Did you remove /oos or fix desync?
Desyncs really seem odd to me. I for one almost never experience them but from the way some people talk it seems as if all they do is desync. I think the only time I can recently recall being desync'ed would be when I got stunned right after I poped a quicksilver flask and tried to run away.
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Great to hear how hard you guys are working on all the problems, at the same time I sympathize with the long hours :) I don't understand some of the venom floating around here with all that you guys have on your plate. Many of them must have no idea the kind of problems that come up in video game design/support/whatnot. Not that my opinion matters more than anyone else's, but I am glad that you are getting the servers up and stable first. As annoying as desync is, at least I can reroll a new char, play in a group, or whatever. I can even benefit from it. I
might find a few GCP running back through the early difficulties, or even find a nice low level unique that will help me out or allow a new build. You have designed this game so that time invested is valuable at all levels of gameplay. Keep doing what you are doing, and don't let anyone get you down. I hope that you guys get time to address this as soon as you can, but I understand that it isn't an easy or a quick fix. Take your time and make the right decision, whether people say it now or not they will appreciate that you did it right the first time and took longer, over having your rush to fix it now, have servers break, and possibly have to address the issue again. You guys are doing awesome. To the trolls out there. I am not a fanboi, I am a realist. They are a handful of people that have made a game that puts most AAA titles to shame before it is even finished. They work hard, and have done AMAZING for their first open beta experience. Take it with a grain of salt. There will be bugs, there will be issues. Let them know about the bugs and issues, and they will try their best to fix them. They do not have a few thousand or even a hundred people. The people they do have are not even able to fix every problem. That plumer can't do crap for your electric system guys. They can't throw voice actors and graphic designers at a desync issue. Realize that these things take time, and they are working on the problem, probably more often than you are playing the game. So take a breather, and stop expecting them to act like a certain AAA company that dissembles when they speak. They are being frank and honest with you. It is so obvious that what they are saying is to be taken at face value. They are not hiding the truth, or ignoring the truth, or ignoring the problem. They have acknowledged it is a problem, and are letting you know -through someone that can't fix the problem themselves- so that you understand that the people who can fix it will get to it as fast as they can. Try to be a bit more civil ;) I guess I will have to buy a one way ticket to hell with your lives
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Are people talking about when the mob just stands there? Or you get teleported or the mob gets teleported after a 'resync'?
Yeah they happen but not consistently and constantly. I'm enjoying the game just fine with em, they're a problem but nothing gamebreaking from my PC and internet connection, anyway. |
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I'm also quitting until this issue is fixed, among others.
Tired of trying to play melee, and every 2 minutes dealing with terrible desync causing me to either die (and lose hours of grinding XP since I'm level 79) or nearly kill me, causing excessive frustration either way. I didn't even know this /oos existed, not that it matters now. I'm on a 35 Down/6 Up connection that's very stable at about 50-60 ms consistently to the PoE servers. It's not me. It's you, PoE. I'm done being frustrated by stupid shit like that. Fix your game. Other ARPGs have managed to do it just fine. You can, too. Also, buff melee FFS. And fix Duelists so they aren't the clearly worst starter class. You said you would, but apparently it takes 2 years to toss them a fucking bone. If someone wants to see what kind of awesome gear I'm leaving behind, here you go: Yes, I use Leap Slam. Apparently one of the worst Desync offenders. Well, that's not my problem: it's yours. It's one of only a handful of melee abilities in the game, and among those actually worth using. This is not a "beta". It's a released game that is making money through micro-transactions. They have an obligation to fix severe issues in a timely fashion, and allowing them to use the excuse of "it's beta" is absolute nonsense. Stop being subservient peasant bootlickers for one minute. Thanks. IGN = Warlyik
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Re: Damien's reply...
OMG Blizzard could learn a thing or two (or two hundred) from you guys. I'm seriously impressed with GGG. Did you know level 91 is the halfway point to level 100? This means that a softcore character dying ONCE at level 85+ can lose many days of progress.
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" I believe if it's you teleporting (or rubberbanding: bouncing back to where you where a moment ago) it's more probably lag at your end and GGG can't fix that. When monsters disappear, or remain there but aren't there, or (worse of all) you can't see them but they are there and hitting you, it's desync. Did you know level 91 is the halfway point to level 100? This means that a softcore character dying ONCE at level 85+ can lose many days of progress.
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" Yeah that's not what we're referring too when we use the term "desync" though the effects it causes are similar and lag spikes like your experience will also cause desyncing. Basically you can picture that same scenario but in briefer increments, a desync'd mob generally only stays desync'd for i would guess 10-30 seconds and there is no latency spike involved with it. So in you're scenario with a group of mobs coming on screen mobs will desync and re-sync consistently throughout but you can tell that you aren't lagging because not all of the mobs will desync at the same time and you are able to hit some as normal. The problem your describing so far as I'm aware is not a common problem and may or may not be the fault of the game. In either case it's probably something you can fix on your end. Unless the root cause is your isp, which is also possible. | |
I wish there was a diagnostic to help us fix or identify problems in our connection. I get great speeds most stuff, and experience some tough Desyncs. I know it's not a problem for everyone so there must be a solution or a set up that mitigates it some.
Anyway, as much as I want this to be fixed, I don't think it's right for other players to tell us to go somewhere else if we want the issue addressed. It is no more helpful than the "I died again I quit" stuff on the other side of the balance. |
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The game is currently NOT in a playable state for melee.
You can't trust anything it's showing you, and you can't tell whether you're missing because you missed or because the mob isn't actually where you're seeing it is. Trying to play melee under these conditions is at best annoying and at worst deadly. A word of advice, if you're playing a hardcore melee character, don't play it until this is all sorted out. With that said, I'm totally willing to wait until the situation improves, and I know GGG is working on it. It's just frustrating that I can't play the game properly. |
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" Remember: click backwards, groundslam forwards, don't bother using any other skills >> |
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