Did you remove /oos or fix desync?
It is not an issue with mobility skills. Mobility skills are just a guaranteed way to desync yourself pretty much any time they're used. It happens on its own even if you just use basic attacks. More IAS/move speed tend to make it worse (or enemies that move at 900 MPH...seriously, those stupid ass warp speed puncture snakes? They're literally not even in the same room they appear to be half the time).
As for "knowing what the issue is and working on it", uh, yeahhhh, about that...they've been saying that for the last YEAR, and if anything, it has gotten worse with Open Beta which a GGG poster said was supposed to significantly improve the issue. I haven't seen any posts from GGG that convince me that they actually know what the problem is, or that they even consider it a big problem. Last edited by Hehaw#1427 on Feb 7, 2013, 11:50:09 PM
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I get it quite often spamming freezing pulse.
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There's no way I'm attempting to play my melee marauder on HC without /oos. Even if I know when to expect desyncs, there's just no way to deal with them in melee besides /oos.
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Hi guys,
the team are well aware of the desync issue and have paths to pursue to deal with it. However, as many of you are aware, we are still a small indie team and we've just hit a major milestone in our development - Open Beta - which brings with it a myriad of new and greater issues and learnings that take a lot more time and resource. Our priority must be the stability of the servers that serve the game to you. Our top guys are focused on this for the time being - which means that for the most part the only topics they can dive into on the forum are either those that they can drop into with a single comment or, if they're typing a larger spiel, those that are to do with the issue they are currently dealing with. That means that Chris and Jonathan, who are probably the best guys to talk about this issue, are busy. And desync requires more than a passing comment. Chris has a lot to say on desync but he's going to need time - first to coordinate the approach we're going to take and secondly to write up the explanation that some people require to understand the issue better. For now, thanks to the many issues we are now dealing with day-to-day, we need Chris to be focused on the bigger picture - ensuring there's a game running 24/7. So that leaves us lesser mortals to discuss desync for now! For those who don't know me, I'm a mere nut on a cog in the great machine that is Grinding Gear Games - my area is the video (trailers, microtransactions) and voice acting - and my knowledge of PoE desync comes from a recent conversation with Chris. As I've stated, he'll have a deeper, better explanation of what's going on sometime in the near future. For now, here's what I've gleaned from talking to Chris. One of the first things people should understand about desync is that it is NOT a bug - it's a term for the completely natural phenomenon of the client (your game on your PC) getting out of sync with the server. This means ALL online games have to deal with the issue in one of the various ways they may choose to do so. Many of those upset about the desync issue point out that they play other online games that don't behave in the same way. Please note, these games DO have to deal with desync as well, but some of them a) have a gameplay model that mitigates the desync issue or b) have efficiencies of code that we will also be working on as soon as we can focus our primary resource on it. We've opted for one approach to maintaining sync for what we believe are good reasons given our gameplay model and specific requirements (we want you to miss sometimes...) There are other options open to us but there are many considerations to weigh up. Without going into the detail (because I'll leave it to Chris and also because I just don't know it!) one of the various options open to us will result in more rubberbanding, quicker, and could very likely lead to an increase in complaints even though the game is technically 'more in sync'. One of the better known ARPGs out there deals with desync in a way that we believe contributes to the lack of challenge in the game (you pretty much ALWAYS hit). We want to deal with desync in a way that does not compromise our dedication to making Path of Exile a challenging game for gamers and this is not as easy as it may seem. I'm sorry that some of you are so upset by the desync problem that you don't want to play anymore. For those with the patience to hold out for a little longer - we'll be dealing with it as soon as we can! But please don't think we're sitting around doing nothing or ignoring your complaints. Desync is certainly one of the bigger issues on our plate and will be dealt with in the fullness of time. We also have plans to bring behind the scenes content to you soon so you can see what we're dealing with and so we can talk directly to the big issues on camera. It is my aim with the behind-the-scenes content to prove the "indie" in our name and to let you see more of how we work in the effort to defuse some of the anger out there from people who think we're intentionally ignoring them or intending to 'hurt' their gameplay experience - the truth is quite different guys! Thank you for your understanding and patience! |
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^Great post.
ign BluedreaM
LvL92 411k Crit Dagger Shadow |
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Desynch isn't that problematic to me, but then again I don't play hardcore. I've died a few times to desynch but as I said I don't play hardcore, I can see how this is game-ruining for hc players though.
And yeah I do get the occasional desynch but that's mostly because many abilities in this game promote desynching. Whirling blades, phase run etc. Beyond league.
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" For a team of less than 20 people - who just blew up in customer base by about 5000% in less than 2 weeks, you guys are doing great. Rolling out new things, not to mention coping with this huge increase isn't as simple as it would be for a billion dollar company with unlimited resources. You guys not only have a money constraint but a HUGE time constraint as well. I have every confidence you guys will fix the issues as soon as you can and keep the players happy. Fix what you can, when you can. I for one, will be here playing when you get the bugs worked out. Hopefully anyone that is so unhappy that they quit playing will come back when the game is actually released out of Beta. “Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”
—Leo Buscaglia Contact support@grindinggear.com to report issues relating to the game or forum. Thanks! My beloved pets.... ![]() |
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" Good to hear, thanks for that post. Pledge forward an Oceanic server if possible after Open Beta :) |
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" Hey Damien, thanks a lot. Not just for posting here but for making it clear that you guys know about the issue and want to work on it and get it fixed. For me (and probably many others) it's pretty much the main issue now the servers seem to be stable and the d/c's have been taken care of. One thing is certain, games like these suffer from desync in a much more severe way than most other online games, as split seconds can be death or life in a game like this. On HC that only makes it worse, obviously. Once again, thanks. I'm hopeful you will be finding a solution to the issue before long. |
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So is the "One of the better known ARPGs out there" D3?
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