Kotaku unveils Path of Exile's Third Act

Morsexier wrote:
Reading some of the comments really brought home for me how much times have changed for games. People who think being unable to "easily" respec is "archaic", have become the norm of society (of gamers) it seems to me.

Couldn't have said it better myself. Unfortunately, most gamers today are spoon fed everything. There are too few mistakes or deaths to worry about and too few options and customizable features in modern games (though not all).

As Chris stated in the interview however, "I would say that Path of Exile is a game for people who care about intelligent character builds in action-RPGs". This is what will set apart a hardcore gamer from a casual gamer.

Anyway, bring on open beta!! I cannot wait. =)
Last edited by Abattoir#4661 on Oct 15, 2012, 9:30:03 PM
Quite a reveal on that site. Worth reading the article just for the Act 3 summary, penned I presume by Edwin or Brian. Maybe.

I typically avoid Kotaku, given that its readership typically represents everything I find detestable about current gamers and the internet in general -- heck, I'd still be 'off the internet' in a social sense if not for PoE and its community. I want to wave my hand and say to GGG 'these are not the gamers you are looking for', but exposure is good and it's not like anyone really takes the Kotaku peanut gallery seriously at all.

Even that commentator Progammer quoted in full has very little validity by virtue of the fact that he or she is spilling their guts...in the Kotaku commentary section.

Anyway, if some people reading that came here and had a poke and a browse, then it certainly wasn't in vain. :)

Account sharing/boosting is a bannable offence. No ifs, ands, or buts. No exceptions. Not even for billionaires.

Post this sentiment publicly and see how long it lasts here.
You know you've made it when you've got haters.
BurnOutBrighter wrote:
You know you've made it when you've got haters.


Still the article did have some new info if not many other redeeming qualities.
Forum Sheriff
Sigh, they really should have disabled comments on that website. It's a shame those idiotic comments might deter some people from looking into this game. Anyway, can't wait for Act 3! One of those screenshots (with the statues) looked like a temple from Zelda, pretty cool. 2 months baby.
Pictionary wrote:
Sigh, they really should have disabled comments on that website. It's a shame those idiotic comments might deter some people from looking into this game. Anyway, can't wait for Act 3! One of those screenshots (with the statues) looked like a temple from Zelda, pretty cool. 2 months baby.

Comments are good, and so are the trolls who hate the game and the fanboys who defend it. It means they're talking about the game and getting the word out.
When in doubt, keep Total Biscuit's number in your pocket. Dude gets a ton of views, and if anyone has intelligent, worthwhile things to say about POE, its T.B. no doubt.
"The path of a true warrior is not how strong you become to defeat others; but how strong you become to protect those who matter most."

Yhuma - melee Dagger Shadow

Hah, a city, I totally called it

except I can't find the relevant post >.<
Progammer wrote:
This comment is like gold, real gold. I really do appreciate the effort.

I worked with these guys once, right at the (relative) beginning of this project, in late 2007. The fourth of the four friends was gone and it was just the three of them and myself in one of their garages. Back then they were a year in and intending to release definitely sometime in 2008. From what I understand/remember their initial funding came from a business Chris had duping Diablo 2 items and selling them online for real money. Questionable ethics aside, they had a real advantage in terms of resource.

The lead programmer spent his time sleeping (snoring) on a couch and playing Team Fortress 2 all day. The only one who seemed to get much done was the artist. I was straight out of game school, put to work on a useless tool with no actual real task other than "clean this code up." Eventually I lost motivation and found other stuff to do and they told me they would have no more work for me after that other stuff and that was fine with me.

Credit to them, their initial goal with this was to basically create a next-gen Diablo 2 where THEY sell the items (pre-empting our current microtransactions). The business plan was ahead of its time but they have more than missed the boat, as now that Diablo 3 is out and everything has microtransactions and DLC, there seems to be nothing special about the product they are offering.

Several years later I'm unimpressed with what they have achieved. With the resources they had they could have done for more than they have. Instead they put out this trash and then go around publicizing it as though its something to be proud of. They also had the nerve to give "lectures" to people at the last games industry conference even though, despite that they have created this... software they haven't really achieved any real success and therefore, in my book, are thoroughly unqualified to be giving any advice. Indeed I went to the lead programmer's talk (which was about skilltree design, because that makes sense...?) and it was literally the worst one of the whole conference. He got ripped up in the question time afterwards fairly badly and I almost felt sorry for him. Almost.

