{3.2.0} Spectral Gods: [Life Based Spectre/Golem Hybrid Summoner | Clear Speed | End Game Bossing]

If you want more physical defense go down to IR and grab grace as an aura. That combo alone should net you around 8k armor or approx 55% physical reduction.

IR build + cloak

Sacrifice some minion nodes and aura nodes for physical defense.

I honestly find cloak and AA combined to be enough physical defense to tank just about anything end game. You have 15 charges of instant 500 hp to spam.

CWDT will be counter productive if you set it up with enduring cry. It will draw all the agroo to you and not to your minions. Not to mention you have low physical resistance already so endurance charges isn't boosting much. Combining it with immortal call is ok but it won't prevent the first burst of damage but it will help in mitigating getting hit rapidly aka getting charges,leapslammed more than once.

What you need to prevent is the massive physical damage from something like a rhoa charge

Here are some things you can do
- spam instant pots
- work on getting a larger hp pool
- more left over mana for MoM mitagation
- higher level of AA to flat out prevent dmg
- CWDT with moltenshell
- CWDT with enduringcry/immortalcall/IncDura
- granite flask
- playstyle: be more alert rhoas and leap slammers are easy to dodge
- playstyle: run in than run back into your army, most of the agroo on you should diffuse

Necronomicon: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1617098
Build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/409940
Summoner Dischord: https://discord.gg/XwWdSUa
Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/zhoukon
Last edited by mattc3303#7526 on Apr 21, 2014, 4:46:47 PM
testinglk wrote:

there's nothing debatable about having a swarm of hasted blue frogs suddenly swarm leap slamming you en masse and kiting your whole army cuz you walked into a 200 damage arctic breathe and now you're running for your life and away from your army, while crit damage rhoas from the next screen body bump through your army and charge straight at you instead, and then you get stunlocked and die a horrible death as soon as your 2s of phys immune drops

there's nothing can or cannot about end charges. ec will cast first if you put it first in the link, and 2nd if you put it after. 0.25s of immune does nothing when you just pulled the entire screen into mauling you and is basically suicide, so having ec first would already be the best case scenario

drawing the whole screen aggro to yourself is retarded. and this is coming from a summoner who plays a summoner build designed to facetank and share aggro with my army................

I was giving helpful advice and you busted out the R-word on me...so I figured I'd play with knives too. It also seems you took me up on my debate. Firstly you must have some sand stuck up in there if you're scared of some frogs hitting you. Second I figure you should be more down with EC since it appears you like taunting. Third I need this when things are up in my grill hitting me anyways(charge/wormhole), I'm taunting things that are already hitting me..or about to hit me...who cares. I'll take 2sec over .43s immune which is the other option. It's all dead in under 2secs anyways with good gear. You play how you want guy I really don't care, I stand by my advice.
HeisenbergBlue wrote:
testinglk wrote:

there's nothing debatable about having a swarm of hasted blue frogs suddenly swarm leap slamming you en masse and kiting your whole army cuz you walked into a 200 damage arctic breathe and now you're running for your life and away from your army, while crit damage rhoas from the next screen body bump through your army and charge straight at you instead, and then you get stunlocked and die a horrible death as soon as your 2s of phys immune drops

there's nothing can or cannot about end charges. ec will cast first if you put it first in the link, and 2nd if you put it after. 0.25s of immune does nothing when you just pulled the entire screen into mauling you and is basically suicide, so having ec first would already be the best case scenario

drawing the whole screen aggro to yourself is retarded. and this is coming from a summoner who plays a summoner build designed to facetank and share aggro with my army................

I was giving helpful advice and you busted out the R-word on me...so I figured I'd play with knives too. It also seems you took me up on my debate. Firstly you must have some sand stuck up in there if you're scared of some frogs hitting you. Second I figure you should be more down with EC since it appears you like taunting. Third I need this when things are up in my grill hitting me anyways(charge/wormhole), I'm taunting things that are already hitting me..or about to hit me...who cares. I'll take 2sec over .43s immune which is the other option. It's all dead in under 2secs anyways with good gear. You play how you want guy I really don't care, I stand by my advice.

...grow skin? why are you posting your opinion if you take disagreement so personally

frogs are terrifying. I don't know what version of poe you're playing, but even white sceptre ones do well over 100 hp through a level 19 aa and mom. a pack of them can easily take off over 1k. a haste pack in maps with damage mods is just as terrifying as any devourer

I never even suggested to go naked IC. I think cwdt on summoner is just plain weak. my suggestion would've been to just get real mitigation. either IR+deter if going full aura reservation, or AA+cloak if stacking mana. defense isn't like damage, you can't just lazily string some gems together and expect to have any real survivability. invest in it

being forced to stand there for 2s and just praying your army kills everything in time is, for obvious reasons, not reliable. if you have good gear, you can afford a cloak or coil for defense. you're also vastly underestimating how massive EC radius is, or that summoners won't generally have much aggro to begin with. you're mostly gonna have a handful on you, after which you can just casually walk behind their zombies anyways. in no situation would you ever want the whole screen to suddenly start focusing you down when you're likely the squishiest body in the group

and let's not even get into fractured mobs. IC isn't gonna save you when you eat 20 bodyblocked in discharges to the face cuz a discharger flickered in and died at bad time
Last edited by testinglk#0846 on Apr 21, 2014, 8:08:44 PM
Only 100 of damage? im normally be hitting by 1.5k, in 2 hit blow my ES and is time to run.

Im using cwdt+EC+MoltenShell+decoy totem replaced now by increased duration.
But im thinking that the physical damage in not the problem, generally im not in melee range, what are killing me is the big aoe damage (i have max elem. res.)

