{3.2.0} Spectral Gods: [Life Based Spectre/Golem Hybrid Summoner | Clear Speed | End Game Bossing]
What is NA and EC?
GGG listens to its fans!!! Thank you!
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" NA is the Necromantic Aegis keystone east of the scion start EC is --- Why is no one using Chieftains anymore? I tried one today, and he kept 2-3 charges up at all times, did die after 4 hours of spamming 75s (not too bad, considering how fast you can get him up and running again). I found my clearspeed noticeably higher using 6L Zs and 2 evas and him, compared to 6L Zs and 3 Evas, 6L Zs and 3 TMs, 5L Zs and 3 6L Evas or TMs, ... basically all other stuff i tried (including the weird shit, like prolif arcmages lol) I linked him BM - FastCast - Minion Life - Increased AoE (want to try Minion Speed soon though). Need to test if BM is still needed to make him spam Frenzy Charges, although theres not a lot that helps him, support gem wise). Seemed to keep up 2-3 charges at all times, depending on how long fights lasted and how long the times of running between packs ended up being (he only casts when in combat it seems) Anyone got recent experience with Chieftain?
Living the dream :D
disregard gems
Last edited by Inkompetentia#4501 on Apr 23, 2014, 11:37:59 PM
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" where u summon the Chieftains? |
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" I run this setup in maps up to 70, and for piety runs. For the most part invasion bosses are no problem except for the ones that: 1) Are so AoE based that even my mon'tregul tabula snapshottted zombies get insta gibbed 2) constantly blink on top of me THe selection of bosses that seem to spawn in lunaris isn't that bad. chaos degen blink guy, the chaos dog, ribbon boss (kinda sucks but easy to skip). I at times have "scary" moments but with instant flasks they really aren't that bad at all. The damage doesn't feel very spikey with 40% MoM and 77% resistances. if i sacrificed a little bit of rarity, like the aurseize or my 30% ring, i could get another chunk of health if needed. even in my "mapping" gear which gets me up to about 3900hp, i still have respectable rarity. I Run with a super tanky cyclone marauder friend, so not only do my minions tank out in front of me, but so does he. with decent life and mana avail, a almost max AA, and MoM... I kinda agree with others that if something is going to one shot you it is going to at 2900 health or at 3900 health. If you are in the position that that kind of damage is coming out and instant life flask spamming isn't going to save you, you probably are going to die anyway. I still run an EC/IC setup.... considering dropping it now with all of this discussion going on about it being useless... someone wanna do the math for me? :) are 3 endurance charges really negligible since we have little to no armor? feel free to add me in game, TheFloor_MF and you could tag along for some piety runs and see how it goes. Last edited by poppawheelie#2346 on Apr 24, 2014, 10:01:57 AM
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This is how i perceive cwdt + enduring cry + q20 immortal call + increased duration.
Please correct me if i'm wrong. There is a lot of text so i will put it inside a spoiler
Increased duration: l20q20 74% id.
Immortal call q20: Additional +0.2 seconds Base Duration per Endurance Charge A low level IM (with the above links ) will give you around 0.74s / charge + base duration 0.25. 0 charge 0.435 sec 1 charge 1.7s sec 2 charges 2.94 sec 3 charges 4.199 sec Each gem have their own cooldown: -Enduring cry 4sec -Immortal call 0.25 sec Cast time: -Immortal call 0.85 sec -Enduring cry 0.5 sec You can trigger immortal call with 0 charges for 0,43 sec while you are waiting for enduring cry. So it should work like this: Damage -> enduring cry cast time 0.5 sec -> x charges -> cooldown 4 sec -> new cycle Damage -> immortal call cast time 0.85 sec -> invulnerable from 0.435s up to 4.2 sec -> new damage will trigger it with 0 charges (0.85 sec vulnerable to damage -> invulnerable for 0.435 sec) -> repeat until you get charges. The physical invulnerability is longer of the cooldown.So i ignored it. Basically 1 charge scenario (cast + cooldown on EC) under heavy fire :) 0.85 sec vulnerability -> 1.7 sec 100% phy reduction (cooldown expire) -> 0.85s vulnerable -> 0.43 sec 100% phy reduction -> cast time 0.85s when EC charges should kick in Summary: 2.13 sec immune inside a 4.68 sec interval. If you can generate 2 charges with EC: 0.85 sec vulnerability -> 2.94 sec 100% phy reduction -> 0.85s vulnerable while casting and the new EC charge should be in place before IM finish casting Summary: 2.94 sec immunity in 4.63 sec cycle You can trigger this scenario with 1 mob + unique flask (Doedre's Elixir if remember correctly). The next step to improve this would be: -add faster casting -use 2 links (cwdt + enduring cry, cwdt + immortal call + faster casting/enduring cry) and tweak the numbers Speculation : cast immortal call + faster casting + increased duration manually if you can make it last longer then the cast time ? :) Summary: 1 charge 2.13 sec immune inside a 4.68 sec interval (43% up) 2 charge 2.94 sec immunity in 4.63 sec cycle (64% up) This is based on my knowledge i'm not sure it it 100% accurate. Feel free to correct me or :) post an improved version. Best regards. minion stats: http://goo.gl/gQxs0w Modifiers: http://goo.gl/jGIr8b Zombie dps calculator: http://goo.gl/XIStJV Last edited by Galax201#1110 on Apr 24, 2014, 11:13:44 AM
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Posting about Enduring Cry and Immortal Call?...Welcome to the danger zone.
I play NA and gear all for ES, I have 0%block 0armour 12%evasion(thanks cloak). I have 3free gem slots after all my auras/skills. This combo solves the biggest weakness of my personal variation of this spec, with an opportunity cost of zero. It will vary from spec to spec, I can see how someone using a shield and/or gearing ARM/EV could have little use for this combo. I'm in the "like it" camp anyways for what it's worth. IGN=ZeroLooper
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" act 2, first zone on the right. Since they dont need damage support, you can snapshot them with Minion Life to somewhat make up for their low life due to monsterlevel. |
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" more than once i got myself to ~100 hp (from 5k) and still survived. so i do not agree with the ur "one shot theory", 2901 dmg would kill you, but it wouldn't kill you if you had 3900 health. but ofc that on lunaris i relly doubt that could happen... Hear this words but once and they will echo in your nightmares forever!
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About chieftains: not better to get them in tropical island (lv 66 to 67 chieftains) ?
Sorry too tired but BM (if not minions. .if not bloodmagic...what support is it ? About immortal call, why not coupling with lets say IM Discharge + life leeche? You use doedre elixir one of the cheapest unique flask: You get one charge of each type per use. You could also spam the 5 of them and get all full charges so maybe a 5 sec of Im+ a free Emergency LL and at minus 12% more armor You ARE my Bitch of burden!
"Stay Alive exile! Or you'll be the next zombie someone raises off the beach." - Altnaharra " Be Excellent To Each Other" -MikeP_GGG "If you die to yourself are you still the victor? " - BEX_GGG |
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" life flask woud provide better regen than the Dish + LL imo. Hear this words but once and they will echo in your nightmares forever!
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