Do not mess with Queen Atziri

Wat. Why unwavering. My Marauder was built specifically to waver people.

Tsarius1 wrote:
NotManyIfAny wrote:
I wish a single game would reverse the trend and make some bosses immune to normal damage.

I actually like this comparison to Median.
But in Median - unlike in POE - you actually got rewarded for beating crazy challenges.
And this specific example is great because it also shows progression: you had to beat a certain out of this world summoning uber quest, to stand a fighting chance in Toraja.
Moreover, all Brother Laz had to work with, was the old D2 infrastructure. Crazy mods and one-shot mechanics were pretty much his only way of adding difficulty, and he did a fantastic job.

POE one-shot mechanics are a design choice, rather than necessity.
POE "trade or RMT your gear, because you are unlikely to actually obtain it as a function of risk", is also a design choice.
Putting a Median screenshot in this thread, actually makes POE look worse.
Alva: I'm sweating like a hog in heat
Shadow: That was fun
And Toraja was easier compared to judgement day or brother laz...
borek664 wrote:

Dungeon is quite a killer in terms of both survability of a character and performance of machine you would be playing on.

Anyway few things to notice:
- It's better to kill all bosses at once rather one by one since the remaining ones get a buff of about 1/3 of Fleet mod. This is especially important with the trio in second stage.
- Casters, Summoners and Evasion based characters without Ondar's will have hard time there.
- Notice that after beating the trio guy dies to some kind of invisible damage dropping him from full health in about one second.
- Atziri uses Vaal skills.

Looks really nasty. Specially those 3 bosses before aztiri. Might have been a lot easier to handle if u dont get only 6 tries to kill them :\
But the sacrifice pieces are not so rare so maybe thats what the devs intended.

Thanks for sharing the video!

So hard fight...
You forgot to add her 'Immune to curses', 'Life can not be leeched', 'Mana can not be leeched' and 'Immune to Nukes'.
Last edited by el_hombre_loco#3405 on Mar 8, 2014, 11:47:50 AM
r3s1s74nc3 wrote:

So hard fight...

Single Flameblast and his health went down from 9,2k to 1,7k.

GL fighting her as melee without shitload of HP when desync kicks in while kiting those Flameblasts. Not to mention 4 clones phase (now we know why she has four boobs).

Also Atziri > Dominus.
Last edited by borek664#0255 on Mar 8, 2014, 11:51:03 AM
borek664 wrote:
r3s1s74nc3 wrote:

So hard fight...

Single Flameblast and his health went down from 9,2k to 1,7k.

GL fighting her as melee without shitload of HP when desync kicks in while kiting those Flameblasts. Not to mention 4 clones phase (now we know she has four boobs).

Also Atziri > Dominus.

Looks like one has to build 15k HP+75% block all+maxed resists, and 0 DPS while others shoot her form distnace hidden behind frost wall. This tank will use Ednuring Cry. At least till they add her mod 'Can not be fooled by Enduring Cry and Decoy Totems'.
Last edited by el_hombre_loco#3405 on Mar 8, 2014, 11:56:43 AM
johnKeys wrote:

POE "trade or RMT your gear, because you are unlikely to actually obtain it as a function of risk", is also a design choice.

Totally wrong actually. This is the result when noobs who don't know anything about math, the genre and anything draw conclusions from their limited knowledge.

In games like PoE the items you want will either always be scarce so that you have a desire to obtain them somehow or ubiquities.

If you could easily obtain the items that you want by just taking some risks (what everyone does actually, not only you) these items would be in every inventory/stash and you would remove them from the list of items that you desire. Your level of demand would simply go one higher as a result.

E.g. you want a 300 dps sword. These cost like 5-8 exa these days, if they were more easy to obtain they would go down to 2-6 chaos in price. Then you would want a sword with at least 380 dps as a result as 300 dps is nothing special anymore to you (this is what diablo3 did several times with all its items and unique items).

In PoE the side effect would be that crafting gets more unrewarding and ppl would start crying again.
I wonder why ppl insist on not understanding this mechanic?

The find/crafting balance is quite well in poe and shouldnt be changed. Alot of improvements have beend done. Try trans/alt a lvl20-30 weapon and you will have alot better results than it was 6-12 months ago (hidden tweaks). Also map affixes work much better in terms of risk/reward now. Only packsize/magic monsters/maze/large wont give you the mapdrops anymore. Other hard mods instead do.

Still I have to admit there is always stuff to improve and as well in PoE. But alot has been done. Just try to see that everybody would be bored of the game if you just had to do a+b+c and then get a GG item (one guy once suggested to give ppl 6 link chest on completing merciless lol).
shroudb wrote:
immunity should be changed to -50% chance to be frozen/ignited/shocked.

it's ridiculous to negate the whole reason elemental has lower damage/leech/etc than physical...

Absolutely. I can understand her being immune to freezing (or at least having a very minimal chance), but immune to chill? So much for my Glacial Hammer build being viable against Atziri when she cannot be chilled and she resists elemental damage...This is poor design (and I say that reluctantly considering I am actually in favor of almost every design aspect I have seen, save for some of the passive tree changes)...
Still in the alpha stage, but at least build diversity isn't an issue:

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