I dont notice that EC taunt the mobs, unless they are very close to me.

i have all the aura nodes, but i cant use more than 2 60% aura + clarity + reduce mana, what im doing wrong?

Sorry for my english
Last edited by sebaper#4904 on Apr 21, 2014, 8:28:27 PM
testinglk wrote:

...grow skin? why are you posting your opinion if you take disagreement so personally

frogs are terrifying. I don't know what version of poe you're playing, but even white sceptre ones do well over 100 hp through a level 19 aa and mom. a pack of them can easily take off over 1k. a haste pack in maps with damage mods is just as terrifying as any devourer

I never even suggested to go naked IC. I think cwdt on summoner is just plain weak. my suggestion would've been to just get real mitigation. either IR+deter if going full aura reservation, or AA+cloak if stacking mana. defense isn't like damage, you can't just lazily string some gems together and expect to have any real survivability. invest in it

being forced to stand there for 2s and just praying your army kills everything in time is, for obvious reasons, not reliable. if you have good gear, you can afford a cloak or coil for defense. you're also vastly underestimating how massive EC radius is, or that summoners won't generally have much aggro to begin with. you're mostly gonna have a handful on you, after which you can just casually walk behind their zombies anyways. in no situation would you ever want the whole screen to suddenly start focusing you down when you're likely the squishiest body in the group

and let's not even get into fractured mobs. IC isn't gonna save you when you eat 20 bodyblocked in discharges to the face cuz a discharger flickered in and died at bad time

I simply chose to defend my opinion...is that allowed at least?...apparently I cannot post if I take disagreement personally.

P.S. I think all of your suggestions are retarded! I hope we're done guy, but if you want some more keep replying I'll give ya some more.
testinglk wrote:

I never even suggested to go naked IC. I think cwdt on summoner is just plain weak. my suggestion would've been to just get real mitigation. either IR+deter if going full aura reservation, or AA+cloak if stacking mana. defense isn't like damage, you can't just lazily string some gems together and expect to have any real survivability. invest in it

being forced to stand there for 2s and just praying your army kills everything in time is, for obvious reasons, not reliable. if you have good gear, you can afford a cloak or coil for defense. you're also vastly underestimating how massive EC radius is, or that summoners won't generally have much aggro to begin with. you're mostly gonna have a handful on you, after which you can just casually walk behind their zombies anyways. in no situation would you ever want the whole screen to suddenly start focusing you down when you're likely the squishiest body in the group

EC does not stick monsters on you. It would be instadeath in groups if it worked like that. As long as you are not the closest thing to them when you use EC they will keep attacking your minions.

You obviously never even tried it

Dogs Summoner - http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/885199
sebaper wrote:
Only 100 of damage? im normally be hitting by 1.5k, in 2 hit blow my ES and is time to run.

Im using cwdt+EC+MoltenShell+decoy totem replaced now by increased duration.
But im thinking that the physical damage in not the problem, generally im not in melee range, what are killing me is the big aoe damage (i have max elem. res.)

I dont notice that EC taunt the mobs, unless they are very close to me.

i have all the aura nodes, but i cant use more than 2 60% aura + clarity + reduce mana, what im doing wrong?

Sorry for my english

you need more hp probably. cwdt molten shell is also really weak ever since 1.0.0. if you're gonna use molten shell for armor, self cast it so you can level it as high as you can. you're not gonna make frog leap damage manageable with anything less than 10k armor though. they only do 100+ to me only cuz AA+MoM is ridiculously op

I'd also take off decoy totem, cuz that definitely attracts all the aggro straight onto you (technically the totem...which drops right next to you)

HeisenbergBlue wrote:
I simply chose to defend my opinion...is that allowed at least?...apparently I cannot post if I take disagreement personally.

P.S. I think all of your suggestions are retarded! I hope we're done guy, but if you want some more keep replying I'll give ya some more.

being butthurt and resorting to ad hominem is a defense mechanism. it's not the same as defending your opinion. but yes, do continue

Amiag wrote:

EC does not stick monsters on you. It would be instadeath in groups if it worked like that. As long as you are not the closest thing to them when you use EC they will keep attacking your minions.

You obviously never even tried it

I've experimented with it in early dom/nem, and distinctly remember it being suicide. they might've ninja patched it, but that's doubtful. it's not so much aggro sticking so much as it's really hard to lose it on very fast mobs...like frogs

some unis are immune to the aggro change altogether
Puppy Dogs
Last edited by HeisenbergBlue#7907 on Apr 22, 2014, 12:03:10 AM
HeisenbergBlue wrote:
testinglk wrote:

being butthurt and resorting to ad hominem is a defense mechanism. it's not the same as defending your opinion. but yes, do continue

I am guilty of using a logical fallacy. Straw man...all along you think I REALLY care what you think about about my opinion? I hate trolls who go around thinking they are always right and calling things retarded. Sometimes I choose to troll them back for fun...welcome to the club. It was literally never about you disagreeing with me...but your tone and word choice.

P.S. What's the name of that stupid old movie where they have like the dance battles? More requested and given. I really am done with you at this point...I'd like to say it was fun.

......that's not what strawman means either. ...or trolls, for that matter

"Sometimes I choose to troll them back for fun"
"I really am done with you at this point...I'd like to say it was fun."
.................or fun, even

some people made a terribad ddr movie where they dance battled. I don't remember the 80s one. pretty sure I don't want to though
I agree. EC/immortal call do nothing against high damage. Just a waste of 3 sockets.

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