Selling Large Bags of Tart Green Apples!

Sneakypaw wrote:
Kabraxis wrote:
You should change 'supporter' to 'fanboy that dont know what criticism is' and this story will be accurate to current events on this forum and ingame.

You may wrote 500 pages book but it doesnt change facts that game has flaws and is far from perfect. It can be perfect... but not with community attitude that OP represents.
Im 'supporter' too and im interested this game since 2011 and i still think that many complaints about the game are very valid.

Critique is good. Fanboism is not.

All would be good if they werent trying to get the Developers to change the core aspects of the game, like for example: “I think it would be a good idea to implement gold, that Bartering system is no good”

Thing is, current barter system works. Some thing don't. When there are very accurate reasons of why something DOESN'T work, at least not as intended, then there should be a discussion about it. And if devs didnt want any input there would be a beta, there wouldn't be an official "loot" thread etc. So OP is making things out of his ass (to put it lightly) and thinks that's what the dev's want. I can do exactly the same with a made up story only expressing the exact opposite. Would that make me any more right? NO.
fevgatos wrote:

Thing is, current barter system works. Some thing don't. When there are very accurate reasons of why something DOESN'T work, at least not as intended, then there should be a discussion about it. And if devs didnt want any input there would be a beta, there wouldn't be an official "loot" thread etc. So OP is making things out of his ass (to put it lightly) and thinks that's what the dev's want. I can do exactly the same with a made up story only expressing the exact opposite. Would that make me any more right? NO.

Sure you could make your own thread, but would the developers stop in and post smileys? Somehow I doubt it.
Smaggletooth wrote:

I thought it was a rather clever representation of what is occurring in our forums since OB.

Gamers have been having stuff handed to them and been walked through games for too long, now they run into this and don't know how to deal with it.

I guess my problem is that we are becoming drones as a population and I want GGG to make lots of money here...and I worry that means catering to this populous.

Personally I have been waiting for a game like this for a long time and am legitimately worried at the number of whiners due to the game being to hard, ninja loot, p2w, not enough wp's, full respecs, etc will ruin it.

Anyway, I'm sorry you feel that way as you are a supporter and also part of the problem

You know what's the biggest problem of this community? People like you that think they are hardcore and that the game is hard :D ! You are a casual caught in a distortion field, thinking you are hardcore. You are not and the game is NOT hard. Not even close to being hard. Loot is dropping like apples on newton's head, respec is so fucking easy it's not even worth to start a new char, characters get OP far too quickly (2 shotting brutus on merciless after 3 days!! with a 149 hp character). There is nothing hard within this game and the fact that you think it's hard makes me think that the only other game you have every played in your life is backgamon
Smaggletooth you are MY Tart Green Apple! <3
I hate to be "that guy", but:


Gasp! It's that guy! Lynch him!

This was a very cool way of getting the message across, thanks for posting this!
I approve of this message. The game is pretty much perfect for me when it comes to it's design decisions. Sure, the execution is still a little rough around the edges here and there, but I'm absolutely loving the core mechanics of this game.
I was looking forward to some nice peaches (like the ones I had bought before) from That Other Garden, but then they started selling oranges, instead, so I found Chris with his awesome tart, green apples. They're delicious! =*[.]*=
=^[.]^= basic (happy/amused) cheetahmoticon: Whiskers/eye/tear-streak/nose/tear-streak/eye/
whiskers =@[.]@= boggled / =>[.]<= annoyed or angry / ='[.]'= concerned / =0[.]o= confuzzled /
=-[.]-= sad or sleepy / =*[.]*= dazzled / =^[.]~= wink / =~[.]^= naughty wink / =9[.]9= rolleyes #FourYearLie

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