Did you remove /oos or fix desync?

This game is/was free and it's really good in comparison with most major game releases as of the past 6-8 years. GGG is doing a great job at patching the game, I'm really impressed. Thanks for acknowledging desync and letting us know you will be fixing it.
CK011885 wrote:
jordonus wrote:
TheAnuhart wrote:
I have experienced on several occations, my character resyncing to a place I COULD NOT HAVE POSSIBLY BEEN TO.

I too have had this happen to me, and even on smaller scales like resyncing up cliffs.

Things like this happen when you're attacking a mob who was out of sync, your character ends up chasing after the mob to attack it and you end up in a place you weren't expecting to be in.


But the point is, it's more than that.

Not only do you port to places where you 'ran to on the server'... you actually port to places that you couldn't have possibly ran to, i.e. two rooms ahead, through so many monsters that you would never have made it there alive. I once ported down to an area that to 'walk to' I would have had to turn around, head north, then east, then south, make my way through like 6 doorways before maneuvering through one of those zig-zag thin walkways, up some steps then north again. Purely because I happened to attack a desynced mob at some point without attack in place modifier.

Basically we need to always use the attack in place modifier. Which is silly, because how my skills are set up, I would only be using the modifier (100% of the time) for the sole reason of not resync porting.

I mean, the game allows you to assign 'move only' to left click and also has a mechanic that any skill used and held on a target will automatically attempt to keep LoS on that target. This is great, but results in resync error porting. To get over this issue, one uses 'attack in place' which then removes the auto LoS mechanic.

This is really bad design, more so when having the modifier locked (with num-lock) disallows any looting or interaction with objects/chests/portals/WPs.
Casually casual.

Last edited by TheAnuhart#4741 on Mar 20, 2013, 4:14:59 AM
StinkFinger wrote:
All I got from that post was...

Don't expect a fix anytime soon, we're going with the "desyncs are intended by our design choice" excuse.

Then tries to shift focus by bringing up something that infuriates all PoE players, and comparing a flank steak to a filet...

FYI... I never desync'd in D2 buddy, so don't say that's the reasons, you intended us to miss. I missed like crazy in D2, but never freakin' desync on 13 year old hardware. It's 2013 man...

Ya... Well looks like unplayable servers for the long haul.

Maybe it's time to go back to that "lack of challenge" game, since at least I'm able to interact and the servers actually respond to my freaking clicking.

Really disappointed GGG... Had great hope for this game, but that response was not helpful.

QFT fix the fuckign desyncs already jesus christ
Chris wrote:
If we don't have good sync improvements in the very near future we'll put a rate limited version of /oos back in.

As I mentioned before I'm writing up an explanation of how the system works, what it's for and what we can improve.

THis was posted over a month ago. What is your idea of the near future?
VortexD wrote:

QFT fix the fuckign desyncs already jesus christ

Sorry you have a crap internet connection. Maybe you should quit bitching about this FREE game until you get that fixed?

I've been playing PoE for 8+ months and desync doesn't bother me. If it's that bad for you, go play something else. I hear D3 almost has their duping under control.

What you shouldn't do is act like a spoiled child complaining that daddy isn't moving fast enough on repainting his free Porsche.
And yet here I am on my works T1 which 100% blows your ghetto connection out of the water.

Fact of the matter is if i didnt like the game I would be long gone. And yeah im sure that all 29 page of replies all have crap connections....

Seriously is that the best you can come up with? Go back to packing fudge fag.

Ahhh i know why it doesnt bother you... you play a LA ranger. Now fuck off.
Last edited by VortexD#4778 on Mar 27, 2013, 3:22:52 PM
I love the game, and so invested my time and real money into it.

This is what I have to say:

I don't care that you want to keep the game difficult.
I care that my time I invested into the character died because you didn't want to help me stay alive.

That's all I wanted to say.

glockenrock wrote:
VortexD wrote:

QFT fix the fuckign desyncs already jesus christ

Sorry you have a crap internet connection. Maybe you should quit bitching about this FREE game until you get that fixed?

I've been playing PoE for 8+ months and desync doesn't bother me. If it's that bad for you, go play something else. I hear D3 almost has their duping under control.

What you shouldn't do is act like a spoiled child complaining that daddy isn't moving fast enough on repainting his free Porsche.

^^ Possible POE Fanboi?
Every day you may make progress. Every step may be fruitful. Yet there will stretch out before you an ever-lengthening, ever-ascending, ever-improving path. You know you will never get to the end of the journey. But this, so far from discouraging, only adds to the joy and glory of the climb.
glockenrock wrote:
VortexD wrote:

QFT fix the fuckign desyncs already jesus christ

Sorry you have a crap internet connection. Maybe you should quit bitching about this FREE game until you get that fixed?

I've been playing PoE for 8+ months and desync doesn't bother me. If it's that bad for you, go play something else. I hear D3 almost has their duping under control.

What you shouldn't do is act like a spoiled child complaining that daddy isn't moving fast enough on repainting his free Porsche.

