Do not mess with Queen Atziri
immunity should be changed to -50% chance to be frozen/ignited/shocked.
it's ridiculous to negate the whole reason elemental has lower damage/leech/etc than physical... |
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" She can be damaged by elemental, she´s only have immunity to critical forms of elemental damage. So people can´t develop some tricks as freeze all time... Did anyone already kill her? Any news? |
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Mind that she can ALSO have great armour - I would be surprised if she didn't. And don't all bosses have reduced effect of curses?
IGN: Drusek
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" GGG has never said they want the game to be balanced for the solo/self-found player. In fact, I get the feeling that it is the opposite: PoE is an online game, so they design the game for players who actually interact with each other in more meaningful ways than political arguments in global 1. It is your choice to try to play the game in a way for which it was not designed. If you find it more fun that way, good for you, but GGG cannot design the game specifically for everyone and not have it be a watered-down pile of crap. |
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" Sorry that I don't enjoy mindless skill spam with 5 other people while poor boss has no idea what to do and in result parties faceroll 99% of this game's content.In my opinion games like PoE or Diablo are best if you play solo or with max 2 friends.This makes game fun,actually challenging and you can get quite alot of advantage by your actual gameplay skills,not overpowered synergies between 6 builds,having all possible auras and stuff. |
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And absolut no one gives one damm fuck about what you think is fun or not or what you try to come up with to praise your whatsoever skill. It's not like it is a mechanical hard game anyway, so yeah go whereever you want with your "skill".
The game isn't desinged for selffound, deal with it. |
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What kind of attacks did she use against you? Any fancy stuff like different type of one-shot touch of god kkthxbb skill or some heavy dots paired with instant triple shock stacking lightning balls?
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Some kind of skill like bleed that my es keep dropping and then with around 3 flameblast and I am dead.
IGN: Clovence Last edited by Clovence#5668 on Mar 8, 2014, 3:29:55 AM
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if u r complaining about this, what would you say about the heroic bosses in diablo 2 medianXL mod, who would be immune to everything and drop a single immunity occasionally for a few seconds, giving a small window of opportunity to hurt them.
I like it! Path of Exile is becoming more interesting and challenging by the day. Its only fit for the ultimate boss to be this hard, compared to what a joke merciless dominus/piety is. No build should be able to kill the final boss in the highest difficulty in a game in 5 secs, the way some builds can kill Dominus right now. |
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Dungeon is quite a killer in terms of both survability of a character and performance of machine you would be playing on. Anyway few things to notice: - It's better to kill all bosses at once rather one by one since the remaining ones get a buff of about 1/3 of Fleet mod. This is especially important with the trio in second stage. - Casters, Summoners and Evasion based characters without Ondar's will have hard time there. - Notice that after beating the trio guy dies to some kind of invisible damage dropping him from full health in about one second. - Atziri uses Vaal skills. Last edited by borek664#0255 on Mar 8, 2014, 6:08:04 AM
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