{3.2.0} Spectral Gods: [Life Based Spectre/Golem Hybrid Summoner | Clear Speed | End Game Bossing]

HeisenbergBlue wrote:
Hello again friend!

It caps at 56/44 for me. I can survive an INSTANT hit of 5000+ dmg running prism + NA in the scenario I was describing...can you? I see you still have some sand stuck up in your gem slots!

You seem like the kind of guy who knows it all, so maybe you can help me instead of arguing with me. Is that 4% on my hat stacking with my cloak? If it isn't I'd much rather wear this other hat for better stats.

and you're still butthurt! =P

I see your 5k spike tank and raise you my ability to switch between a 3k life + 1.3k mana 280/38 mfer/mf culler and 3.8k+1.5k 77/77/77/66 res group carry =3

could have even more life in carry mode if I wasn't too lazy to also swap sadima+perandus+goldwyrm...

anyways, no one's actually tested, but by the wording of the hat compared to wording on cloak, it should stack additively and let you cap at 56:44
I run 240/20 with 4.9k effective using NA and prism.

You know why I have these boots guy? I like CWDT-cry-call and arc arm there, but anytime I want I can run red mana-purlight-purefire-purecold for groups.

I'm bored of you now, in the words of Mr. Wonderful...You're dead to me. Anyone know how to block someone on forums?

P.S. How did it feel when the entire basis of your argument yesterday was proven wrong by multiple people?
Please do not derail this thread with off topic or hostile arguments. This breaches our Forum Guidelines and may result in your forum access being restricted. If you have any concerns or questions about this please don't hesitate to contact me.
Hey! After having vendored by a tiring night feu my lovely wideswing.
Her little sister is coming

Will 6 link it soon and maybe sell it ;)

Today was also a good day, i think tha kind of shield may be good for iron reflexes build :
(for that one i did search it a bit... thinking i idnadvertly vendored it.

By the way i dont come to advertise :

Ill invite some of us fellow summoner who own a Guardian and can snapshot, to a lovely
Guardian Party (pun intended)
Rule would be very simple, cause you need to wear a nice suit:
For you AND your guardian.
Having one of us have a
(or on his AG if he is thnaky enough.
We need also an Hex master, i can provide some doedre or corrupted amy, tricurse is also mandatory for the hex master.
a Mfer (i could do that but only as far as 450/8, so if better come in)

Second rule, cause it's a "Guardian Party"
No Zombie
No Skelies
Only 2 Titties allowed per summoner.

If interested, lets talk about it :)

final word.
I tested 6 L zombies
RZ + Melee Splash + Melee Phys. + Remote mine + Trap + Increased AOE

And i have to admit they suck big time... lost 2 on the climb to only merc Dominus.

On the other hand:
RZ + Melee Psys on full life + Melee Phys. + Remote mine + Trap + Stun / Min Damage

do WONDERS!! Flesh offering is mandatory in this case to see them stun like there is no tomorrow :)
You ARE my Bitch of burden!
"Stay Alive exile! Or you'll be the next zombie someone raises off the beach." - Altnaharra
" Be Excellent To Each Other" -MikeP_GGG
"If you die to yourself are you still the victor? " - BEX_GGG
Just finish reading and catching.

One time i did the math, cause mom work that way:

Atk, then hit is calculated.
Then AA reduction for phy and fire
Then armor reduction / res ele / chaos
The resulting damage is then added to you mana pool (mana gained as dmg tken)
then mom
then your hit point.

I was using this mechanics to lower a bit more physical dmg with a darkscorn and 75 chaos res.