I have a 30mbit connection and pings about 1-10 in other games. I get desynced in POE a LOT. I almost never get desynced in other games. And get lost with the "it's a free game, shut up or go home" argument. That's nonsense. This game is called "beta" and i think one main purpose of a beta is to give feedback. Even if it's negative. BTW: GGG is already making some money off PoE. So it's not exactly "free". It's a product on a market. And, as far as desync goes, it's a broken product.

Damien said all games suffer of desync but it's a matter of the nature of the game if it shows.
I played Quake 3 Arena for over 10 years. This game is ridiculouly fast with extreme quick changes of postition of players and projectiles. But if players have stable connections it's veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery rare to experience desync. Or look at Starcraft: Dozens of units have to sync all the time, because precise and time-accurate orders are vital in this game. Doesn't suffer from noticable desync either. Is one of those games an "easy" game? I really do not think so.
I really do not get the point of damiens explanation why desync is such a big problem. And since the devs did not give an update on the issue for months now i doubt they have an idea how to fix it at all.

Me personally, i used to love PoE. But i always, always (since start of closed beta) said that desync is the main issue. I believed in the devs at that time when they said they'll fix it after balancing the game. But it's almost 2 years later and nothing has changed for the better.
They get lost in adding more skills, microtransactions and what not.
I recently stopped playing because of desync. It's just no fun to have a char die because of broken netcode. Doesn't matter how pretty it looks, or how awesome skills are. I tried racing 2 times. 2 times i died because the game warped me back into groups of mobs i passed a few seconds ago. It really feels like playing a slotmachine. Total randomness. And randomness has NOTHING to do with challenge (which they always state is oh so important to them).
I'll come back (and spend more money) when desync is fixed. But in the current state the game simply is no fun to me.

Load universe into a gun.
Aim at brain.
genericacc wrote:
The only reason I brought up those two games was to argue that there's nothing inherent about that specific ability which should cause a desync in a game like this, since there exists a game where that's not the case.

I played a wizard and monk for awhile in D3, and got bored of the game before trying out the barbarian so I can't speak to Leap Slam in D3. However I did play Diablo 2 from Beta up until D3 came out and there were definitely a lot of desync issues in the game. Paladin Chargers were unwanted in public games for a long time because of the desync they caused. Leap Attacks could get you stuck. Teleporting had its own issues. I had all sorts of 5% movement charms, and I understand exactly why they nerfed them to 3%.


The Vigor aura, the Assasin's burst of speed and the charm/gear speed boosts all had to be nerfed hard to fix this.

Before they nerfed it, you could easily take an assasin with some gear and charms into an empty field in act 1 and in less than three seconds run yourself into a black wall.

Post fix, the issues weren't quite as bad, but in a busy Chaos Sanctuary game, the finger mages and monsters did their own small amount of teleporting about on occasion due to desynch.

Wand Zealots experienced desynch resulting in a barely playable character.

So, please don't try to tell us D2 didn't have desynch issues.

The speed of light is fast but finite. The distance between your computer and the end server factors in. Every hop from router to router adds a little bit of delay going through the device as well as another TCPIP packet header to encode and decode. The resulting latency is going to either cause desync or a further delay between client and server. The more handshakes you have between client and server the better your synchronization will be, but those extra packets also mean more and more latency.

There's your character.
There are other characters.
There are summons.
There are monsters.
There are map items (walls, doors,chests, loot .etc)

Each of them has a location relevant to your screen.

So does every attack by each of these (if they are attacking).

Now, every attack has a potential graphical effect, and may have subsequent targets.

Some of those targets are areas of effect.

There is a lot of moving changing location data to keep consistent between server and clients.

CleintS with an S. In a multiplayer game, sync will also have to factor in THEIR latency as well as YOUR latency.

Multiply all that by attacks per second and quick movement skills and you end up with something that is not as easy to fix and it may appear to the casual observer.

Have some patience. Eat a cookie, go out on a hot date, watch a movie, relax.

GGG will fix this. They have said a fix is in the making.

I understand the aggravation. My HC characters end up in default because my workaround techniques can't keep them alive against unseen attacks.

When GGG fixes this, I will remake them and go at it again. (and die some more, from different causes).

There isn't an instafix for this.

If there was GGG would have put it in place.

They aren't sadists sitting around watching slow motion replays of HC characters dying from desync and downing shots of TeQQuila and cheering every time it happens.

The so called "always in sync" model -which is really wait to play is not the answer.

The wait to play model sync where WSYIWYG isn't necessarily any safer than what GGG has now.

Diablo 2 did a great job of preloading a lot of client side info so that the deaths from lag catchup (desync) weren't as bad as they were in Diablo 1.

That doesn't mean wait to play was safe. Lots of Mephisto runs ended when the unseen (lets fix desycnc by removing some of the graphic sprites to reduce server/client load!) bolts from an LEB took the characters down instantly.

D2 was and is a fantastic game. It had its own troubles, but overall was enjoyable enough that in hindsight most of us forget about them. As humans (apologies to the non-humans reading this)our memory tends to dull and fade out bad and recall mainly the good things.

POE is a very good game. The Devs have said they are working on a fix.

They'll get there.

"The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2081910

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