. For a more direct fix you can improve the current system for syncing, as being worked on right now I understand. But for the future You guys are going to have to come up with a better system over all. Showing a latency of 16-30ms looks fun, but it's worthless if it's not true to the situation in the game and the data is just getting stuck in the buffer. I hope you make a big announcement when improvements are here on fb and other media so I can see it. I can't be arsed to keep looking at the forums and all the posts on a game I can't currently play due to it's state. Sorry it has to be this way :( p.s. Not only skills like flikr strike and whirling blades cause massive desync. Multi arrow + fork is terrible. instant desync on the first pack you meet. |
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Please people understand that even if an issue doesn't affect you others can have that problem. That this needs to be said is cringeworthy and embarrassing.
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I'm curious to know if GGG ever considered using a fully synchronized architecture with delay (like most game do), or if they tested it, and if they actually analyzed the pros and cons of the two solutions in the case of the gameplay of a game like PoE.
I wonder why desync has never been the top priority in the last two years. It makes the combat aspect of the game irrelevant, no matter how much you improve it in terms of mechanics. You just can't trust what you see, at any time. Any "skill" you might have in combat as a player is made insignificant by every little desync happening. I do think this game can provide interesting combat sequences, other than ground slaming the entire screen repeatedly, but this isn't not possible with the current state of the game. The game is only succeeding thanks to a solid itemization and build customization, I must admit that these already make PoE a better game than most games out there. Right now, combat is basically stats comparison, which is actually the case of many games. But PoE can be more than that, it's been designed to be more than that, it's makes me sad that all the work that have been done to make combat interesting in PoE is just wasted because there is desync anyway. I've created on purpose a very desync-sensible character, high movement speed melee using flicker strike and lightning warp. It's fun and "playable", but I'm a bit sad because it's not seriously playable in any way. As soon as there are more than 2 or 3 mobs, I'm never where I'm supposed to be, I always get hit by invisible hits, mobs appear completely lost as well, etc. I just survive because I'm able to tank enough to survive 1 or 2 second of absence... This issue hurts character customization pretty hard, it's yet another thing that's been worked on so hard and that has been crushed by this "non-top-priority" issue for 2 two years. I think many more strange builds would have emerged if players weren't encouraged to spam abilities that always hit half of the screen. Build of the week #2 : http://tinyurl.com/ce75gf4 Last edited by zriL#4590 on Feb 10, 2013, 12:17:35 PM
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I understand why they removed /oos from the game, I just wish they left it there for us until they fix the desync issues. I love the game but without /oos it became unplayable again due to desync.
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" Unplayable again? The desync issue has been rampant for 2ish years now... /oos didn't magically fix the problem, or actually really alleviate it much... It was like a bandaid you put on top of a 8inch gash that shows bone and probably hit a vein, then proceeded to take a shower, and have the bandaid fall off. It did nothing but provide a minor and miniscule quick fix for 15ish seconds... Then boom the cut is still spurting blood and hurts worse. If anything it only showcased the huge issue to more people who just attributed it to "lag"... Once they typed that magical command and realized what the problem actually was, it just ruined their gameplay from the moment they couldn't even use it again. And seriously, how fun was it to spam/macro something every 30seconds? Instead of adding that command they should have addressed the root of the problem before even considering putting this into Open Beta... Last edited by StinkFinger#4623 on Feb 10, 2013, 1:51:30 PM
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It is quite disturbing how long this has went on with no fix. The issue is probably rooted too deep and we will never see a fix. This leaves us with a game that at times can be quite unplayable.
IGN: zerokontrol
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Desync is my biggest gripe with this game, it's seriously off putting.
I play a highly mobile, hit n run Shadow build, but I'm really regretting this choice as it's too frustrating to play in the game's current state. I get my fun from surviving, seeing how far I can get without dying. At the moment I can't challenge myself in this regard, because of the frequent desync related deaths. Every time it happens I just think well whats the point? It's frustrating as hell and I'm not going to continue playing if the game is continually out of sync. Seems like a really poor system to run with a game like this. It's bad enough a NZ dev can't support an oceanic server, but having to deal with these constant desync issues as well? It's a real fun killer. Such a shame, because it detracts from an awesome game. |
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i hate desync in this game, is just horrible.
I lost 30% on a super easy map because of desync... Here is one example how i died because of desync: I was at the "red point". I saw an enemie, but he did´t move and my attackd could not hurt him. Than i notice i loose HP without any enemies hitting me. I activated my sprint flask and ran back (green line) and than i got "resynced" to the "black point", in a room i was never in and a room full of dozen of enemies. ![]() This desync problems nearly only happens on maps with small rooms etc. like Vaal Pyramide. On big Open Areas the desync problems are not that bad. That just sucks... getting resynct in a room full of enemies, get killed by invisible enemies, enemies you can´t deal damage at and teleporting after some seconds to they "real" spot... That is really a big problem, and i have never seen sth. like this in any game. IGN: kReiZy
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