For exemple against TTBS and AA l17
Let's say they critts for 1k dmg:
500k fire and 500k phys
AA stage -150 of each
==> 350 fire and 350 phys
Armor reduction 3% Fire Res 82%
==>339.5 Phys and 63 Fire dmg
Darkscorn 25% as chaos
==>254.25 Phys 85.25 chaos 63 fire dmg
Chaos res 75
====> 254.25 Phys 63 Fire 20.56 Chaos

Cause im playing low life:
============ MOM=========
254.25 phys removed from my ES
63 fire dmg REmoved from my ES
12.33 Removed from my life (chaos dmg) 8.5 removed from my mana

LIfe build

========= MOM ==========
Total Damage
254.25 phys 152.55 from life rest from mana: 101.7
63 fire dmg 37.8 from life rest from mana : 25.2
12.33 chaos dmg from life rest from mana :8.5

So for an 1k atk only 202.68 are removed from life and 135.4 from mana

69 choas damage from
For the sake of simplicity let's imagine i have 4k life and 2000 mana (not the usual 6/4)
6/4 damage needed to kill me should be 5600 dmg (life +mana + mom)
in fact i will only receive (same exemple as above a big big big Bonet U Titties bitch critt

===Lactating aftermath===

Total Damage
1423.52 phys 854.2 from life rest from mana: 569.52
352.8 fire dmg 211.68 from life rest from mana : 140
69 chaos dmg from life rest from mana :47
=== lactating cheezed ;)

1134.88 from life 756.52 from mana

to be killed in that configuration it need to do more than 15k dmg to overcome the mana pool.

If by chance you'l be wearing some corrupted gear and rejuv totem + vitality you could go as far as:
45% mom and 46% from mana gain.
rougly 2% regen so 80hp/sec +100 hp/sec from rejuv + lets say life 400 HP par leech LL
580HP/sec you could tank it for a few secondes :)

Time to go to bed, :)
You ARE my Bitch of burden!
"Stay Alive exile! Or you'll be the next zombie someone raises off the beach." - Altnaharra
" Be Excellent To Each Other" -MikeP_GGG
"If you die to yourself are you still the victor? " - BEX_GGG
HeisenbergBlue wrote:
I run 240/20 with 4.9k effective using NA and prism.

You know why I have these boots guy? I like CWDT-cry-call and arc arm there, but anytime I want I can run red mana-purlight-purefire-purecold for groups.

I'm bored of you now, in the words of Mr. Wonderful...You're dead to me. Anyone know how to block someone on forums?

P.S. How did it feel when the entire basis of your argument yesterday was proven wrong by multiple people?

I'll concede when I test it ingame and see that it works as they say. but even then, it would only make a cwdt setup improve from being suicide to being weak and extremely situational, and would still not be something you recommend to someone with survivability issues unless they only thing they die to are multiple hits in quick succession, which aren't common unless he was doing something idiotic, like charging in first to grab all the aggro, then standing still so zombies don't take aggro off. so my original point still stands

multiple was only 2 anyways, and the second only used bosses as the main example. EC/decoy both work inconsistently on unis, if at all, which I'm pretty sure I already mentioned. and most bosses, the danger is getting one shotted, not multihit phys burst. the latter would only apply to like chaska and that fish from labyrinthe

I've partied with friends when I first started when we all ran terribad builds that struggle against whites, and we've always used EC to pull aggro off them when necessary. I even theorycrafted a perm IC spectres only nem summoner concept around it, after being unsatisfied with the available nem builds at the time that sacrifice massive dps to stack life and reach down for IR and burn all their mana on a 4 core grace+deter+pur+vit setup
lk_77lk wrote:
Just finish reading and catching.

One time i did the math, cause mom work that way:

Atk, then hit is calculated.
Then AA reduction for phy and fire
Then armor reduction / res ele / chaos
The resulting damage is then added to you mana pool (mana gained as dmg tken)
then mom
then your hit point.

I was using this mechanics to lower a bit more physical dmg with a darkscorn and 75 chaos res.