Unfortunately, news stories like this on such a well-read website such as Kotaku will only serve to inflate their already over-sized egos, when really what these guys have always needed is a reality check (and some exercise, christ even the skinny guy 5 years ago is a fatass now).

They like to paint themselves, and indeed the article above helps to paint them as a few rogues who started out with nothing and have played by their own rules and come out on top after a long 6 year slog. The fact is, from my own (admittedly limited) experience, the anecdotes in industry I have heard and the FACTS (6 years and still not released) they were actually a bunch of lazy arrogant snobs who started out with plenty of resource, squandered it, ignored the advice and refused the help of people who knew more about what they were doing (playing by their own rules, remember?) and after it all...still really haven't accomplished much at all.

"Perfectionists?" I would be embarrassed to use that word about myself on the verge of releasing a product like Path of Exile.

The person obvious has a bug up their ass. What makes me interested is why? All of the statements are personal attacks said against GGG, however they are so well generalized they cannot be researched or verified. The Lecture statement and the shot at quality of the game are so well (badly?) written that you cannot start a discussion about it. This seems to be a very well done troll post, which just raises the question: why?
Lou102 wrote:
Progammer wrote:
This comment is like gold, real gold. I really do appreciate the effort.

I worked with these guys once, right at the (relative) beginning of this project, in late 2007. The fourth of the four friends was gone and it was just the three of them and myself in one of their garages. Back then they were a year in and intending to release definitely sometime in 2008. From what I understand/remember their initial funding came from a business Chris had duping Diablo 2 items and selling them online for real money. Questionable ethics aside, they had a real advantage in terms of resource.

The lead programmer spent his time sleeping (snoring) on a couch and playing Team Fortress 2 all day. The only one who seemed to get much done was the artist. I was straight out of game school, put to work on a useless tool with no actual real task other than "clean this code up." Eventually I lost motivation and found other stuff to do and they told me they would have no more work for me after that other stuff and that was fine with me.

Credit to them, their initial goal with this was to basically create a next-gen Diablo 2 where THEY sell the items (pre-empting our current microtransactions). The business plan was ahead of its time but they have more than missed the boat, as now that Diablo 3 is out and everything has microtransactions and DLC, there seems to be nothing special about the product they are offering.

Several years later I'm unimpressed with what they have achieved. With the resources they had they could have done for more than they have. Instead they put out this trash and then go around publicizing it as though its something to be proud of. They also had the nerve to give "lectures" to people at the last games industry conference even though, despite that they have created this... software they haven't really achieved any real success and therefore, in my book, are thoroughly unqualified to be giving any advice. Indeed I went to the lead programmer's talk (which was about skilltree design, because that makes sense...?) and it was literally the worst one of the whole conference. He got ripped up in the question time afterwards fairly badly and I almost felt sorry for him. Almost.

Unfortunately, news stories like this on such a well-read website such as Kotaku will only serve to inflate their already over-sized egos, when really what these guys have always needed is a reality check (and some exercise, christ even the skinny guy 5 years ago is a fatass now).

They like to paint themselves, and indeed the article above helps to paint them as a few rogues who started out with nothing and have played by their own rules and come out on top after a long 6 year slog. The fact is, from my own (admittedly limited) experience, the anecdotes in industry I have heard and the FACTS (6 years and still not released) they were actually a bunch of lazy arrogant snobs who started out with plenty of resource, squandered it, ignored the advice and refused the help of people who knew more about what they were doing (playing by their own rules, remember?) and after it all...still really haven't accomplished much at all.

"Perfectionists?" I would be embarrassed to use that word about myself on the verge of releasing a product like Path of Exile.

The person obvious has a bug up their ass. What makes me interested is why? All of the statements are personal attacks said against GGG, however they are so well generalized they cannot be researched or verified. The Lecture statement and the shot at quality of the game are so well (badly?) written that you cannot start a discussion about it. This seems to be a very well done troll post, which just raises the question: why?

My good sir or madam, to a troll, the question "Why" has no meaning. To them a better question is "Why not?" To be honest, People trying to deface games, new or old is nothing new. especially die-hard fanboys of opposing games. Believe it or not, POE is talked about every now and then on the D3 Games, Tech, Etc forums and you know what that tells me? It is spreading. slowly but surely.
"The path of a true warrior is not how strong you become to defeat others; but how strong you become to protect those who matter most."

Yhuma - melee Dagger Shadow

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