For exemple against TTBS and AA l17
Let's say they critts for 1k dmg:
500k fire and 500k phys
AA stage -150 of each
==> 350 fire and 350 phys
Armor reduction 3% Fire Res 82%
==>339.5 Phys and 63 Fire dmg
Darkscorn 25% as chaos
==>254.25 Phys 85.25 chaos 63 fire dmg
Chaos res 75
====> 254.25 Phys 63 Fire 20.56 Chaos

Cause im playing low life:
============ MOM=========
254.25 phys removed from my ES
63 fire dmg REmoved from my ES
12.33 Removed from my life (chaos dmg) 8.5 removed from my mana

LIfe build

========= MOM ==========
Total Damage
254.25 phys 152.55 from life rest from mana: 101.7
63 fire dmg 37.8 from life rest from mana : 25.2
12.33 chaos dmg from life rest from mana :8.5

So for an 1k atk only 202.68 are removed from life and 135.4 from mana

69 choas damage from
For the sake of simplicity let's imagine i have 4k life and 2000 mana (not the usual 6/4)
6/4 damage needed to kill me should be 5600 dmg (life +mana + mom)
in fact i will only receive (same exemple as above a big big big Bonet U Titties bitch critt

===Lactating aftermath===

Total Damage
1423.52 phys 854.2 from life rest from mana: 569.52
352.8 fire dmg 211.68 from life rest from mana : 140
69 chaos dmg from life rest from mana :47
=== lactating cheezed ;)

1134.88 from life 756.52 from mana

to be killed in that configuration it need to do more than 15k dmg to overcome the mana pool.

If by chance you'l be wearing some corrupted gear and rejuv totem + vitality you could go as far as:
45% mom and 46% from mana gain.
rougly 2% regen so 80hp/sec +100 hp/sec from rejuv + lets say life 400 HP par leech LL
580HP/sec you could tank it for a few secondes :)

Time to go to bed, :)

no way. at the very least res has to be factored in before AA reduction. -max maps very easily make voidbearers go from dealing 0 damage to possibly lethal

I've always heard armor goes before AA too. there was a thread in general about it a few weeks ago, and I think the consensus was something like:

conversion (coil, darkscorn, cloak of flame, etc)
I just forgot:
For a life build like many have hrer :
Darkscorn with 1 blue for zombies/spectres then rest is green green red green
Split arrows + LGoH + chains + faster atk + faster projectiles/culling strike/blind or whatever you feel
If you have enough mob in the surrounding and they shoukd due to the low damage of an archer summoner you will refill your life pool super fast like 1 to 1.5k per shot.
You ARE my Bitch of burden!
"Stay Alive exile! Or you'll be the next zombie someone raises off the beach." - Altnaharra
" Be Excellent To Each Other" -MikeP_GGG
"If you die to yourself are you still the victor? " - BEX_GGG
Last edited by WIKARINA#1936 on Apr 22, 2014, 8:20:02 PM
Nope, cannot quote but it will be easy to find:
Armor/ res
Life/es pool
If armour would be taken before mom you wont notice that much thebeffect if it.

Just try I in pvp wit an attack witout armour and aa and with mom
Then wear armour
Tehn activate aa

Tme to sleep no mkre battery on cell


Didjt found the llik but im tired its a quote from gg about mom and managainin the special case of darkscorn I think I messed a bit:
The 500k phys: 25% from hit are converted to chaos then aa/armor red. So basically it means more tankiness for higher burst damage cause only 375 phys will sta, 125 dmg will go through 75 chaos red. Im too tired to math it but I think it should look like:
Physical = physical - (1.25 physical) - 150 -(physical % armour)

Im too tir3d hopefully a smarter and fresher summo er woukd correct comllete it

Wishing you all a nice summoning night
You ARE my Bitch of burden!
"Stay Alive exile! Or you'll be the next zombie someone raises off the beach." - Altnaharra
" Be Excellent To Each Other" -MikeP_GGG
"If you die to yourself are you still the victor? " - BEX_GGG
Last edited by WIKARINA#1936 on Apr 22, 2014, 8:36:24 PM
Do you really need all those calculations?? High damage from jumping frogs/undead charges penetrates your armor dealing the same damage with or without IR. Like mattc, I was running IR for a long time, then switched out of it and... It was the same!

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